Sunday, April 27, 2008

Souvenir Sunday, 1 Clock and 1 Corner

It's back to the vaults full of vintage souvenir slides today! I always enjoy a good night photo, and here's an excellent shot of the Clock of the World and the Hall of Chemistry. The color's a bit weird, but what can ya do. And the lighted interior of the Hall of Chemistry is a bit "blown out", but you can still get a tantalizing glimpse inside.

I like this view of the corner of Center Street, with the Carnation Ice Cream Parlor, taken from across the street (from the roof of the Swift Market House, I believe). It looks like Mayberry down there, only more crowded.


  1. Maybe the nicest night shot I've seen of the park - Ever

  2. There's obviously some sort of chemical reaction going on inside the building!

  3. Great shot of the World Clock... always my favorite. WOW amazing shot of Main Street. Beauties!!!

  4. I love the Tomorrowland photos--especially the night ones.

  5. Anonymous6:18 PM

    That World Clock shot is unbelievable. It looks like little lights at the base. Never noticed that before. Wow.

  6. That Tomorrowland view is delicious. Wasn't Disneyland a stunner?? - especially after dark when the theatrical expertise of the lighting designers could fully kick in. Those colors being bounced off the building face and fountains are sheer delight. If I was there, I would take off running toward them!
