Thursday, July 06, 2006

Submarine and Mermaids, June 1960

As if the post-1959 Tomorrowland wasn't lively enough, there were once real live mermaids swimming in the lagoon! Some say they were just girls in costumes, but I know better. The story goes that on at least one occasion, some love-struck shnook jumped into the water...the mermaid's song cannot be resisted. And on a hot summer day, looking at that blue-green lagoon with groovy girls waving from their island, it might seem like a good idea! Can this be why the mermaids were eventually given their walking papers? Maybe they were just a bit too sexy for Disneyland circa 1960.


  1. with Pirates of the Caribbean having some of its non-PC elements restored, could the mermaids in the lagoon be far behind? Or the Dance Hall Girls of the Golden Horseshoe Revue? One could only hope...

  2. Hey Major- I met one of the guys who went off into the Submarine Lagoon to chase a mermaid. He is actually kind of proud about it.

  3. ONE of the guys??? Maybe it happened daily? Security probably had a special code for it..."We've got another 454....shoot to kill!".
