Sunday, September 08, 2024

Faded Snoozles™

Today's Snoozles? Florida Man says that they "Aren't that bad". Thanks, Florida Man!

Two Skyway gondolas pass each other, like ships in the night (except that it is broad daylight). "Hello, neighbor". "Howdy, friend". That's the beginning and end of their relationship. It's sad, there was so much potential. Those crazy kids never had a chance, dammit (*bangs fist on table*).

In the 1950s, the Rivers of the World was filled with pipin' hot pea soup rather than water, thanks to a surplus (left over from WWII). Guests were given mugs so they could reach down and scoop up a serving, sort of like Willy Wonka's chocolate river. Some lost hands to crocodiles, but it was all part of the fun. 

For those of you who might have missed it, GDB friend Matthew (I call him "Matt"!) chimed in (via the comments) about those "bad show" Mark Twain photos from a few days ago. It's very interesting! We also got a comment from the man with the cigarette, which was awesome! Check it out.


  1. Is that building in the first pic, a Tomorrowland building, or that "pre-Alice" end of the Castle? Inquiring mind want to know!

  2. @ TM!-I was wondering the same thing about that 'structure' - but I can't see how it could possibly be from "Alice". And then again...

    Major- Any time I hear a reference to pea soup, my brain gets stuck with that 'infamous' spoonerism blooper: "The fog was as thick as sea poup"-! (Thank you, Kermit Schafer). If you're unfamiliar with that name, he was responsible for a series of record albums in the 1950's [supposedly] capturing 'the actual' bloopers from the 30's, 40's, & 50's - of which the pea soup faux pas was one.

    Ahhhh.... the reach of GDB - more former CM's weigh-in - AND - Matthew pops back up-!!! I have so missed his informative and all-knowing commentary. Please bless us with your presence going-forward - if you can-!

    Thanks, Major.

  3. Major, WHO'S "Florida Man"??

    Major, I just now tried posting a comment on the Mark Twain GDB post from the other day, but I think you have that date "locked out" to keep spammers off. In case you can't add it, at this point, here it is:

    Matthew, it's great to know you're still with us! I've missed your comments; it's been a while. Glad you're back!

    Smoking Dave, welcome aboard - it's great to hear from you...and I'm glad you quit smoking! Good show!


  4. "Faded Snoozles"... A new category! Well, a sub category anyway.

    Considering that the two passengers in the light blue gondola are facing away from the tan/gold gondola, I don't think they even had the "Hello, neighbor". "Howdy, friend." encounter. But you go on believing whatever your heart desires, Major... I wouldn't want you to hurt your fist. It's kind of an interesting photo. Stark. And to the point. No ambiguity here.

    The Rivers of the World looks more like lentil soup to me, but I like the taste of pea soup better, so pea soup it is! Even though Disney discontinued the practice of handing out mugs by 1960, to this day, you can see more one-handed people than usual in the grocery stores, if you bother to look. I like this photo; I'm keeping it!

    Like Sue, I also want to know who Florida Man is!

    Major, thanks for the heads-up link to Matthew's and Smoking Dave's comments. Somehow I missed it. I hope we hear more from them! And thanks for today's photos; not bad at all!

  5. I believe that’s the Circarama building in the first photo.

    I had forgotten that the Jungle Cruise was originally sponsored by Pea Soup Andersen’s.

    Sue & JB, see Florida Man for more details.

  6. I agree with Chuck, pretty sure it’s the CIRCARAMA building in the skyway pic. It’s a hard view to place though and I’m willing to be wrong.

    I think the Jungle photo is taken from the load dock, the boat is just beginning its journey into the soupy depths of the rain forest. Those taro leaves are certainly healthy and thrifty. This is a great pic, little changed today!

    Thanks Major! I’m off to the MT post to see the added comments, thank you Matt and the Smoking Man!


  7. TokyoMagic!, I was thinking that this was somewhere in Tomorrowland, possibly out toward the Plaza end, somehow it doesn’t look Fantasyland-ish to me.

    Nanook, my dad used to have a few 10-inch Kermit Schafer “Blooper” records, I wonder if we still have them? Maybe they are worth something! My dad was also a big fan of Tom Lehrer, I grew up listening to three of his records. Matthew said something about not having access to GDB, I wish I knew what that meant!

    Lou and Sue, you know, FLORIDA MAN! He’s always getting into shenanigans. And you comment has published on that Mark Twain post - in order to cut down on spam comments, I have it set so that after three days, I have to approve any comment. They show up in my email, and I just hit the “publish” button. You’d be astonished at how many spam comments I reject!

    JB, well sure, once those folks in the gondolas realized that their relationship was over, they couldn’t even face each other. It’s very sad. I’m kind of an expert in these things, having attended the finest junior college. Lentil soup? BLAH! I want to like lentils, but so far I have not had any that I loved. I know they are healthy, yadda yadda. Pea soup with smoky ham, yum. I’m surprised you have not seen some of the many headlines about Florida Man.

    Chuck, yes, the CirCARama building seems about right. Pea Soup Andersen’s, RIP. Thank you for the Florida Man link!

    JG, yes I agree, the second photo shows the jungle launch as it was about to vanish (FOREVER) into the mysterious rain forest. Taro leaves? Huh? I want Tana leaves so that I can bring mummies back to life. I’ll have to leave a comment on that Mark Twain post myself.

  8. Anonymous10:33 AM

    "After consulting with the highest authorities available"... I got nothin' about that building corner. I don't see how it can be the Circarama show building as the flashing/edging really doesn't match. Possibly it's the back of the Mr. Toad's Wild Ride show building - pre Alice in Wonderland - and even that seems a stretch. Even allotting for a flopped image, the mystery remains.

  9. I was the 'anonymous'.

  10. I’m not sure of the date of the Skyway image … but it’s likely 1956-1957…. As the gondolas are in their opening year “flat” colors and seeing the nautical flags in that direction , there is a very good chance that building corner is the backside ( kitchen) of the Tomorrowland YAHT BAR.

  11. Anonymous2:37 PM

    The corner of Art Corner had some very plain sides, with perhaps some Phantom Boat flags behind? Satellite View of America inside. Maybe.


  12. @ MIKE-
    The area around the YACHT CLUB was always my first choice; but I can't find any definitive images that provide the 'smoking gun' showing the "cornice" [or maybe just a gutter] running along the top edge, and the 'downspout'-? running down the right corner...

  13. This would be the YAHT BAR/CLUB s original position before its relocation when the Matterhorn was built. Before the move there was a longer seating area to the Eastern flank of the bar - this was reduced after Matterhorn. I think the photographer is sitting in the original seating area. The CIRCARAMA building which included the Art Corner and other attractions was also my first speculation but the cypress trees are missing …. They were sone of the first things planted in early Tomorrowland and were already moderate growth trees from nursery’s … intended to hid unfinished or backside show buildings …but maybe.

  14. From that view of the skyway …and the nautical flag masts of the Phantom Boats , Yaht bar area …. That corner building would be the ART CORNER and we see no glass panels with the abstract silhouettes on them … that view should be almost entirely glass window panels. The trees visible look like the portable planter shade trees that stood near the Yaht Bar … this is intriguing me. I’m gonna take a look at some blueprints tomorrow and see if I can plot everything out.

  15. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Awesome Mike… I’m checking in again today to ask you if the Yacht Club / Bar really did get turned around?? I can ascertain that from some photos that it must have, but I’ve never actually heard about that happening…seems crazy. I think there was also a bathroom tucked back in there somewhere in the first version. From what I could find today, fun research - a great deal of which included GDB blog posts - the Art Corner had those fabulous panels…but only facing east. Along the Tomorrowland concourse, the west facing angle of that same building is very plain… after a large curving glass façade and maybe our view not quite able to catch some floating bubble forms just below? The trim looks similar enough, but not a thousand percent on it yet. Hope to learn more.


  16. @ MIKE-
    Thanks for digging into this conundrum. Will be interesting to see what you find out,

  17. @ MIKE-
    Try THIS VIEW on for size. I'm returning to the back of the Mr. Toad's Wild Ride show building, again = and it may be possible. (You can even spy the light-flag pole off on the right.

  18. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I think you’ve got it Nanook, the corner drain trim and ‘not-quite-nautical’, but national flags line up better. It’s from the west walk around holiday hill looking north west.


  19. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I love how this view would get fixed as Alice vines and turrets then, with restrooms tucked into rock work.

  20. Chuck, thanks for the link! I had no idea.

    Major, I agree with you about lentils; BLAH! They look a lot like split peas, but they taste more like black-eyed peas; BLAH! again. Thanks to Chuck, I am now up to speed on Florida Man and his many trials and tribulations.

  21. NANOOK… I think you right! We are not even in Tomorrowland!! That explains the missing glass windows of “Art Corner” building … but you are right: I think that is a pre Alice “Toad” show building edge!!

  22. @ MIKE-
    I DO think so; but from the angle of the image, the show building looks so tall-!

  23. Hello all and thank you for your kind words. Major, to help you sleep at night... let me explain my access to your wonderful blog. During COVID, my organization cut access to many non essential healthcare websites and ALL personal blogs. Now, I've been told that, Confession is good for your soul... but bad for your reputation. Because of a very busy personal life, I would often times check GDB during... dare I admit this... paid working hours (but I try to keep it to lunch hour). So, for the longest time I was unable to access your blog from work. Somehow, magically, one day recently your blog was white listed for me. Maybe they saw how often I attempted to visit. Needless to say, I kept wondering how do I reintroduce myself after disappearing during COVID and not commenting for nearly 4 years. BUT when I saw our MB posted photos of many of the people I worked with, during a time when Disneyland's standards were still at their zenith, I thought I must speak now, less they think the worst of Cast Members during the mid/late 80's.

    So you know, I share your posts quite frequently with my friends over at Club 951 (a nickname we gave our Disneyland Department (Adventure/Frontierland Attractions) during the 80's & 90's), Facebook page. That's how Dave, "the original smoking man" found your blog.

    Finally, I want to thank you all again for welcoming me back to our community here at GDB, and Major for keeping a light in the window until my return. I felt truly honored that you made a special post to call me out and welcome me back. I also want to thank Lou and Sue, Nanook, JB, JG, and of course David, "Major Pepperidge" for the shout outs. :-)

    Always your pal,
    Amazon Belle (AKA "Matt")

    PS, please don't tell my boss, because some days I check it before lunch. ;-) Let's try and keep this a secret between us. Pinkie promise? Thanks!
