Saturday, September 09, 2023

Birthday and Sub Lagoon (March 1965)

Before we get to the Disneyland photos, let's wish our buddy Ken S. a very Happy Birthday! He and his friends will be going to a laser tag place, and then they will get pizza at Shakey's, and then it's home for cake, ice cream, and hours on the Nintendo. Sounds pretty good, eh? 

As usual, Sue B. has kindly provided a vintage birthday pic, complete with Mickey Mouse paper cups and plates. Could this be around the Bicentennial? They seem to be in a restaurant, which is unusual. The kid to the extreme right is on his fifth cigarette and his fourth cup of coffee, so he's pretty jumpy. I'm assuming that those paper bags contain party favors of some kind (more cigarettes?). Favorite detail is the girl to the right, I'm sure she would be thrilled to know that this picture is being seen by at least nine people on the Internet in 2023. 


Next I have two photos of the old Sub Lagoon, just the way I like it! I don't hate the way it is now that it has been "Nemo-fied", but it's a lot smaller, which is not great. However I admit that when you are in one of the subs on a bright sunny day, the lagoon looks very pretty. Plenty of color and some fun gags. 

Meanwhile, look at the line snaking around the Matterhorn - Fantasyland looks pretty crowded. We can just see the tippy-top of Fantasyland Station, as well as the pylon with the international traffic signs in front of the Fantasyland Autopia.

Our photographer panned to the right a bit to capture the Skipjack. Be sure to capture my ABC movie of the week, "Capture the Skipjack!", starring Ernest Borgnine and Ava Gardner! The Motor Boats can be seen beyond that "sea wall" that separates the"clear water" system where the Submarines cruised, and the "dark water" where the Motor Boats putted (yes, they played golf, leave me alone). 

Well, I had to do it. I photo-merged the two pictures into one, but I had  to do a little bit of cheating in the lagoon (lower right) and in the sky (upper left), since I didn't want to leave big white blanks. I don't feel too guilty about it though! 


Nanook said...


Happy Birthday, Ken-! (Cigarettes are always the perfect party favor-!) They were evidently a part of the "Party Booty Bags" (image flopped) on the table. [Sorry, all]. Even the adults appear to be 'smoke-free'.

Poking above the monorail beamway in the distance is the top of the Global Van Lines Building. Nice image merge-!

Thanks, Sue and The Major.



I calculate from the coloring and look of the kids and the lady with the “Rhoda Morganstern” head scarf … this picture is 1973 or 1974…….

I used to ALWAYS get a pack of “cigarettes” and a few “cigars” whenever we went to FARREL’S ICE CREAM PARLOR…. One time for sone reason my parents and our two neighbors parents took us to Farrell’s for ice cream …. And it wasn’t even anyone’s birthday … after we found out the Farrel’s candy emporium was closed because the roof ( or floor - I can’t remember…) was being repaired …. Myself , my friends Scott, Greg and Becca …. All cried … we really did … there would be no candy cigarettes or bubble gum “seegars” that week … whatta gip! Now how was I going to re-create the NEW ZOO REVUE episode where Freddy The Frog takes up cigarette smoking??? ….. I had to use crayons - how low brow!

JB said...

It's KS's turn! Happy Disney-style birthday, Ken! Grab a cupcake with a candle on it, and hike up the hill above the Mine Train to enjoy a relaxing afternoon away from the crowd.

These kids must have slipped into an alternate universe, a mirror universe! Or perhaps (slight possibility) the image is flopped, as Nanook noted. The text on the paper bags should read "Party Bootybag". I will assume that "booty" is a reference to pirate-talk... and not something else.
I suppose that's a lollipop stick doubling as a cigarette in the coffee fiend's mouth? There's a Bootybag aimed right at us at the bottom of the pic, and by golly!, it does look like a pack of Salems in the bag, along with a pack of Pez(?). Major's favorite detail, the girl with the unfortunate expression (priceless!) has a glass of water(?) printed on her shirt... WHY?

Another great party pic, Sue. Thanks!

Along with the international traffic signs, we can see the bottom part of (one of) the Richfield eagle. I hesitate to ask what those brown piles are in the Lagoon. They look like dinosaur poop. And next to the closest pile there is a pole of some sort. It looks like a multi-colored croquet stake.

Well I can't tell where the photos are merged so... [place thumbs up emoji here]

Mike, I chuckled at your Farrell's story. (Have you considered therapy?) ;-p

Thanks again to Sue. And thanks, Major, for the Sub photos and the witty commentary.

Melissa said...

Happy birthday to Ken,
Happy birthday to Ken.
It's nice to have a birthday,
Every now and again!

I love Birthday Mom's babushka! It brings out her sparkly blue eyeshadow. At first I thought the littlr girl in the floral dress and pink barette was sucking on a gourd, but I guess she's blowing up an orange balloon. I wonder if they brought those Mickey Mouse party supplies or if the restaurant provided them? I always likes the paper cups with the fold-out handles.

I was a little startled by the "Skipjack" submarine; my uncle Skip's middle name is Jack. Does anyone know what flag is flying from the steeple?

The stitched panorama is lovely!

P.S. I missed my own birthday post on 9/6. But I went back in the next day and thanked everyone for the well-wishes and Sue's great pictures. I just wanted to repeat the thanks to anyone who didn't happen to check those comments again.

TokyoMagic! said...

Is that Gloria Estefan, wearing the headscarf?

As a child, I went to a friend's birthday party (circa '73 or '74), and his mom had bought plates, cups and napkins with the same vintage Mickey and Minnie motif. I came home with an unused napkin, and held onto it for many years. But it is one of the few things from my childhood, that eventually got tossed out.

Excellent merge, Major! Thanks for taking the time to do that for us! :-)

And a very happy birthday, to Ken! And many more!

Chuck said...

Happy birthday, Ken! May your lunch breaks always be high above Nature’s Worderland!

Nice job with the filling in the blank areas in the merge, Major. I know the sky was pretty easy, but it took me a while to find where you had copied the water from. If I hadn’t known, I would never have known. (Hmmm…that sounded sagely moronic.)


Melissa, that looks like the flag of Switzerland.

JG said...

Happy Birthday Ken! Many Happy Returns of the Day! Always appreciate your Back of House insights.

Sue, where do you find these priceless birthday pictures? Wonderful stuff.

Nice work Major! Although I was hoping the merge would have two Skipjacks or one really long one!

I was right, the Global Building dominating the skyline. And…


Thanks Major


Melissa said...

The Pylons were the best sci-fi vilains.

Anonymous said...

Wow! A lot of birthdays in September. Happy Birthday Ken S.!

When I first saw the party photo, it appeared that the girl on the right had 2 right hands, then I realized that there is someone sitting between her & cigarette/coffe kid...

Great job on the photo merge.

Thanks Sue & Major.


K. Martinez said...

From one Ken to another HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KEN! Have a great one today.

Thanks, Sue for the great and humorous birthday pics and thanks, Major for hosting.

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone! I have memories of such parties thrown by my Mom when the neighborhood kids would eat all my birthday cake before I had a chance. So I'd revert to the ice cream to show them! This group looks a bit rowdy like they were. I wonder how all my friends of those days turned out.

Another year...all good though I forgot much of what happened with the past one. It's all going by so quickly. And remember, Virgos Rule! KS are a keeper.

Major Pepperidge said...

Nanook, for kids I like to give menthol cigarettes, since they enjoy the cool, sweet sensation! Good eye on the Global Van Lines building.

Mike Cozart, I forgot to mention the date, these are actually from March, 1965! Maybe the head-scarf lady was ahead of her time. I remember getting candy cigarettes for Halloween back in the day (it was like a shrunk-down pack of cigarettes, with wintergreen-flavored candy cigs inside), and the occasional bubblegum cigar, though they seemed to fall out of fashion. I can’t say I particularly loved those candy items, but had fun with them!

JB, I hope the candle on KS’s cupcake doesn’t cause a forest fire. Smokey would be sad. Oh funny, I missed that Nanook pointed out the image flop - I guess I should be the one to blame since I didn’t notice. The buck stops here! Pez, a candy that was fun to play with, but tasted awful. In my opinion, anyway. I don’t ever recall ever eating a Pez and thinking, “Yum! Give me more!”. Those brown piles in the water are dinosaur poop, or “coprolites”, since they are fossilized, and therefore they “do no harm”. Not sure what the croquet stake thingy is.

Melissa, it’s funny, I remember at some point, blue eyeshadow seemed to be a joke among women that I knew, and yet… it has never really gone out of style. It can look good, just see any photo of Divine! I would assume that the flag is the Swiss flag, but am way too lazy to do any research. I just ate, you see, and am very logy. I’m glad you saw all the well-wishes for your birthday!

TokyoMagic!, Gloria Estefan has to wear a headscarf to remain incognito. Just imagine the chaos if everyone knew she was there! I’m shocked that you threw out that old napkin, I thought you saved everything. Now I’m so disillusioned, I guess I need to start doing drugs.

Chuck, what a dream it would have been to enjoy a lunch overlooking Nature’s Wonderland! Ken was sure a lucky guy. I felt that I needed to be totally up front about my Photoshop trickery, though I was pretty sure that nobody would have suspected a thing! And YAY, I was right about the Swiss flag!

JG, Sue traveled to Machu Picchu (on the back of a Llama) all by herself, and that’s how she discovered a trove of vintage birthday pictures. I’m surprised you didn’t read about it in “Archaeology” magazine! Thanks to your suggestion about an extra-long Skipjack, I’m going to have to see about making a “stretch sub”.

Melissa, I loved how they stood very still and did nothing. Terrifying!

DW, yeah, August and September do seem to be especially busy birthday months. 2 right hands? What is this, an AI picture or something? ;-)

K. Martinez, thank YOU for reading!

KS, oh man, I would have been very mad if I didn’t get a piece of cake. I used to get so jealous of the kids who got the corner piece with the big frosting flower. It’s all about the frosting! Eating ice cream was the perfect revenge. And you aren’t kidding about the days, weeks, months just flying by.

JB said...

Melissa, you were right the first time... It's a gourd. Gourd sucking is a nasty habit, but some people, like this girl, start when they're really young. By the time she enters high school she'll be sucking pumpkins.
And yes, all true-blue Junior Gorillas go back and check the previous day's comments for anything new. The truest and bluest Jr. Gorillas will even check TWO days back! (Or, at least the ones with OCD.)

Major, KS made a wish and blew the candle out before hiking up the hill. And yes, Pez tasted a lot like baby aspirin... or just chalk. I remember watching a TV documentary where a paleontologist said that coprolites actually do have a distinctive 'off' smell. Don't know if that's true, for sure. Maybe some esters and ketones survive the fossilization process?

Chuck said...

Major, I’m conflicted about which dream to indulge in - lunch overlooking Nature’s Wonderland, or relaxing in the upper pools of Skull Rock. I think I’ll do both - assuming that’s not against the rules.

And now that I’m in the fantasy, I’m confronting a very practical problem - where am I going to go to the bathroom? Not sure I can hold it much longer…

Anonymous said...

Cake Ken, Cake. Enjoy.


Nanook said...

@ Chuck-
"... where am I going to go to the bathroom? Not sure I can hold it much longer…"
I'm certain you can find a 'reduced-size' chamber pot at Rainbow Ridge-!


Major: I meant the birthday kids picture is 1973 or 1974. It’s impossible it’s 1965 as there were no modern 1930’s style mickeys being produced until 1968 with the famous Mickey Mouse t shirt. Also the party favors are a line of 1930’s Mickey Mouse products called “RAZZMATAZZ MICKEY” and the artwork was created in the early 70’s … there were also puzzles , coloring books and paper dolls in the licensing package … so again that birthday picture cannot be 1965.


I am really perplexed about that kids birthday picture… the more I look at it some of the kids fashion look like they could be mid 60’s …. But then then everything Dave Smith from the Disney archives has told us about Disney licensing 1930’s style Mickey merch in the 70’s is wrong … ( well 1968 anyway with clothing)

Major Pepperidge said...

JB, um, er… let’s never mention “gourd sucking” again, OK? ;-) Due to circumstances beyond my control, I’ve been less on top of the comments, but hopefully things will be returning to normal soon. I’m glad that KS did not endanger all of those fiberglass animals, they hate fire even more than regular animals. I don’t think I’ve ever heard that coprolites had an aroma, seems hard to believe it would be true!

Chuck, yes, both dreams are worthwhile! No sense in only having one dream, right? Going to the bathroom, how many times did I wonder about characters going to the bathroom in children’s books? I think in one of the “Ramona” books, Ramona wonders about where Mike Milligan and his Steam Shovel used the facilities once they were down in their excavate hole.

MS, oh yeah!

Nanook, if only the “One of a Kind Shop” was in NOS in 1965, they might have a decorative chamber pot.

Mike Cozart, OH, I see what you meant. So 1968 is when the “vintage Mickey” craze started? I remember having a Colorforms set with lots of vintage Mickey (and Minnie) artwork, I wish I’d saved it! I don’t know if Sue gave me a date for that first photo, maybe she didn’t know herself.

Mike Cozart, it’s hard to judge fashions from kid’s clothes, since they are not necessarily at the forefront of the latest styles. Or at least they weren’t back then? The kid to the extreme right is wearing a checked jacket that looks pretty 70s to me, though.

Dean Finder said...

I was wearing hand-me-down 1970s fashions well into the 1980s thanks to my older cousins (thanks for the bell-bottom trousers...), so it's plausible those are 60s clothes in a picture from the 70s.

"Lou and Sue" said...

Happy Birthday, KS! I hope you share some birthday cake with those big dogs of yours..they'd like some, too, you know. Sugar cubes and birthday cake!

Nanook, I need to start sending all my scans to you, first, before sending them to Major. He and I are infamous for flopping slides, aren't we?!

No date on that birthday slide I provided. I just checked it, now, to see.

Dean, me and my cousins traded clothes and hand-me-downs, too, so you're definitely right about the "fashions" possibly being off by a few years.

Major, you did a great job on that photo-merge! It really is hard to see where you joined them...but I do see that the dinosaur piles have been played-with. Speaking of dinosaur piles...

"I remember watching a TV documentary where a paleontologist said that coprolites actually do have a distinctive 'off' smell. Don't know if that's true, for sure."

JB, the fossilized dinosaur-poop bookends, that I have, don't smell of anything. Am serious.

And, pylons!

TokyoMagic! said...

When I was a kid, my mom bought be a toy "cigarette lighter," if you can imagine such a thing for kids! From what I remember, it came with a small box of candy cigarettes. The lighter itself has a light bulb where the flame is supposed to be, and when you go to "flick" the lighter, the part that you press on with your thumb makes a "contact" with the battery and the light goes on. It's amazing that I didn't grow up to smoke! My mom never smoked, so I'm not sure why she let me have the toy. It was something they sold at the grocery store, so I was the one that picked it out, not her. But still, she let me have it. I also didn't become a pyro, so that's good, too.

I also remember getting bubblegum cigars, and I even had some fake cigarettes that you could blow through, and some kind of smoke/powder came out the other end. Those were purchased at a local practical joke/costume shop. It was called "The House of Humor." And of course, there were "bubble pipes" and I had those, too. And I seem to remember shredded bubble gum that came in a foil type of pouch, like chewing tobacco. All we needed were some toy syringes. Wait! We had those, too! They came as part of a "doctor's" play medical bag. And it came with candy pills! Gee, it's amazing that I don't smoke, chew, shoot up, and pop pills!

I still have my toy lighter, by the way! I'll have to photograph it and use it in a post titled, "Don't Let This Happen To You!"

"Lou and Sue" said...

TM! You definitely have to share a photo of your kiddy-fun-lighter. What a riot!

Remember the red licorice pipes?

TokyoMagic! said...

Remember the red licorice pipes?

Sue, oh yeah! I remember those! What were they trying to do us kids? They were trying to corrupt our fragile little minds.

"Lou and Sue" said...

TM! Now that I'm thinking about those licorice pipes...weren't there tiny round white sugar candies also on where the tobacco would be??

TokyoMagic! said...

TM! Now that I'm thinking about those licorice pipes...weren't there tiny round white sugar candies also on where the tobacco would be???

Sue, tiny white sugar candies? I don't remember that part. Were they trying to make them look like crack pipes. Not that I know what crack looks like. Is it white? Anyone?

Dean Finder said...

I still have a Donald Duck bubble pipe from my childhood. It has a little hand-turned wheel like a water wheel on the old mill that would let you generate a stream of bubbles as you blew through it.
There are still some places that sell "candy sticks" that are used to be called candy cigarettes, complete with parody tobacco brand packages. Though I preferred the bubble gum ones that had some powdered sugar to keep the paper wrappers from sticking - you could blow through those for a puff of smoke. Never became a smoker, but that had more to do with my smoker dad starting his day with a coughing fit.

Melissa said...

Our parents were chainsmokers but very committed to us not following in their footsteps, so we weren't allowed any of the candy replicas of smoking paraphernalia. If we got candy cigarettes in our trick-or-treat bags, we could break them into pieces and eat them, as long as we didn't pretend to smoke them first. I always thought the little red tips were a nice touch.