Monday, November 21, 2016

More Tomorrowland Construction, 1966

Let's continue looking at more interesting photos featuring the construction of Disneyland's "New Tomorrowland"! 

We'll start with this shot, taken from beneath the metal canopy that shaded guests who would normally have been queueing up for the Tomorrowland Autopia if the ride had been open. There's scaffolding aplenty right in front of us, though I am not really sure why it's there. Any ideas? I don't believe that the Peoplemover track was going to be in that location, but I wouldn't bet money on it either. 

That Richfield sign with the ring-shaped space station certainly feels like it belongs in the 1950's "Man In Space" era - I'm sure it's days were numbered.

Here's yet another view taken from the Disneyland Railroad. What a mess! Notice the workers, and the mostly-obscured red sign reading "KEEP QUIET". In the lower left is what appears to be a mysterious tunnel. Whu? Beyond that is apparently the Carousel of Progress structure, just a bit further along than it was in photo #2 at this post


  1. Major-

    The scaffolding was to help erect the new outdoor concert arena for The Kids of the Kingdom to perform, as they were soon to change musical directions and go all Heavy Metal-! Can't you just hear it now-??

    Thanks, Major - and 'mind thy head'.

  2. I believe that scaffolding is in the exact spot where the PeopleMover track would be built. This would be the section of track that descended down into the Autopia freeway area after leaving the Carousel Theater building and crossing over the Skyway cables. Of course, I could be wrong too!

  3. I'm pretty confident the scaffolding was for the PeopleMover track too. These two aerial photo illustrate TokyoMagic!'s description.

    From the Daveland photo archive:

    I'm amazed by the amount of 'Tomorrowland 1967' images I've seen on your blog lately. They're great! Thanks, Major.

  4. Wow, present company excepted, people aren't digging the Tomorrowland construction pix, I guess!!

    Nanook, allowing the Satanic rock and roll music from the Kids of the Kingdom was a big mistake.

    TokyoMagic!, well, obviously I had an inkling, but am a little surprised that the scaffolding really is for the Peoplemover. Strangely, when I think of photos of the Rocket Rods, I can then picture the track in that location.

    K. Martinez, thanks for the links. There are still a few left in this batch, and then that gold mine of Instamatics from Mr. X will be done. Glad you enjoyed them though!

  5. I love the construction stuff. More dirt please.

  6. In the second picture, the tiny silhouettes of the construction workers on the horizon make me think of the Seven Dwarfs trudging off to the mine.

  7. Normally I'm hours (or days) too late to make any kind of useful comment, but please add my vote for more construction photos. Now then, are you sure that sign says 'Keep Quiet'? Based on the three letters that can be seen, maybe it says 'Keep out' - though it might be far more fun to imagine it reading 'Sheep Exit'.

    Thanks, Major.

  8. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Excellent construction shots, Major. I love them.

