Sunday, May 06, 2012

Mark Thrain, October 1967

Sunday is "snooze day" her on GDB. Blogger's data robot indicates that readership goes down on Sunday. Televised golf, or religion? One of them is to blame! So I generally pick some less-than-amazing stuff for snooze days. 

Like this pretty (but not exciting) picture of the Mark Twain! It's all reflecty and stuff.

Even the Gullywhumper and the Columbia are snoozing; maybe they are getting the barnacles scraped off of their hulls over in Fowler's Harbor. 


  1. orange co native12:48 AM

    I think the old mill with all the vegetation looks a lot better than what they have now with that stage on the bend (I know, I'm getting grumpy as I get older).

    I wonder if they are going to remove the pirates from TSI as the POC movies recede into the past with each passing year. Although I do think Injun Joe's Cave has been improved. There was nothing in there originally, but just a howling coyote every once in a while. They need to get rid of the rest of the pirate junk and restore the fort back to its original pioneer look.

    I wonder if Disney executives read your blog and see all these back seat drivers wannabe imagineers like me making all these comments on how they should change their park.

  2. These images are pretty amazing to me. There's that beautiful forest backdrop before Big Thunder Mountain came along. Rivers of America looks great too. I love Fantasmic, but never cared for the stage constructed on Tom Sawyer Island because of it. All the vegetation along the riverfront in this view is now gone too and replaced with concrete and railings. Frontierland seems a little too polished and manicured nowadays.

  3. Major, I now know that you aren't a Lucy fan, but after your last statement about "getting the barnacles scraped off of their hulls" I just can't resist saying that the sap runs every two years! The collector of internal revenue???

    Anyway, happy Sunday to ya! I like these ROA pics and their lack of a huge unsightly stage sticking out into the water.

  4. OC Native, I agree that the island was better before the pirate stuff was added. But a fifth movie is coming, so it will be a very long time before the Disney folks get tired of those additions; my guess is that if any executive DOES read my blog, he/she isn't terribly swayed by my opinion or the opinions of the commenters. Unfortunately!

    K. Martinez, yes, Frontierland seems to have largely lost its rustic "wilderness" flavor in many ways, although you still get it a bit when you are aboard the Mark Twain.

    TokyoMagic!, what the heck are you talking about?? "The sap runs every two years"?! "The collector of internal revenue"? Are you drinking Hamm's beer at 3:32 in the morning? Happy seis de Mayo to you!

  5. Major, the Mark Twain is the only attraction in Frontierland I still do nowadays. It definitely has retained that "wilderness" feeling in the back area.

  6. Great picture of the old mill with all of the foliage surrounding it. I agree - much better that way than the "Fantasmicized" arrangement they have here. Bring back the fishing dock and Tom Sawyer. And bring back Fort Wilderness! That's one of the many attractions I never actually got to visit.

  7. Ha! I wasn't drunk! Being an I Love Lucy fanatic, your last line reminded me of a line from the episode when Lucy's on a radio quiz show and she steals the answers, but then they change the questions on her. When Frank Nelson asks why Marie Antoinette was placed under the guillotine, she replies very confidently, "To scrape the barnacles off her hull!" I know....if you're not a Lucy fan, then it's not funny!

  8. (The other two questions and wrong answers were "What is the term of office for a senator" - Answer: The sap runs every two years. And "What is the name of the animal that attaches itself to you and drains you of your blood" - Answer: The collector of internal revenue.)

    Uh.....did I wish you a happy Sunday, Major???

  9. I agree with Orange Co. Native!!

  10. TSI has always been in a state of flux (stuff comin and goin)since the park opened anyway. Fishing anyone? I'm just glad to see the old Mark W had all the letter's fixed by the fall of 67'

  11. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Well, Blogger data counter thing may say that readership (viewership?) goes down on Sunday, but that sure doesn't mean we don't catch up on Monday. Just love that first pic. Brings back lots of good memories.

  12. Always trips me out when 0ct 67 comes up, The month and year I was born!

    Yes I am old enough to remember Fort Wilderness! Yay!

  13. The River as it was, and should have remained.

    Thank you.

