Friday, February 18, 2011

Casey Jr. & Storybook Land, January 1974

I have two classic views of Fantasyland for you today, starting with this lovely shot of Casey Jr. as he makes his way through Storybook Land. The big trees and lush plantings have matured and add so much; compare this photo to a 1956 view to see the contrast. How can anyone not love this little train that is so much like an oversized toy?

Nearby, Monstro yawns his perpetual yawn. This is when he still looked like a badass instead of a big blue plush toy!

If you've ever seen examples of photos that have an artificial "tilt shift" effect added (like one that I tried before), I thought that the Monstro pic would be a good one to try. The effect simulates the very short focal length that you might get when taking a photo of a tabletop model. This one worked OK, but I have another one coming up that worked a lot better!


  1. while im not a fan of most "tilt shift," the angle this was taken lends very nicely to it!

  2. what a great pic of Monstro, he looks like he is really on the attack here!

    the tilt shift effect is very cool....can hardly imagine one better, but im looking forward to seeing it! :D

  3. WOW WOW WOW!!!!!! In that second shot, with Monstro, what do my eyes behold??? The lighthouse was still a ticket booth in 1974!!! Yes! Now I have proof to back me up since some of my friends didn't believe me!!!

    Regarding the tilt shift...I don't see it. What's wrong with my eyes??

  4. Oh wait.....I must have clicked on the wrong picture. I tried it again and I DO see the effect. Cool!

  5. These are AWESOME ones!~ Love Casey Jr!

  6. LOL, the second photo looks like a bad picture of a good model.

  7. Great "tilt shift" effect! Those always amaze me! (Then again, some have claimed that I'm easliy amazed)

  8. Oh Major, you had me at Casey Junior.

    Thank you so much, Storybook Land is sacred ground.

    The photo effects are fun. I saw a whole little video of London made with this effect, very amusing.

    Connie, I remember that Lighthouse as a ticket booth well into the '70's, for what that's worth.

    Tell your friends, astronauts never lie...trustworthy, loyal helpful, friendly courteous kind obedient cheerful thrifty clean and reverent, thats us...


  9. Major - nice modeling work in that last photo. Is this in HO or N?What did you use for the waterfall? It looks almost real.

    JG - you forgot "brave." But I'll still pass you on your Board of Review. Don't forget to do your Personal Growth Agreement with the Scoutmaster.

  10. Chuck, that's what I get for going too fast...LOL. there are 12 points, after all. Hard to type in these space suit gloves.

    Just sat on an Eagle Board for a deserving youngster a few nights ago.

    Always Do Your Best.

