Saturday, December 19, 2009

Faded Fotos From Fifty Six

From a random box of slides comes these three faded images from 1956.

Here's a neat early photo of the ticket booths... the park definitely still has that "just moved in" feel. Notice the kid to the left wearing his mouse ears, and I suspect that the kid near the center is also wearing ears. To the extreme right is the sign advertising Professor Keller's Jungle Killers!

Jeez, the place is pretty empty today. The population sign reports a mere 5 million visitors so far, I'm still hoping to see a photo with an even lower number some day.

Even Town Square feels a bit Twilight Zoney (except that Willoughby was much busier!). Two officers (Navy?) are carrying their sack lunches (liverwurst and onion sandwiches, dill pickles, and animal crackers). This is in strict violation of Disneyland rules, and they were subsequently thrown into Disney jail.


  1. Next Stop Willoughby....

    Great Vintage post!

  2. Lady in the bottom pic is going to be a tough one to win over. But secretly, she'll enjoy Peter Pan's Flight more than anyone else. :)

    The kid in the middle of the top pic must be on the way out of the park - or do they let boys bring their own spears?

    No attraction posters... Few peeps... It's early. The park waits. Build it and they will come.

  3. Those guys are definitely NOT navy (I was Navy in those days). Looks like army to me.

  4. I guess I thought those might be "Navy blues", but they would be wearing white caps (?) I suppose. Oh well!

  5. Really startling to see the park so empty.

  6. I agree with Coxpilot, the two guys are in the Army---and they are enlisted not officers.

  7. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I always think of A Stop at Willoughby when I go to Disneyland!

  8. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Good Morning Gentlemen. I want to give you a brief review of the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco.

    1. It's wonderful. You all need to see it.

    2. I can't post pictures, none are allowed inside and it was too dark by the time we got out. sorry.

    3. The museum exhibits were the best use of video and projection displays I have ever seen. Worth a trip for this alone, even if you dont care about Disneyland.

    Really took me back to my youth as a Disney fan, especially the giant model of Disneyland in the basement.

    Best wishes to all for a happy holiday.

    Monday, 21 December, 2009
