Tuesday, April 07, 2009

4 Knott's Beauties, 1950's

Here are four super nice pictures from everyone's favorite berry farm, circa the nineteam-fittys.

When gas prices go back up (and they will), I predict that the humble stagecoach will make a comeback! We will see the freeways clogged with 'em. I love this very rustic load area, made of logs and palm fronds. And look at the beautiful trees and greenery everywhere. What an inviting place to be! I would imagine that a ride on the stage would have cost somewhere in the neighborhood of two bits - maybe less.

Here's another nice photo of the Stage (two of them, actually). Even now I can imagine the smell of the lovely eucalyptus trees, such a shame that they are all gone now. The stage is about to pass one of the genuine San Francisco cable cars; some of them actually went around the park, I believe. This one looks pretty decrepit!

The seals are in a playful mood here, probably whipped into a frenzy at the prospect of eating little dead fish! I get the same way. Two of the seals rest on an artificial iceberg, while the others swim gracefully through the geen water.I wonder if all of those small black boxes on the fence were trash receptacles so that people wouldn't throw their cigarette butts and gum wrappers into the water?

What are you lookin' at, kid? He grew up to be one of the Sex Pistols, judging by that sneer. The outfit that he is wearing looks just like what I am wearing right now! Old Betsy, the borax mine special, is what I like to call a "fixer upper". A little elbow grease, some Bondo, and she'll be as good as new.


  1. I remember feeding the seals! Then I remember going back sometime later and seeing it all concreted in and wondering what they did with the poor little animals.

    I wonder if that one particular cable car was just a prop...because you're right, it does look pretty decrepit!

    True beauties Major! Thank you for a little vintage Knott's.

  2. You can smell the Eucalyptus trees over the ah er horsepower? Amazing! hehe

    Nice casual feel huh? Never seen the old cable car. There's a great idea for DCA.

  3. Great Knotty post! What's with that cable car? I'm thinking its not actually one of the ones that was in use, I've seen old photos and they looked much better than that one! It reminds me of the Keel Boat that's rotting in the Rivers of America...

  4. "4 Knott's Beauties"??... After your post yesterday I was expecting more girlie pics. ;)

  5. Look at the scruffy beard and long hair on the teamster in the first picture. You won't see that at Disneyland.

    As for little dead fish, I love sushi! Especially when it's Nemo flavored.

  6. Great Pics! Sure is a far cry from the concrete and steel jungle that the park has become. No berries, No farm, No Knott's; they might as well just retire the name at this point and call it Cedar's Coaster Lot.

  7. Regarding the cable car; Yes, it did run under electric battery power for a while. There is a web page about it.


  8. Just to clarify - the derelict transport in your photo was there pre cable cars. The photo is probably pre 1955. That vehicle appears in photos even from the late 1940s. Great shots!

  9. You could always smell thant seal tank before you saw it. I remember the little paper trays of sardines that were sold adjacent to the pool so we visitors could actually feed the barking pinnipeds. (I think my Dad taught me that word at the rail)
    Great shots.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Oh I forgot. Have you run across any shots of the long gone, Henry's Livery stable that ran minature antique cars right out along Beach boulevard near Crescent Avenue? No guide tracks like the Autopia down the road, just two guardrails and a gas pedal.

  12. I believe the seal pond became an outdoor stage and dance floor in Fiesta Village..Im sure the stage has been replaced by now with some ride. Us older folks will remember feeding those seals and i believe the black things on the fence were for your fish? I was pretty small..but the smell remains. In my kids memory it was a smaller pool...probably because of the iceberg..which i didn't even remember.
