Wednesday, April 08, 2009

1000th POST!

Yessirree, today marks the 1000th ever-lovin' post on "Gorillas Don't Blog". There's just something about the number 1000 that is very satisfying, it feels like a real milestone. ONE THOUSAND! Say it slooooowly. Oh yeah, that's the stuff!

To celebrate this momentous occasion, I have some supa-cool pictures to share with you.

Check out this oddity... there's some sort of show going on in the middle of Fantasyland. Hmmmm, two ladies in bathing suits; one is a bulky old fashioned wool thing, like great-grandma might have worn. The other, a sparkling silver, shape-hugging, eye-popping little number. One of the red parasols solves some of the mystery, since it says "Cole of California"; CoC sold bathing suits, and they had a shop on Main Street briefly (no pun intended). This must have been some sort of attempt to drum up interest in the store... so odd that it is in Fantasyland, though it would have been just as odd on Main Street. I love that leer on the guy to the right, he is having the best day ever!

Now take a look at this beauty taken from the Tomorrowland Skyway station. The Skyway must have been brand-spankin' new; Snow Hill looks very raw and relatively unplanted. There's the Yacht Bar (in its original location), and Tomorrowland Lake to the right (where the Phantom Boats used to play). In the distance...

... there is a big old tent. I might even be bold enough to say a big honkin' tent. The Mickey Mouse Club Circus used to live in this tent; but they took their toys and went home, leaving Professor Keller and his ferocious felines to hold down the fort for a little while longer. One lone Junior Autopia car can be seen here, the two boys in the Skyway bucket are completely entranced!

Speaking of the Skyway, here's a nice moody photo taken at dusk, looking up towards the buckets being launched from the Tomorrowland station. I've always loved the "Eamesy", fanciful windcatchers and whirligigs that added color and movement to the area.

Looks like the ol' TWA Moonliner is getting some fresh paint. Or something. I originally thought that this might be a pre-opening image, but I am not so sure anymore. In any case, it is a pretty fantastic shot of the rocket.

Here are two Main Street Vehicles, a Horseless Carriage and an Omnibus, far from their usual haunts. They are both about to head around Snow Hill, through the west corner of Tomorrowland, and back to more appropriate territory. Looks like there is a restroom right in front of us, thank god. Based on this photo, I think that a Viewliner station is out of frame to our right.

And finally, a photo that is a tribute to the very first image that I posted back on May 12, 2006. I have a better scanner now! We'll see a bit more of this mom and her kids, circa 1957. Don't know why I didn't scan them way back then...

As always, I'd like to thank all of the regular readers who stop by day after day, and a very special thanks to those of you who take the time to comment. I've gone through a considerable portion of my Disneyland slide collection, and am not sure how much longer I can keep the blog going, but I can pretty much guarantee that there won't be another 1000! You'll probably notice an increase in non-Disneyland slides as I try to pad things out. Hopefully you will still find them interesting...

Meanwhile, I'll be taking a few days off, so please come back for a new post on Saturday!


  1. Congratulations Major!!! That is quite an accomplishment. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed every single one of your slides, Disney or non-Disney....and I've enjoyed your commentaries just as much. Thank you again for sharing your collection and your wit. It is truly one of the highlights of my day.

  2. Ooooo yeah! The Major of A Thousand Posts. hehe Enjoy the break you deserve it! We'll enjoy the pics. Look forwards to viewing these when I have more time, just wanted to drop in a note. :)

  3. Pegleg Pete4:51 AM

    Congratulations on the 1000th post Major. My day just wouldn't be the same without your excellent selection of photos!

  4. Congrats, David! Your photos are always amazing and it's fantastic that you put that much time into sharing your fantastic collection.

  5. From all of us at Transportation Central, Congratulations on your1000 posts.

  6. Congratulations Major on a "Major milestone"! I'm afraid I don't comment as much as I should, but let it be known now how much I have enjoyed your blog throughout the years. The pics, as well as your witty creative commentary, are priceless! I applaud your fortitude and perseverance in maintaining the blog as you have done. As far as I'm concerned, you could be sharing slides of any darn image and I would still be here enjoying them all! The content and quality of your blog surpasses any Disney tie-in. I hope you'll explore new territory and continue blogging. Gorillas may not blog, but they don't quit either. Please keep blogging and know that you are very much appreciated!

  7. Congratulations Major! I have truly enjoyed all 1000. And thank you for being my insperation to start my own blogs.

    It is a good way to let you know how time flyes. Or maybe it's not, LOL.

    But nevertheless, I appreciate your efforts and hard work on your daily moments of reflection and cool memories for me. There have been many... and all are good.

    Thanks Major, Richard.

  8. Major- welcome to the thousand post club. Great images as usual and commentary. I still want the shirt the little boy is wearing in the tiki photo. Did you notice Mom is wearing one of the Mickey Mouse I like Disneyland flasher buttons? Thanks for a lovely morning usual. Now on to 2000 posts!

  9. Super-Duper 1000! Amazing! I echo the comments of others and I always appreciate your posts and witty commentary. I need 20 minutes just to review the pics you posted today! 1000 posts is quite remarkable, considering you usually post at least two or three photos on each post, that A LOT of pictures!

    What, no 2000? LOL! Im just about to hit 500, if I can make it to 1000 it will be a miracle.

    Have a great and well deserved break, see you on Saturday's post.


  10. Quitting? But you're my caffeine!

  11. Way to go!!!! Congrats and thanks for your invaluable service and generousity.

  12. Thanks for all 1000 of 'em, Major!

    But no,... You're NOT allowed to stop posting.

    You can go longer between posts. You can mix in other interesting topics. You can even repeat the occasional image, if you have new and insightful text to post along with it.

    But if you stop blogging this stuff, who do you think is going to do it? Gorillas?

    I think not.

  13. Clarabelle9:30 AM

    Much appreciated, enjoy the weekend!

  14. wow, what a run...1000th post. thank you so much for your hard work and dedication.

    the shot of the tomorrowland skyway station brings back so many memories.

    keep it up! please.

  15. Congrats Major, I aspire to your greatness...I really like that dusk shot.

  16. Congrats on 1000 Posts! I've loved everyone of them!

  17. well, there isnt much that has not been said here...

    congratulations and thanks so much for all the smiles youve brought to my face :D

    im looking forward to everything and anything you want to send our way; im sure it will be interesting!

    thanks so much!

  18. olddisneylandfan1:54 PM

    Major, thanks for all of the work you've put into this blog--which is not only nostalgic and entertaining but also a valuable and irreplaceable historic document. Here's hoping you find a cache of 1000 more previously unknown Disneyland slides.

  19. Dr. Zaius2:25 PM

    Yay Dave! Now, if you can just find a way to charge admission to your blog!

  20. Exemplary job, David. Your generosity is remarkable. Thank you.

  21. SundayNight7:44 PM

    After 1000 posts you still manage to startle us with your collection. There are other great classic Disneyland blogs out there but yours is consistently number one in my book. Come to think of it, your blog is much like Disneyland – classy, fun, beautiful.

    That swimsuit shot is one of the rarest Disneyland shots I’ve ever seen. And that Skyway at dusk shot! Wow!

    In honor of your 1000th I'd like to share with you one of my favorite all-time postings – witness the kid in the tree

  22. Whoa!! 1,000! Quite an accomplishment! Congratulations!!

  23. Thanks for all of the nice congrats, folks!

  24. Add another voice to the choir:

    Thank you Major! And Congratulations!

    I don't post often, but I start everyday (yes EVERY - day) with a visit to Monkeys Can't Type, errrr.....Apes Won't Write ...... umm .... Chimps Shan't Scribe . . .

    And we, your loyal followers, do hereby dis-allow you to cease this blogging fixation of yours.

    Enjoy your time away (hopefully you are out purchasing more slides and photos) then come back and make us smile many more times again.

    Ya big lug.

  25. Caspian2:04 AM

    Thanks, thanks, thanks.

    Please make it to 2000 posts. Then you can go into syndication and we'll live off of reruns.


  26. Many thanks for the conspicuous effort you put in to your web site. I know far too many collectors that won't share, so your generosity is greatly appreciated.

    Now that you've posted 1000 days, you can take 1000 days off. See you Tuesday, March 3, 2012.

  27. Thanks for all the great posts! Yours is the first blog I look at in the AM, even before the news! I've got two computer screens that show nothing but your pix on screensaver. Thanks so much for all your great work!

  28. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Congratulations from another lurker!


  29. ah now that i can take a bit and actually see the pics, some comments. You can take more comments right? Yessir!

    Supa selection - wow. What a babe in the top pic - and like you said, how about Mr. Handsome in the dark suit checkin' out the attraction, uh huh that's what he's talkin' 'bout. Happiest place on Earth you know!

    Incredibly early 2nd shot there! Wow if that doesn't give you a perspective. It started so humbly. So simple to today's park, and yet when you consider it by itself, it is wonderful. Colorful and unique at the time. It's a good thing they got the skyway done and operating so early on, it's a real neat attraction. Those tents... they remind me of what was happening there - good bye circus, hello Disneyland! Those chairs by the Yacht bar look like a nice spot to relax under the lovely So. Cal. weather.

    What a neat shot of the Skyway station. Atmosphere there. Love these slides, such a miraculous window to a bygone place. Like the park today, I could have fun there! Some 50s modern feel goin' mm hm.

    Rocket shot - don't know may it is pre-opening, but it might also be when they repainted it with the new design in '62 was it? Neat.

    Carriage is neat, that trim! Omnibus rocks. Figuratively we hope. Maybe it rocked literally then too, no wonder they're stopping near the restroom.

    Yep the bottom pic shows your superior scanner & scannin' skillz. That is one cute tyke. I'm ah, impressed at the authenticity of the tiki totem. Mom's being patient, earning her sainthood.

    Thanks for the bumper crop. Hope you enjoyed the break, and the lush chorus of praises now you're back hehe :)

  30. Formerly Anonymous2:59 PM

    On behalf of anonymouses everywhere, thank you for your time machine. Almost everyday I think I will dig out my old early photos but I don't. It's too easy to look at your blog.


  31. Major, Thanks for this truly wonderful site. I always look forward to what you have to say and to show!

  32. The TWA rocket shot is great (as all your pics are). That big wind sock on the top of the flight circle says "Wen Mac". That places the pic between 1956 & 1958. In early '59, Cox took over and renamed the area the "Thimble Drome Flight Circle". It looks like they are just doing a re-furb on the rocket during the winter closed days. (Note the jacket worn by the security guard.)

    PLEASE don't go away. Even if you don't "blog", keep the pictures coming. There must be tons of obscure stuff left in your files to pull from.

    Congratulations on your 1000th post.

  33. Thanks for the rocket info, CoxPilot! I don't know about "tons" of obscure stuff, but I do have some non-Disney subjects that might interest folks. I'll have to figure it all out one of these days.

    And once again, many thanks to everyone else who has left a comment for this post, I really do appreciate it!

  34. Anonymous2:27 PM

    And congrats from this viewer who looks regularly but comments seldom...even though I was a park employee for over 9 years long ago. Brings back many memories. How lucky I was!

  35. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Hey, kid. I'll give you three bucks for that shirt. How about four? Five?

  36. Kudos Mr. Blogmaster. Keep it going! You have created a unique portal into the timeless history of these special attractions.
    Many thanks.
