Monday, November 03, 2008

Merlin's Magic Shop and Merlin's Magic Shop

Today I've got two photos of Merlin's Magic shop. Let's compare and contrast, and at the end of this post, I want each of you to write a three page essay supporting your findings. Please include footnotes and a complete list of your sources.

This first picture is from August, 1955. It looks like a hot summer day (something about that nearly-white sky!), but plenty of folks are milling about, curious to explore this amazing place called Disneyland that they've been hearing about. I think I'll set my time machine for this date!

Now on to February 1962. With the exception of that big mountain in the background, the differences aren't too extreme. This photo benefits from a beautiful sky, blue with fluffy clouds. Folks are dressed for cool weather, plenty of coats and sweaters. Here's an example of a photo in which the crowd adds to the fun (just my opinion, of course). Love the "mouse ears" balloons that look like the ears have been dipped in chocolate. Don't eat them though! I learned the hard way. There appears to be some upstairs space over Merlin's... were there offices or storage up there? I've change my mind, the time machine is taking me to Feb.'62!


  1. Ah! Beautiful shots.

  2. Well, at least I could count on Merlinsguy to comment on these! ;-)

  3. Before you set your time machine to August 1955, remember how hot it was that summer!(1)

    (1) On September 1, 1955, Los Angeles hit 110 degrees. See The Weather Museum, "1998 Heat does not compare with the heat of the past; no connection to Global Warming," (accessed November 3, 2008).

    Am I up to three pages yet?

  4. Another difference is the mailbox on the sign post. I have a picture from 1966 of my aunt putting mail in that box. I wonder if it's still there? The box, not her mail.

  5. very cool :)

    reminds me of those puzzles we used to get back in the day from the news sheets my dad brought home where you look for the differences in these two seemingly "identical" pictures...

  6. Anonymous3:09 AM

    OoooOoo! I love the lighting / angle on the 2nd one. Nice. :)
