Monday, August 06, 2007

Tomorrowland, 1956 (Post #400)

I think that you'll all agree that this is an exceptionally nice image of Tomorrowland, from December 29th, 1956. Great color, lots of activity, and plenty of chewy, vintage goodness. I love the dramatic perspective of the multicolored Skyway buckets as they head towards Snow Mountain (the Matterhorn is still several years away). There's the Yacht Bar, and the lagoon that used to be home to the Phantom Boats (long gone by this time). In the distance, Fantasyland Station (with the passenger train just visible), as well as the Junior Autopia. You can even see Monstro's shiny noggin.

This is one of my favorite slides!

Hooray for me, today's my 400th post. No big deal to anybody else, but darnit, I'm proud. Thanks to everybody who reads this blog, and a special thanks to those of you who take the time to comment!


  1. super congratz, major!

    you have a hellava lot more stamina than me...thats fer sure!

    definitely one of the top slides i've seen.

  2. The slide has everything. A train is at the Fantasyland station, attraction posters everywhere and such great color. Congrats on the 400 post. It is a lot of work, but worth the effort! Here's to 400 more posts!

  3. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Awesome pic, as always! Congrats on 400 posts. THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time to find and post the pics and write up your descriptions. I 'drop by' everyday, also to Daveland and Stuff from the Park.

  4. Congrats on the 400th. And yes, great photo!

  5. Congratulations!

    It is hard to imagine visiting Disneyland way back then.

    Man, wearing a suit and tie? Yikes!

  6. Anonymous9:51 AM

    U-n-r-e-a-l slide!! A new favorite! What a way to celebrate your 400th. Thank you.

  7. Anonymous10:29 AM

    You saved this one for your 400th post, right? I wonder what's coming for number 500. Many Thanks.

    Katella Gate

  8. Great job as usual! Please keep going...your work is appreciated by many!

  9. Always a visual treat! What a great shot! Congrats on #400.
    Gorilla Industries is definitely in the Golden Age of Blog entertainment! ;)

  10. Anonymous5:12 PM

    An amazing image and an amazing record of posts. Congrats on #400 and thanks for sharing your collection.

  11. Thanks for the nice comments as always, I still have some good slides to share - - for a few months, anyway!

  12. Something is missing in that slide...maybe a huge Swiss Mountain and a few yodelers. Great view!

  13. Great - as usual!!!! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Wow - 400 posts! You lasted a lot longer than I did! Maybe I'll come back after the Knott's book is out.

  14. Anonymous2:18 AM

    More than a little late but this is one of my favorites so far too. Feels like I'll be sailing in the sky shortly! And what an intriguing place I'll be over, it just gets better all the time.
