Sunday, August 05, 2007


Why are Sundays so special here at Gorillas Don't Blog? The secret ingredient is love. Now you know.

First up is a nice portrait of Cascade Peak, taken from Tom Sawyer Island. Someday when I have a swimming pool I'm going to build an exact duplicate of the peak, complete with waterfalls. Won't that be cool?

Next is a shot taken from one Casey Jr. Circus Train, looking at another Casey Jr. Circus Train. I know, not very exciting.

Here's a nice early photo looking at the west side of Town Square. City Hall, the Fire Station, and a sliver of the Beakins sign and van are visible here.

And finally, we get a look at the entrance to Adventureland. Parson Brown (love his hat) and his female companions are looking for a taste of something exotic and untamed. The sound of the distant drums! The strange and unsettling sculptures! Tropical flowers (the scent makes them swoon)! Rubber snakes! I can only hope that the jungle doesn't drive them mad.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Ah yes, the rubber snakes. And how about those shrunken heads!!!
    Mom: “You spent your birthday money on that??!!”

    Actually I think the Casey Jr. shot is interesting. It’s always interesting when you get a shot that’s not a Kodak Picture Spot.
