Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Two From August, 1961

"Major Pepperidge, I'm in the mood for two slides from August, 1961. Can you help? Signed, Flummoxed in Fresno". Glad you asked, Flummoxed. Here's a pair of scans that should de-flummox you in two shakes of a lamb's tail. 

Looking from the Mark Twain (or the Columbia), we gaze down upon the southern point of Tom Sawyer Island. The greenery is growing so fast that it actually swallows guests who are never seen again (if they'd read the fine print on their ticket books, they would have known that it was a possibility). A squirming crowd disembarks from the Raft, if they run fast enough, they can make it to Tom's Treehouse without getting absorbed. The Old Mill looks great, as always, and in the distance we can see Pack Mules just leaving the safety of Rainbow Ridge.

Next is a picturesque... um... picture, of the Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship. The sails are unfurled, which is the best look. Rather than the bright red stripes on the sails this version has a maroon hue, like the color of the dried blood on the document you signed to become a pirate (an "X" is acceptable).  


  1. Major-
    These images of the Park are not particularly rare, but they feature many great sights, sounds, details and activities that have [almost] all vanished. It's so nice to see them all in their prime-!

    Thanks, Major.

  2. "Looking from the Mark Twain (or the Columbia)". I just noticed the Columbia's sails in the upper left corner, so unless some sort of weird time and space event is occurring, we're on the Mark Twain.
    I'm wondering what those three reddish things are behind the Pack Mules? OK, I'm gonna mosey along to the next photo now; I don't want to get 'absorbed'.

    Maroon sails... hunh. I'm sure we must have seen a couple of other photos with "dried blood" sails, but I don't remember seeing them, or maybe I just thought the color on the 35mm slide was wonky. I'm trying to decide if I like this color or not... I'm leaning 'no' because the colors clash. There is a brother & sister who are dressed alike (almost). And like yesterday's Knott's Monkey Farm pic, one of them is 'neat', with his shirt tucked in; and the other is 'sloppy' with her shirt untucked. But I won't say which is which. Another one that cries out for Melissa to chime in. We also get a glimpse of the Skyway Chateau.

    Nice pics from 1961. Thanks, Major.

  3. Just above the Tom Sawyer Island raft, we can see at least one person fishing on the little fishing pier.

    The darker red/maroon color on the sails of the Pirate Ship isn't bad, but I prefer the brighter red stripes. Either way, It's always nice to see the sails unfurled.

    Thanks, Major!

  4. Oops. I meant the Skyway Chalet... not Chateau. :-\

  5. Has anyone else ever wondered why Tom and Huck were transporting red-painted barrels of explosives to TSI?

    Despite the odd coloration of the sails (which I think may have something to do with an imperfection in the slide itself - there’s a slightly “off” tone to some people’s clothing, particularly the woman in the magenta slacks), this is pretty neat photo of the Tuna Scow. You can see JG’s Rocks to the left and the sail-shaded eating area to the right. The hatch is where the youngest of us who remember seeing it in person remember seeing it in person. No band playing “Hail to the Chief” and pointing the cannon at you, though. A woman soaks it all in in 3-D under the striped umbrella at extreme right.

    One of the windows to what would be the Captain’s Cabin on a real ship is open. What was back there?

    JB, at least you didn’t cap your sentence off with “Skyway chapeau.”
