Sunday, March 02, 2025

Snoozles From February, 1961

It's Snoozle Time, and you know what that means - I'll be sharing some scans that have issues. No, not the "fear of intimacy" sort of issue, I mean that there is literally something wrong with the scans. In this case, both have turned out very dark.

You probably remember this Girl In Red from a previous photo. Her outfit is so striking that this should be an interesting picture, but as you can see, most of the background is overwhelmed with dark, inky shadows. Vesey Walker gleams in his white uniform, but the Disneyland Band is barely visible in their seats as they perform in front of the Opera House.

Just up Main Street, the same girl poses with her Mom and Dad next to the Carnation Milk Truck, surrounded by colorful faux flowers in the Flower Market. But half the picture is almost black. Was it an errant camera setting? Did the film sit in a hot car? It is February of 1961, but Mom is holding a 1960 souvenir guidebook - gotta use up that inventory. 



  1. Budblade4:25 AM

    I see what you did there. Putting the girl in red in red.
    I bet this girl was the “lite of their lives”

  2. Did the Girl In Red notice the boy on the sidewalk (second pic), wearing her favorite color? Did she try and strike up a conversation with him? Or did she just push him down and take his jacket?

    Thanks for the "Snoozles," Major!

  3. The first photo shows a community of musicians (known to science as a “band”) using natural camouflage to hide from danger. The bright coloring of the alpha male, or “band leader,” distracts predators and allows him to lead them away from his band while they scatter, a brilliant example of Nature’s wisdom.

    I know we’re a few years early, but seeing the corner of Hills Bros. makes me smile. Part of what I love about GDB is the memories other people share, which I have come to cherish almost as much as my own.

    The second image proves that trees have no scale…except maybe when they are stuck in an anachronistic, Modernist pot and obviously plunked down on top of what is supposed to look like the peak of a building’s roof.

    Just noticed for the first time the lighted “Bell System” sign in the back right corner of the flower mart and what appears to be the top of a phone booth. Plenty of privacy for Superman to change, although the gentlemen’s room is right there, too.

    Thanks, Major!

  4. What is that pot doing on top of the building with tree of no scale? Seems to be a whole nest of TONS (formerly known as Trees of No Scale) up there. Seems odd that they would even be needed as there is nothing to "mask"...but possibly, it's to mask Main St. from the Jungle Cruise which is directly behind. Just a thought. At first I thought Red Girl was an OG Tour Guide, as the costume looked very similar to this. There she is with her wardrobe issued "Hostess Bag" as well...what gave it away was the a TG wouldn't be toodle-ing around with a camera....normally...or perhaps they would? 3 very popular things frequently photographed in the OG Disneyland: Flower Market, Carnation Wagon, Pirate Ship....and these were the things that were nixed?! So today's choices would be: Sleeping Beauty Castle, ...... Mickey Mouse (?)....hmmm.....3 Fences ?......honestly, I don't know. However, I recently toodled around myself: around the former Hills Bros...and you can "kind" of see it...the "hood" of the old Egg House...everything smothered in plush. Also: I'm not sure if 3 fences is still was all walled up....and I tried crawling around the barriers, much to my dismay to find a big bag of more wall. Sleeping Beauty Castle is still there though of course: all in her great purple-ness. If you squint, you can still see her former self however. The walkthrough continues to be my favorite "ride" in the park, still giving off a 1950's vibe...I don't mind losing a few organs on the Matterhorn for the kicks of it, but give me a walk-through or a diorama any day. It's been published that the "new" Opera House with it's Mr. Disney Animatronic (eek) will also include a "preview center" for the 70th anniversary. Perhaps there will be some models....or they will move the wonderful models of Disneyland from Hollywood Studios in WDW. There are so many goodies in there that I'm not sure the Florida market even understands it's historical significance. In an obscure, yet relevant turn, here's a link to the successor of Vesey: Stan Freese: performing on Hee Haw in a tribute to ....Orville Redenbacher the background: Linda Thompson: girlfriend of Elvis, and the former Mrs. Bruce Jenner.....there's a lot going on in this clip....enjoy and thanks Major:

  5. Red Riding Hood is nicely turned out, right down to her red boots. Cute outfit.

    Major, these photos are fairly ok, there’s some details to be gleaned here as Chuck points out. Hills Bros, doing Bro stuff before it was cool (Chuck, I see what you did there). The telephone sign, which I have never noticed till now. And I will take any photos with either Hills Bros or the Flower Mart.

    Looks like Dad might be wearing a bolo tie, but too fuzzy to be certain. I wonder who took the picture? Aunt, Uncle, Grandparent, obliging passer-by?

    It’s a shame about the odd exposure as I’m sure there are other treasures to be seen. Thank you for your efforts in bringing these to us.


  6. Oh, oops, not boots, socks. Her shoes disappear in photo 2.


  7. Major-
    Our gal in "red" (salmon, almost) is carrying a Kodak Brownie Holiday camera. I had one of those, too - which could've easily been responsible for producing this poor image - with this challenging lighting.

    In spite of her 'coordinated' outfit, she really should visit her hair care professional to fix that awful haircut and those pathetic bangs [in six months, when her hair grows out...]

    Thanks, Major.

  8. Budblade, I could have really confused everyone and put the girl in red in, I don’t know, blue! I’m sure you are right about her being the light of her parent’s lives.

    TokyoMagic!, IS that boy wearing red?? It looks like brown suede. Or something. Maybe it’s maroon. I hope she clobbered him.

    Chuck, I thought that perhaps the band had Klingon cloaking devices, but your explanation makes much more sense. I think there was a scene in one of the “True Life Adventures” much like you described. We’re not early at all, we can see “BROS.” on the sign! Funny about the trees in photo #2, which I did not even notice, but now I can’t unsee those massive pots. This predates the trees on top of IASW by years, which is interesting. I love that Bell System lit (?) sign, I think Nanook has one just like it, or maybe I am misremembering.

    Bu, with those trees up there, it makes me wonder if that roofline was accessible from Walt’s Firehouse apartment. Why else would they even bother? There are other areas where the transition from Main Street to Adventureland is pretty obvious if you know where to look, so I don’t think those trees had anything to do with that. The Red Girl definitely looks like she is a future Tour Guide. She’s at that age when she wants to start dressing more like a cool “grownup” girl and not a little kid - at least for some occasions. I assume that any changes made at Disneyland are not made with their popularity as photo subjects considered. “People will just take photos of something else!”. And they are probably right. The Partners statue is a popular subject, the Mark Twain still gets plenty of looks - it’s always the same things, over and over. As far as I know, the 3 Fences is still there, though I will not be surprised when that area is redone and that relic from another age will be gone forever. I agree with you, the Castle walk-thru is great, though I am often annoyed by the other people who block my view or make lots of noise. Don’t they know who I am?? I can’t wait to see how bad that Walt animatronic looks, they have done remarkable things with AA, but I have yet to see a convincing likeness of a real person. Maybe I’ll be surprised. Either way, I still hate the idea.

    JG, a bright red outfit looks good on a girl. Somehow it would look weird on a guy. I guess I am missing a Chuck joke (Hills Bros.), looking at it again I still don’t get it. If it’s not about Taylor Swift, I don’t WANT to know. Bolo ties, I think they’re odd. If others love them, it’s OK! Maybe if I grew up in Arizona? I’m wondering if the older folks with the girl are her grandparents, and mom or dad took the photos. At least I got the earlier nice photo of this family on a tram, I have to be grateful for what I have!

    JG, I knew what you meant!

  9. Major, you aren't missing a joke. I was referencing a wonderful story JG shared about how his parents would wait at Hills Bros. while he would run on to the Matterhorn. On one memorable occasion, he came back after his ride to find them holding hands. Vintage Disneyland is cool, but these little shared snippets of life are a big part of what makes GDB so special. Well, that and it's hypoallergenic.

  10. Imagine my surprise when I brought up the GDB website at 12:01, like I usually do, and was greeted with...... NOTHING! Stuff happens occasionally, and I knew that the daily post would be forthcoming... eventually. So, like Little Nemo, I took a trip to Slumberland. :-)

    Major, instead of lightening these photos up, I think you should darken them and pass them off as original Rembrandts! (You can use this idea if you want.)

    In the first pic, two females with cameras! That sorta shatters my pre-conceived notion that nearly all photographers of Park photos are male. I wonder if the Girl in Red is wearing some kind of uniform? Maybe she's a world-champion checkers player? (Red & black).

    In the second pic, I see that mom is still rocking her 1957 red coat. The boy in the shadows, on the left, is holding a rolled-up something in his hand. Could it be another guidebook? Seems too tightly rolled for that.

    Chuck, I read your first paragraph hearing David Attenborough's voice.

    Major, surely you meant Romulan cloaking devices! Oh wait... I think the Romulans shared cloaking technology with the Klingons...... nevermind.

    Thanks for the sinisterly dark Snoozles, Major.

  11. JB, interesting...I actually wrote it in Winston Hibler's voice.

    And...not only did the Romulans share cloaking technology with the Klingons, we - er, I mean, the Federation stole it from them back in 2268 during the Enterprise Incident, only to negotiate away the rights to the technology in the Treaty of Algeron in 2311.

  12. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Chuck- Didn't that 2311 treaty also involve something to do with flowers & a mouse?... ;-)

    Major- Thanks for the interesting photos today.


  13. Chuck, ah, yes, now that you mention it, I remember that sweet story from JG. I didn’t know Disneyland was hypoallergenic, but it is a useful fact!

    JB, yeah, I screwed up - in fact I had TWO posts for today, both of which were not set to publish at 12:01, so in a way it was fortuitous that neither of them were set. I moved one to another Sunday, and fixed the time on the one you now see. Nice “Little Nemo” reference! I think these photos are already Rembrandt-esque; or is it Caravaggio-esque? One of those guys. I think ladies took lots of photos of Disneyland, that explains the many Flower Market images I have! My grandma would use a whole roll of film taking pictures of the flowers in her garden. Talk about boring! I can’t tell what’s in that boy’s hand, it’s just too dark and indistinct. It’s probably an item signed by Walt. Hang on to it and sell it for $2,500 (or more) in 2025! Listen, the less said about Romulans, the better - unless you are talking about Romulan Ale. I like it with a twist of Vulcan lime!

    Chuck, wow, you sure know your Star Trek history!

    DW, er… flowers and a mouse? Is this a Daniel Keyes reference? On MY blog? Stop being so smart!!

  14. Cheers Major, and Chuck.


  15. "Imagine my surprise when I brought up the GDB website at 12:01, like I usually do, and was greeted with...... NOTHING! "

    JB, yep, same here. But it was 2:01 a.m. in my time zone. The Major has no idea how many of us are out there who live and breathe GDB. :o)

    Thanks, Major, for being there for us.
