Two From August 1970
August, 1970 would have been a great time to visit Disneyland. Well, maybe not August 6th. But otherwise you had the New Tomorrowland, and the Carousel of Progress was still going strong. The Haunted Mansion had opened only a year earlier.
Here's a nice shot looking across the Submarine Lagoon on a glorious, sunny day - presumably from the Skyway terminal in Tomorrowland. If you look closely, there is a bobsled visible on the Matterhorn, which of course means wealth and prosperity for everyone. Guests glide up the Speedramp to the Monorail station, while the tail cone of the Green Monorail can be seen in the lower right. Also... a yellow Peoplemover train!
"Honey, take my picture, these yellow and purple flowers match my eyes". Joke's on him, he forgot to take off his sunglasses! Ah, he's enjoying his Marlboro cigarette, life is good.
Hooray! A good luck bobsled appears in the first pic!
I think Burt Reynolds was inspired by that guy's pose in the second pic!
Thanks for the trip back to 1970, Major!
Those were lovely flowers right there at the entrance to Tomorrowland, now ruined by "newer design ideas" - of questionable note. Lovely images, these two.
Thanks, Major.
And a blue PeopleMover train, too! This is an excellent photo! We've got eye-catching stuff in the foreground (Skyway gondola, Speedramp, Monorail), mid-ground (Submarine, Matterhorn, etc.), and background (Small World, blue PM train). Plus, blue water and blue sky. Peak Disneyland.
Looks like Marlboro Man has outgrown his pants; seems like they would still be kinda short even if he stood up. Nice close-up view of the purple and yellow flower bed. More peak Disneyland!
Nice, happy, photos. Thanks, Major.
That guy could be my dad as he had the same vibe with the glasses, short poly pants, cigarette, camera cases and white socks. These planters are sorely missed, but live on in my yard where I've given a Tomorrowland nod to Spring in the NE. WHO and WHAT is that character with the hat in Alpine Gardens? The crowds are crowding...but what is it? That souvie stand in Alpine Gardens was my favorite. Always peaceful so I could look at absolutely EVERY item and take my time doing it without the push and shove at the Emporium. I can smell the sub lagoon through the photo...I think that is why it appealed to me: since subs are in such murky water all the time: but at Disneyland it's all crystal clear so you can see right through. Those traveling to nearby Catalina Island can also see right to the bottom, which made fishing a more interesting venture: when you can witness the fish actually deciding on taking the bait, then going for it. Much better than waiting for the unknown. I'm afraid that today I would never have the patience for fishing, and I'm wondering how I ever had it as a kid...something to ponder. Thanks for the stellar Tomorrow/Fantasyland Major!
1970 Tomorrowland, a World on the Move…
We can even see the top tower of the weird little yellow kiosk over by IASW, was this a caricature stand?
Dad has his ticket books in his shirt pocket, just as my Dad did, a few posts back. Wish he didn’t have his shoe on the bench, but… The swirled flowers were inspired crazy, who would think to do that? Wonderful.
Looking forward to the good luck today after seeing that bobsled AND the Green Monorail.
Thanks Major!
TokyoMagic!, I know Burt Reynolds posed in a very special magazine, but I am not aware of his specific poses. Was Dom DeLuise in any of the photos?
Nanook, those flowers had to go! Those freeloaders needed to be replaced by weird rock formations. As foretold by Nostradamus.
JB, I do like that first photo a lot. The second one is just for laughs! That sub lagoon is so beautiful, I’m often glad it is in photos even if it’s just a background element. I’ll be sad when the lagoon is removed (no news about it, I just assume that it will go, someday), and I’m not even that crazy about the Nemo subs. The man in the 2nd photo has learned my trick. Wear clothing that is two sizes too small, and people will ask if I’m still growing.
Bu, I kind of understand the thinking that the Astro Orbiter was going to become a beloved icon of Tomorrowland, but it doesn’t seem to have caught on. So not only did they rip out the flower beds and remove the Rocket Jets from their high perch, but we got those dumb rocks that nobody loves. So wait, did you plant swirling purple and yellow flowers in your yard? Cool! I love any quiet little cul de sac in Disneyland, be it the Snow White Grotto (which I hope is not going away) or even the pond where the Alpine Gardens used to be, not sure what it is called now. Triton’s something? I haven’t done the glass bottom boats in Catalina for decades, but remember being fascinated by all of the sea life that was visible. Also fun, the flying fish cruise at night. They shine a bright spotlight into the water, and the fish go crazy. I miss fishing with my dad, even though I would sometimes get a little bored (because we often caught only one or two fish), but we’d often see other cool wildlife, such as moose, beaver, and bald eagles. And leeches!
JG, I thought that the yellow kiosk was merely a souvenir stand, but I am probably misremembering. After seeing a woman changing a baby’s diaper on a bench, somehow a foot doesn’t bug me so much. I’ve heard that the swirled flowers were Rolly Crump’s idea, and he liked to smoke stuff!
All that fabulous view, and Robert Redford sailing by. Nice to feel the love for those planter / BENCHES.
Gondola #1 has the guy in yellow, and I’m pretty sure he is smoking. I bet that was against the rules. Which socks like that, the guy in the second photo must have been a nerd.
Bu, I do see that character you mention. On my cell phone, it looked like two characters, but now that I'm on my laptop and enlarged that image, I think we're just looking at a couple of eccentric, boldly dressed ladies. I'm sure they were characters of a sort.
I LOVE the yellow and purple flower combo. Especially nice in swirls.
Thanks, Major, for these beauties.
When the Peoplemover closed, the last of Toworrowland '67 proceeded to die with it's just a shell.
Thank you MP
I know Burt Reynolds posed in a very special magazine, but I am not aware of his specific poses. Was Dom DeLuise in any of the photos?
Major, it was Cosmopolitan Magazine. The pose was parodied over the years, in other forms of media. And Dom DeLuise did his own separate photo spread for the magazine. Burt posed with a strategically placed towel, but Dom posed with a strategically placed pizza.
Interesting no one picked up on the August 6th comment. KS
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