Sunday, February 16, 2025


I have some flawed slide scans for you today, and those flaws put them squarely in the "Snoozles" category. This first one is from 1967, and would be a nice "general interest" picture if it wasn't for the fact that it's a little out of focus. Not too bad though. There's an ice cream vendor to the left(ish), and to the left of him we can see two boys wearing identical blue plaid shirts. What would Melissa have to say about them?  

Next, from "sometime in the 1970s" comes this backlit, too-dark photo of King Louie, who is standing there with no guests bothering him, somehow. There are some kids who want to approach him, but how do  you do so without him going ape crazy?? Strangely, Louie is wearing a flower in his... er... "lapel", I wonder if this was some special day at the park? 


  1. Both, the Castle and the Matterhorn are looking at that lamppost in the center, thinking how much better and important they are. Castles and mountains can be snooty at times. The ice cream vendor isn't getting much business. Maybe he should break out in a song and dance routine, ♪"Hello ma baby! Hello ma honey!"♫. He's got his arms crossed. I can't remember if Bu said this was a no-no. At least he doesn't have his hands in his pockets!

    King Louie is walking away in a jealous huff because Baloo, in the background, is getting all the attention. Actually, quite a few people are looking at Louie, and smiling. Maybe he's doing a little dance?

    Too bad about the blur and the backlighting. But that's why these slides landed in the Snoozle folder. Thanks, Major.

  2. In the first pic, there is a person off in the distance (between the pole for the red & white umbrella and the lamppost) who's sitting on the curb, looking down at the ground and holding their head. It must have been a rough day.

    JB, King Lou is doing a dance. With the positioning of his right hand, he is doing his best Michael Jackson impersonation.

  3. Ha, ha! Make that, King "Louie"!

  4. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Good heavens! Only one trash can for all those people in the first picture. No wonder that woman is holing her head.

    The signpost decorations tell us the second photo must have been taken around the 4th of July.

    TM!, I think your typo is accurate - Lou IS king!

  5. Anonymous,'re right. Lou IS king! :-)

  6. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Make that “No wonder that woman is holding her head.” While distressing, the lack of trash cans doesn’t call for such drastic measures.

  7. Sorry, TM! - that was me above.

  8. A paucity of trash cans, and at the hub no less. How can this be?

    I’m looking for Tinkerbell’s wire from the Matterhorn, but nothing is visible?

    Oops did I just give away that she doesn’t really fly? Sorry.

    I know these are supposed to be snoozles, but they are more interesting than “Charlie Chan and the Feathered Serpent” which I located on an obscure streaming service. I should have listened to GDB advice.

    Thanks Major!


  9. JB, gosh, I did not know that the Castle and the Matterhorn could “look”! Now I’m going to be all self-conscious. Both of them should certainly feel more snooty than a mere lamppost. I’ll bet that customers for the ice cream vendor show up in waves. Too many, and then nobody. I’m sure he appreciates the mini-break. I would have a hard time choosing between Balloo and King Louie, as a kid I loved them both.

    TokyoMagic!, we’ve all felt like that person at the curb.That person has a “parade headache”, the worst kind. The only cure? Listening to “It’s a Small World” for 20 minutes!

    TokyoMagic!, ha ha, hail King Lou!

    Anonymous, there actually does seem to be a surprising lack of trashcans, though now that I think about it, the Plaza might have some around the edges, but none right in the middle.

    Chuck, now I know!

    JG, hmmm, I don’t know what to tell you re: Tink’s wire. When I really look, I think I see something, and then it vanishes. Just like money in my wallet, am I right? “An obscure streaming service”, I wouldn’t be surprised if that Charlie Chan movie is on YouTube.

  10. I’m embarrassed for all of you …. But I’m afraid that is NOT King Louie. It’s just a guest : Carrol Dellagarza from Canoga Park, California …. And she’s two NAIR treatments behind this month. Her local Woolworths has been out!

  11. Recall is out too - she already checked .

  12. REXALL - no “recall” ( I’m afraid AI is not versed in the 1960’s at all!! - god forbid !)

  13. Mike Cozart, I’ve always wondered if NAIR is painful. It seems like it has to be pretty caustic? No idea though.

    Mike Cozart, I read ahead, so I know what you mean!

    Mike Cozart, I’m sure we’re going to be enjoying all sorts of “benefits” of AI!
