Friday, February 07, 2025

Random Beauties From Frontierland

First things first - if you were unable to attend the two Knott's Bear-y Tales presentations that Chris Merritt and Eric Lynxwiler gave in January, you can "hang out" with them on Monday, February 10th on the Park Streamers Hangout Podcast, which you can view on YouTube. CHECK IT OUT! 

I have two extra-nice scans for you, from the LAND OF THE FRONTIER! Let's begin with this view from the Mark Twain, probably (though I guess it could have been taken from the top of a Keelboat); we're looking in the direction of the water tower (in its original location), where the C.K. Holliday sits, presumably somewhere along in the process of filling the tender with water. Guests are fascinated, especially Mr. Nosy peeking out of the front of that cattle car. Take a picture, it'll last longer! The train looks beautiful, the berm looks bermtastic. I have no idea what that white "garden wall" to the left was for... any ideas? 

From another batch of slides comes this neat view from Tom's Treehouse looking northeast-ish, with Rainbow Ridge to the extreme right, and some of the crazy rock formations from the Rainbow Desert to the extreme left. Both of those features, along with Tom's Treehouse, date this to at least mid-1956. Right in the middle of the image...

... is the cutest li'l Stagecoach you ever did see. There are only a few passengers, which would have been fine by me. I think that those are two kids on the top. Any idea what that strange hollow in the hillside is, just above the horse in front? Was it Walt's Hobbit Hole?



  1. Major-
    Why do I have the feeling we've seen that lattice-topped wall before, but I can't think of when it was. Thanks to my keen vision, I can easily read the stenciled signage appearing along the top board in the wooden fencing separating the tracks from the guests:

    Thanks, Major.

  2. If not for the bermtastic berm I don't think I would have guessed that this is Disneyland. That 'garden wall' looks like it would be part of the Chicken Plantation Restaurant, but we're not near that are we? That little girl being held by her dad looks like a baby doll, in her poufy dress and sweater.

    In Tom's Treehouse, we get a nice close-up view of some plastic leaves. It's always neat to see other parts of the Park from Frontierland, like: Cinderella Castle, the Skyway buckets, and the Pirate Ship. I don't know what the "Hobbit Hole" could be. Perhaps that's where an AA figure will go in the near future? There's a light colored something just to the upper left of the Hole... Maybe it's Bilbo's chimney. Teeny tiny horsies!

    Nanook, "KEEP OUT RAILROAD PROPERTY", that seems kind of harsh and abrupt for a Disney sign. Management usually goes out of its way to be extra friendly to the guests. They need to sweeten it up a bit.

    Thanks for the rustic randos, Major.

  3. I can’t find a picture to corroborate it, but I think JB is correct that that lattice-topped wall is probably the west end of the Chicken Plantation seating. The Frontierland train station was originally pretty close to the Plantation.

    Cinderella’s Castle is peeking out over the top of the hill in the second image. At extreme right you can see the Skyway central support that would eventually mutate into a mountain.

    I think that “strange hollow” is a conifer sapling and its shadow.

    Thanks, Major!

  4. Ah, the C.K. Holliday--the quintessential "Old West" steam locomotive. The water tower isn't currently in use, its spout in the upright position, with a bit of canvas around its open end to help guide the water into the tender tank. The "Keep Out" stenciling is a bit harsh; I have a SF&DRR sign that says "NO TRESPASSING," but it's so ornate and colorful that you can almost forgive them. The guy in the cattle car is probably me before I was reincarnated.

  5. Nanook, I also have a vague memory (or ghost of a memory) of some sort of construction walls, but I don’t think they were that early, or that big. Not sure though.

    JB, I am unaware of any sort of walls at the Chicken Plantation that looked like that, or are that far west, but I’ve been wrong before, so… yeah. Tom’s Treehouse never got the press that the Swiss Family Treehouse got, but it was still pretty darn impressive, and, being on top of a hill, gave guests some great views. I wonder if it was ultimately higher than the SFT? Those teeny horses are just my style, I’d much rather have one of those. I could carry one with me to the grocery store, like all of those annoying people and their dogs. Even at Disneyland, 5/8 scale trains were no joke and could do some real harm, so it probably wasn’t a bad idea to be harsh and abrupt.

    Chuck, as I said to JB, I’m unaware of such a wall, and don’t have time for research, but you could be right. I feel like they were at least attempting to match the style of the Chicken Plantation, anyway. It’s fun to look for all of the distant, familiar features of Disneyland from TSI! And come on Chuck, don’t tell me you don’t believe in Walt’s Hobbit Hole! I belong to a group that is devoted to revealing this secret to the world!

    Steve DeGaetano, I was thinking that the water tower’s spout was either already used, or just about to be used - why else would the train be stopped there? Plus folks seem to be very interested in what’s going on, and it probably wasn’t just the engineer blowing his nose. OR WAS IT? I’d love to see a photo of your “No Trespassing” sign!

  6. White latticework is a classic “goes with anything” material, I think this might be a construction wall, but I’m not familiar with this area in these early days, so anything’s possible. I love hearing about the trains, I guess I’m still in training.

    The railroad sign seems authentic to me. I used to live near the site of the Mussel Slough Tragedy where farmers fought the railroad in a land dispute, and have had my own issues with SP, so I’m not always warm and fuzzy towards railroads.

    Tom’s Treehouse was a dry run for the Swiss Family tree, imagineers shopping at “Leaves R’ Us”.

    Looking out to see those other lands in the distance, like the explorers of old.

    Good stuff today, Major, thank you.


  7. @ JB-
    ""KEEP OUT RAILROAD PROPERTY", that seems kind of harsh and abrupt for a Disney sign".
    It does seem a bit harsh, but that really is what it says.

  8. Nanook, I believe there is also barbed wire strung along the angled top portions of the fence posts--if someone chose to disregard the stencils!

  9. Major, the freight train would be stopped at that station because that was the station it stopped at! Also, there look to be guests on the tender, and the crew wouldn't take water when guests were aboard.

  10. @ Steve DeGaetano-
    "... I believe there is also barbed wire strung along the angled top portions of the fence posts."
    You are correct, sir. (Damn, those 'hard facts'-!) Just LOOK HERE.

  11. Chuck, "conifer sapling". Way to go, dashing my hopes and excitement. :-( I thought for sure we had discovered the lair of a band of feral Hobbits.

    Major, I share your annoyance with people and their 'support dogs' click-clacking through supermarkets. Sometimes they actually get in the way.

    Nanook, I wasn't doubting your reportage of the sign's text. Just the bluntness, on Disney's part. :-)

  12. JG, even now you’ll see similar white latticework, I guess it is inoffensive enough. The only thing I can think of about for the mystery structure is the restrooms that were on the side of the Plantation House, but it’s just a guess. I’ll have to read up on the Museel Slough Tragedy, that’s one I am unfamiliar with.

    Nanook, what you can’t see is that in teeny tiny letters it also says “YOU JERKS”. Surprising!

    Steve DeGaetano, there was definitely barbed wire, I have at least one very clear photo of it.

    Steve DeGaetano, while looking at some of my old Plantation House photos, I was truly surprised that the old Frontierland station was actually behind and to the left of the PH (as you face it).

    Nanook, I wish Walt had sprung for high-voltage electrified wire, but oh well.

    JB, don’t be downhearted, Walt had apartments all over Disneyland. I think I’ve counted 11 so far, and I’m trying to confirm the one supposedly beneath the Pirate Ship.

  13. Pic #1: I can't help but notice how the cute little wire fence is standing up to the big bad barb-wired fence. What a contrast.

    Thanks, Major.

  14. ^ barbed-wired? barbed-wire? (Nanook will know, cuz I'm not sure.)

  15. ^ Some people even call it (incorrectly) "bobbed wire".
