Thursday, January 09, 2025

Views From June 22, 1965

Today's photos are hand-dated "June 22, 1965". We've actually seen some photos from this batch before, but I was on LSD and forgot to use Jason's Disneyland Almanac for some date-specific facts. It was a Tuesday, the park was open from 9:00 AM until midnight; the temperature reached a pleasant high of 71º, and a low of 58º. Attendance was 41,650, and a special event was going on - HUMDINGER! I don't have any photos of Humdinger '65, but here's a link to a photo of a sign from the 1967 version.

Three nice people are resting in front of the not-yet-open Haunted Mansion. You might recognize Ralph and Florence, who'd been to the park in 1963 (Ralph also enjoyed riding the Pack Mules). There's something about Ralph's outfit, I thought he was a priest at first. Perhaps the lady in blue is his sister, let's call her Ophelia. 

Next, we're up in the branches of the Swiss Family Treehouse, sponsored by Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa mix (just add water if you hate delicious things). Ophelia never dreamed that she would ever be in such a treehouse - she's more of a yurt gal (and proud of it).


  1. Major-
    I wonder if we'll ever see the likes of folks in this sort of 'dress' again. Perhaps not so out of place in 1965, but in five to 10 years hence, they will seem as out of place as the horse and buggy. (They probably just miss the Swift's Chicken Plantation House).

    Thanks, Major... stay safe.

  2. LDS can do that to ya Major. Thank you for the links to Ralph's backstory, it all makes sense now...

  3. ^ Latter Day Saints? ;-P

    Seems unlikely that a priest would be wearing a bolo tie, like Ralph here. The black shirt is definitely unusual. Even more unusual are the multi-colored buttons on his shirt. Also, the black pants, black socks, and black shoes add to the mystery.

    I bet Ophelia is a member of NYC... the Nebraska Yurt Consortium... and proud of it! ;-) Some of those red Treehouse leaves look to be within plucking distance. I'm ashamed to say that I would probably pluck one for a souvenir. "And that's why we can't have nice things!"

    Sounds like things are getting worse and worse in the L.A. area. Really hoping for some rain, or for the winds to die down. Thanks, Major.

  4. According to the hand labeling on some of Ralph's and Florence's slides (which I purchased), that other lady is "Isabelle," and she is Florence's sister. I'm finally going to be posting Ralph and Florence's Knott's Berry Farm slides this year! And also the pictures they took at various So. Cal shopping malls in the 1970s!

    Major, I hope you and your family are all safe, and that your power has been restored....or at least will be very soon!

  5. Nanook, fashions change of course, but I feel like older folks in general tend to dress not too differently from these people. It’s just that nobody gives them a second look!

    walterworld, I’m just glad I have never put a baby in a microwave, I’m told that this happens all the time!

    JB, yes, the LDS. I just thought Ralph was a priest at first, once you look closer you can tell that he isn’t. Multicolored buttons?? The sure sign of a Commie! I tried to join the Nebraska Yurt Consortium, but they wouldn’t have me. My references were not impressive enough. I assume that any red Treehouse leaves within reach would not last very long! People love their souvenirs. I have a vinyl leaf from the later Treehouse, but somehow it’s not as cool. For now I and my family are safe from direct fires, but these darn winds are horrible.

    TokyoMagic!, yeah, I don’t think any of the slides indicated Isabelle’s name. When you post Ralph and Florence’s Knott’s Berry Farm pictures, please be sure to edit out the naughty ones. SoCal shopping mall photos, wow, now THOSE I want to see! We are safe - I was at my mom’s place yesterday, and her power is out (since 11 PM Tuesday night), but at my place I still have electricity. I’m hoping that her power will go back on sometime today, though a neighbor said that she heard it might not go on until Friday afternoon.

  6. There's nothing that I like better than taking photos in shopping malls! Better hurry though...they are all "going condo", which I'm not sorry to see actually. Malls had their time, and now it's time to move on. People do still go to the "power malls" in the US so I don't think they will be vanishing any time soon. Ralph is wearing something that I wear today, and he would look very relevant in 2025, perhaps not in Disneyland, but somewhere in the NE. You WOULD see me dressed like this in Disneyland, and that's probably why DL Security follows me around. Literally. I like seeing photos of the Haunted Mansion prior to opening...and this being four years until opening. The brick is so new there that it is "blooming": lime coming to the surface: normal for new brick as it cures it's way into solidity merging with the mortar. These people could be anywhere where a mansion like this is, and that is why I don't particularly like any "decoration" for Christmas/Halloween/Mardi Gras etc. Keep in clean people: don't mess with perfection. It looks like they messed with it however, as these embellishments continue. More is not more, but I think I am in the minority on that one. Hope everyone in the LA area is safe. Thanks Major.

  7. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I hope these folks had a great day in the Park. They look like my neighbors in about that era.

    Thanks Major, I hope you can stay out of the smoke.


  8. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Humph - Oph, there’s supposed to be a ride here.
    Oh Flo, let’s get you gals a churro to cheer you up.

    Thanks once more Major for sending out cheer every day. It’s a welcome break from some very scary days here in LA. Joe Rohde put out a nice statement about Altadena, where many Imagineers have lived. A friend of mine lost her home there. Also, some may be aware of VIP Plaid and Disney Legend Martha Blanding, who in her recent book discusses her life in Altadena.
