Sunday, January 12, 2025


I have some nap-inducing scans for you on this Sunday; starting with this one from August, 1961. It's not really such a bad photo, Charlie Brown. There's a snake in that tree, and some crocodiles in the water (guarding that temple that you can just see), all business as usual in the jungle. 

Next is this snoozley picture from November 28, 1973, featuring those steps (where do they lead?) in the Court of Angels; "Angels" meaning rich people who are members of Club 33. And gosh, they really are little angels, aren't they?



JB said...

Well, we get a clearer look at the snake in the walnut tree than we did last Snoozle Sunday... So there's that. And the crocs are closer. But if last week's pic was a Snoozle, then I guess this one is, also. This photo gets one more point for being sunnier. Hmm, are we sure that's a walnut tree? The bark looks more like a cedar tree. Actually, I think that bark was applied by Imagineers.

The previous photo of these stairs, from a few days ago, was brighter and more inviting. This one is kinda dark and gloomy. Also, this one was taken too close to the stairs; we need to see more of the surroundings... I seem to be in a curmudgeony mood tonight.

One good photo, one so-so photo. Not bad for a Snoozle Sunday. Thanks, Major.

K. Martinez said...

The Jungle Cruise pic is nice. So, below the waterline that fiberglass trunk only goes an inch or so? Such fakery. What a Croc!

Not bad pics at all. Thanks, Major.

JG said...

Definitely no longer a walnut tree, those recycled real trunks didn’t last long in that tropic environment, and were soon replaced by audioanimatronic trees.

Major, you’re right, those stairs are enchanting and call out to be climbed. Once I went up as far as the landing and clowned around with the statue. No one caught me, so I didn’t get scolded. I did see costumed CM's climbing up and going through an upper landing door, but no idea where that led.

Thank you for these.


Anonymous said...

It's been some 54 years...and counting... (oh my!) since I did my first spiel on the old JC. And for the life of me, I don't recall that snake hanging around at that time. One did reappear later in a different location and likely was much more articulated than the original. KS


Those stairs belong to THE GRAND COURTYARD… cast members started calling it “the court of angeles” in the late 1990’s because of a plaque installed paying honor of a merchandise buyer who had passed. The plaque was installed by merchandise - not WDI.
The stairs lead to an exit hall for Club 33 and the main kitchen. There is also an access corridor that connects to the Royal Suite which would have given kitchen staff access to the Royal Suite dinning room.
The Stairs also lead to New Orleans square backstage access and was frequently used by entertainment to enter “on stage”

In the 80’s I snuck up there and took pictures of the vestibule area … there was furniture everywhere… in the 90’s I showed the photos to a fellow cast member who was working in New Orleans square when the pictures were taken … he said I photographed the removal of the original 1966 Club 33 table and chairs before updated ones had arrived !! Some past Disney force must have drawn me up there to be so bold and take pictures!!!

Major Pepperidge said...

JB, I appreciate that you are always looking for the silver lining! Even though that first picture is a bit of a dud, we DO get a better look at the snake, and that makes me want to walk with extra pep in my step and whistle a merry tune. I have no idea if that is a walnut tree, but JG seems pretty positive about it. And of course part of Disneyland was built on old walnut groves. It’s possible that the Court of Angels stairs was taken in the early evening, not much daylight gets down in there anyway.

K. Martinez, is that a fiberglass trunk? I truly don’t know!

JG, ah, OK, by now the trunk had been replaced, the Imagineers went to “Just Trunkz”, where all they sold was fiberglass tree trunks. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been tempted to sneak up stairs (like at the old Skyway chalet), only to imagine myself being thrown out of the park and told to never come back. So… I chickened out.

KS, believe me, time flies by so fast, I was talking to a friend about finding a concert ticket stub from 1983 and being astonished that the show was 42 years ago. UGH.

Mike Cozart, I still don’t understand why a merchandise buyer would somehow inspire the name “The Court of Angels”. Was this buyer beloved? Seems hard to believe, but it’s possible. I would be fascinated by all of those exit halls and corridors, though I have no doubt that they are unthemed and boring to those who don’t care about backstage stuff! Wow, it must have been some sort of kismet that you happened to sneak up and take pictures just when they were switching out the tables and chairs. Cool!

Bu said...

I thought I was losing my mind seeing these photos...or that my computer was messing with me...I kept refreshing and refreshing and refreshing....trying to figure out why I had seen this post before...did I dream it? Was I hallucinating? Then I checked the date: but still didn't understand. In any case, after getting into the comments, I figured it out. I remember a more "cartoon-ish" green snake dangling down, but not at this point in the ride....was it a monkey and the snake? It was something "comical" if I remember....but it did kind of look like a rubber snake. The snake in this photo looks more authentic, and without knowing this was Anaheim, it could very well be a real jungle. It is sad that only the few can see the Court of Angels, and given the story about Sally it seems that they would do everything to allow everyone to experience this cozy and pretty nook. I have more colorful language to express my feelings but since this is a G site, I'll refrain. Or maybe it's PG. And it some cases back in the 70's was it called GP? GP to me is "General Public"....PG: Parental Guidance. Do peoples need Parental Guidance to view GDB? Maybe there should be a little "click" to say that you are with Wine sites. Happy Snoozle Sunday. and those in So Cal: be safe.

Steve DeGaetano said...

Yes, I have saved a postcard image from BITD, when it was “The (actually ‘Le’) Grand Courtyard.”

Nanook said...
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Nanook said...

@ Bu-
Yes, originally the MPAA [as it was known back then] called it "GP" - JUST LOOK HERE for a tutorial.