Monday, January 06, 2025

More Special Guest Photos!

Here's a THIRD installment of personal photos from GDB pal JG. We're into the color snapshots now! As before, JG has provided some text to go with the pix. Let's start with this great photo of JG and his mom on the Dumbo ride! Mom and I, riding Dumbo. I like how the candy-striped booms match the colors of the little hats on the Dumbii.

If only this was a stereo slide, that lantern would be popping out like crazy. This is a pretty standard picture of the Columbia heading to the dock at ramming speed. I think the Captain may have been waterskiing.

And finally (for today), this beautiful shot looking down on Fantasyland and the Carrousel: A nice view of the carousel and SBC from the Skyway. The power lines can just be seen faintly to the right, but the Convention Center isn't visible. I don't think construction started on the SpaceShip building till 1966? I'm not sure when the Convention Center construction began, but I have one slide from '66 that shows it well underway.

MANY THANKS to JG for sharing these! There are eight more to go, do I divide them into two posts? Or three? Stay tuned!

For those of you in the SoCal area, I encourage you to attend Chris Merritt's presentation about Knott's Bear-y Tales (this is the 50th anniversary of that attraction!), at the Trinity Episcopal Church in Orange, CA, on Thursday, January 9th at 7:30. I'll be there! I'd love to say "hello" to any Junior Gorillas who happen to show up. It's sure to be a good time.


  1. Thanks JG, for sharing your family photos. Once again, The Columbia expresses its photogenic-ness in a lovely pose.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. Huh. I never noticed that the candy striped arms matched Dumbo's hats. Thanks for that bit of Disney trivia.

    It's nice to see at least one unfurled sail on the Columbia. This photo was taken just as the Columbia finished its circumnavigation around the world. Moments later, the guests all jumped overboard, as is the custom when completing a circumnavigation. Of course, all that splashing around attracted the AEDs. It was an "all you can explode" buffet! I'm sure Bu will frown upon waterskiing Captains.

    Wow, the Castle looks so distant in the 3rd photo. In my (little) mind, I always picture the Carousel just a few feet beyond the Castle's archway. Here, it looks to be a quarter of a mile at least! ;-)

    Thanks, JG. Sorry for making silly comments about your family photos... Can't help it... it's what I do. And thanks, Major.

  3. Waterskiing Captains are fine just as long as vests are buttoned, hats are worn, and costume is freshly pressed. Please ensure that within seconds of emerging from the river: despite any "bio break" needed, you must go IMMEDIATELY to wardrobe for a fresh costume. That being said, these are some very lovely views of Disneyland during it's "Tencennial". It's kind of amazing that the Park was only 10 years old, and if you look back now 10's still 2015. The photo of the Columbia could be taken today and it still holds up, and Fantasyland looks very jolly, with the awnings splaying out from the Carousel. For some reason those awnings don't hit my memory much. It was said that they moved back the Carousel to "make more room" and decrease congestion....but it's still so crowded anyway with churro carts and hat stands and what not...I guess in '83 it was a congested hot mess, which just goes to show you, if you add more closets to your house, they will just get filled up too. '83 BTW is 42 years ago... Well, despite any TRE, the Park still gives the same "vibe" seen in these photos 60 years ago. Thanks for the photo of the convention center being built. It's quite the structure, and still holds up today as a very unique slice of mid century architecture despite various additions and renovations. Thanks JG for sharing your younger years, it looks like you were having a blast on Dumbo! I'm afraid I won't make it to Chris' book signing, but I did get a book. The only time I got to "see" Knott's Berry Tales was during Halloween Haunt and they covered everything with black plastic bags and such. I remember seeing animations still on with the plastic bags moving about. I'm looking forward to seeing it in print! Thanks JG and Major!

  4. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Major, thank you for posting these! And thank you to everyone for the kind comments!

    Internet is hard for me today, but I will check back later.


  5. Nanook, I only wish I had family photos from Disneyland like these!

    JB, it’s easy to miss the matching hats and candy-stripes on Dumbo, but it’s a nice detail. I’m glad I’ve never circumnavigated the globe, if I jumped into the water it would ruin my curly perm. I think the smog helps the castle to look further away, which is why I am “pro-smog”.

    Bu, I think that everyone on the Columbia should have to wear a little sailor suit, much like Shirley Temple might wear. And they all have to do a little dance like Shirley would, too. And sing a song! Let’s do this right. You make a good point about the Tencennial, so much had happened at the park in those first 10 years, but now it’s been 60 years since the Tencennial. And yes, lots more has happened, some good, some not so good. I’m not sure where they could move the Carrousel to reduce congestion, since the park is just overstuffed in general. I’m sorry you can’t make it to the book signing, I was looking forward to borrowing money from you :-D. I had no idea that they transformed Knott’s for Halloween that way. Black plastic bags, the ultimate luxury!

    JG, thank you so much for sharing these!

  6. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Somebody has a few sticky keys on the keyboard. JG...memories like this are precious and thanks for sharing. KS

  7. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Such a sweet photo of your mom JG. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Bu, when you're in the water, I thought you're supposed to just hold your coat tails up, and soldier on. Droopy, soggy drawers and all. :o)

    JG, I love seeing your family photos and always wonder if maybe, by some small chance, I was there at the same time, too. Adorable photo of you and your mom. It's fun to time travel together with all the Jr. Gorillas.

    Major, if I go to the book presentation, how will I know which person is you? Look for the curly perm??

  9. KS, I removed the comment; long story, I think I know who left it. Somebody who doesn't like me, clearly!

    MS, stay tuned for more of JG's photos!

    Lou and Sue, I hope to never have droopy, soggy drawers at Disneyland. You will know me at the presentation because I will be dressed as a squirrel (with a curly perm).

  10. Thank you everyone for your kind comments, much appreciated!

    Thanks Major for posting these.

    Sue, I’m sure we were there together at least in the same month if not the same day.

