Main Street! It's like other streets, only better - you don't want to go to Maple Street, that place is for losers. And you are WINNERS! Today's photographer sure liked Main Street, and took quite a few photos - I'll share two of them today (both from June, 1962).
First, a typical shot looking north toward Sleeping Beauty Castle, with a Surrey heading to Town Square, and a Streetcar going in the opposite direction. In the distance we can just see the Motorized Firetruck, too! The man to the right is rockin' the shorts and knee-length black socks, a look that I am just about ready to adopt for myself.
Those Dans sure are dapper! I guess their bicycle built for four was in the shop, so they had to resort to a pair of tandem bicycles. Embarrassing, if you ask me, but they are putting on brave faces in spite of their humiliation. That fire hydrant is just right out there, bright red and ready to help extinguish any blaze that might occur nearby.
Days ago I received a comment at THIS POST, the one that had the photo of a man that I surmised might be Day Sechler. Happily, the comment was from one of his relatives! Here's the comment: Hello everyone! The man in the plaid jacket is indeed Marion “Day” Sechler. He was one of the very first employees of Disneyland. He is my Great Uncle on my father’s side. He retired to Northern California after a long career. — Sara (Sechler) Lewis. Thank you Sara, it's so cool to confirm that we have a rare sighting of your Great Uncle!
ReplyDeleteSure have to agree with you about the excellence of Main Street-!"State Street - that great street"... somehow, I think NOT.
"... and knee-length black socks..." I wouldn't stop with just the socks - just what's up with those hips-??!! This might just be a freak of nature. (But who am I to judge-?? I've cracked more mirrors...)
As the circulation of newspaper readership continues to 'tank', GDB is the new source for ALL information... especially if it concerns original employees of Disneyland. AND with verifiable evidence. What a site-!
Thanks, Major.
The woman (?) walking next to Knee Socks Guy was totally missing out, by not wearing beige knee socks to complete her outfit.
ReplyDeleteThat fire hydrant made an appearance in the GDB post from December 11, 2024!
We get a nice, close-up view of one of the white hitching posts. But it's blocking part of the writing on the trashcan behind it. I wonder what it says? "Flush"? Nah, it's too small to be an outhouse. "Mush"? Yes, I'm sure that's it! They want us to deposit our half-eaten bowls of mush here. Walt thought of everything!
ReplyDeleteI really don't understand what the thinking was behind the over-the-calf black socks look. Maybe it hearkens back to British schoolboy uniforms?
That fire hydrant is about the reddest red I've ever seen! So, where are the Dans-who-are-Dapper going to park and start harmonizing? Somewhere on Main Street, I imagine. But where? OH! The writing on the trashcan doesn't say "Mush", it says "Push"..... What the heck does that mean? Instructions to ladies-in-labor who just happen to be in the Park? That seems kinda random.
Wow, how nice to hear from a relative of Mr. Sechler! Thanks, Sara. And thanks to you, Major for today's pics.
No, I most certainly do NOT want to go to Maple Street. There are monsters due on Maple.
ReplyDeleteI hate to say this, but Black Socks Guy’s outfit is kinda reminiscent of a Hitlerjugend uniform from behind. I’m sure (at least I certainly hope) that wasn’t the intent. Nanook, I think those “hips” are actually just pocket openings on a pair of shorts that may be a tad snug.
The genius of two tandem bikes is that they can split up into two duets and cover twice as much real estate. The downside is a larger dent in your inner tube budget. The Dans appear to be serenading as they cycle.
JB, there are no half-eaten bowl of mush (or oatmeal) in THIS house!
Thanks, Major!
The sunny side of Main Street is the place to be, far better than Blackstone Ave in Fresno.
ReplyDeletePlenty of trash cans and oddly dressed pedestrians, a crowded day since some are walking in the street.
Am I alone in preferring the Dapper Dans original costumes? The current rigs look like they’re offspring of the Pearlie Band.
Good stuff Major, thank you!
Nanook, that poor woman has all sorts of cuts and bruises from that man’s hips. It’s sad. As for GDB, when you think about it, it’s the most important source of information in the world!
ReplyDeleteTokyoMagic!, we are ALL missing out by not wearing beige knee socks. But some today and try them, you’ll see what I mean. And oh yeah, it’s that same fire hydrant!
JB, eh, I’ve had better photos of the hitching posts. Which makes me think, are all of the posts gone? I don’t remember any from my last visits, but it’s the kind of thing I could see myself not noticing too. Yes, the trashcan says “FLUSH”, what else would it say? It’s a poker-playing trashcan. I can’t see American’s being very influenced by British schoolboy uniforms, but you never know. The Dapper Dans harmonize wherever they want! Having a funeral? Too bad, the Dapper Dans might decide to sing “A Cup of Coffee, A Sandwich, and You…” in beautiful harmony.
Chuck, but I’ve heard that monsters are the most INteresting people. My stars! (Anyone? Anyone?). I see what you mean about the resemblance to those uniforms, I think it’s safe to say that it’s a coincidence. I thought that the two tandem bikes started out as a bicycle built for two, but they separated, kind of like when the Enterprise separates the saucer. Only in emergencies!
JG, I have no experienced the joys of Fresno, not even Blackstone Avenue. I have definitely walked in the street when walking on Main Street, those sidewalks can be congested with slow walkers. I do not care for the current “fruit stripe gum” costumes of the Dapper Dans, so you are not alone.
What a treat to 'connect the dots' in identifying a former CM. This is one of the benefits of being a Jr. Gorilla. Not only is there humor in the commentary, but also an underlying element of history in each post that can bring back a memory of one or more pictured. Thanks for sharing Sara! KS
ReplyDeleteKnee socks guy looks like he's wearing a Boy Scout uniform of some sort.
ReplyDeleteMajor, I'm sure I have no idea what you are referencing.
Also - does that mean my regular bike can separate into two unicycles in an emergency?
KS, yeah, I always dream that I might hear from a person (or a relative of that person) on the blog - and once in a blue moon, it actually happens!
ReplyDeleteDean Finder, he does look like he is prepared! For what, I don’t know.
Chuck, ding ding ding! And yes, unicycles definitely.
Major, of course, that creates its own emergency situation - I don't know how to ride a unicycle.
ReplyDeleteI love when Jr. Gorillas recognize someone in the pictures. Sara, thank you for sharing...I'm glad you joined us!
ReplyDeleteI used to ride a unicycle, but it's been about 40 years. I would probably kill myself now.
Fun pictures, fun comments. Thanks, Major.