Wednesday, January 08, 2025

A Cornucopia of Canoes

I'm continuing a look at the Canoes (from December 3, 2024), with more photos from the Mysterious Benefactor. Canoes were the Teslas of their day when you think about it. 

Jasper Morgan's 1787 book "Canoe Tips for Teens" has a number of basic rules for beginners, and the first one - the most important one - is, "Always stand in your canoe". It seems a little crazy, but you're not going to argue with Jasper, are you? The fellow in front has excellent canoe posture, or "CP" as it is called in the biz.

The instructor is a bit cross, somebody has been snapping their gum, and he's having flashbacks to the Battle of Saratoga. Look at that blond dude, the preppy bad guy from every 80s movie.

This young lady is doing her best, but I don't know if I can forgive the Tasmanian Devil t-shirt. When the canoe returns to shore, employees will give her a Mickey shirt to cover up her indiscretion. OR ELSE!

I'm assuming that the Columbia was moored in Fowler's Harbor (as usual), and this Canoe was just getting underway.  The fellow at the back hasn't switched on the secret electric motor yet! 

I wonder if KS knows the guy in front? His concentration is off the charts! He's preparing for the canoe races at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles - only to discover that there was no event for canoes, and there never has been. Notice that his watch is authentic to the 18th century.  

And finally, let's not forget that the number TWO rule from Jasper Morgan's book is "Have Fun". These guests are doing a great job!

MANY THANKS to the Mysterious Benefactor!


  1. Major-
    "... I don't know if I can forgive the Tasmanian Devil t-shirt".
    Funny, the first thing I noticed were her bangs - which definitely need work-!

    Thanks to the M B-!

  2. I feel like I have seen Blonde Dude's " I Want Your Body" t-shirt before. Was that a thing in the seventies, like "I Found It!" was?

    Thank you, Major and MB!

  3. Actually, I think "I Found It" was seen more on bumper stickers. Maybe I should have compared it to the "I'm With Stupid -->" t-shirts.

  4. 1) Hmm, the first pic is displaying the full-sized 2nd pic when you click on it. But I'll just enlarge the thumbnail and do my best. [JB wipes his tear-stained face.] It looks like this Canoe has a willing crew to do most of the paddling. Are they coming in for a landing, or taking off?

    2) Umm, the Canoe Guy may have the perfect "CP", but I don't think he's wearing the perfect coonskin hat. And I don't mean that the top is missing; we've noted that many times before. No, I'm referring to that pathetic excuse for a raccoon tail on his hat. I think he may have picked up a nutria hat by mistake.... pitiful.
    "the preppy bad guy from every 80s movie". I bet his name is Biff.

    3) By now, Disney probably owns the Tasmanian Devil, along with everything else.

    4) Ha, we can't really see the paddle of the CG (Canoe Guy), in front, and it looks like he's 'steering' the Canoe with an imaginary wheel.

    5) Wow, this is an especially clear and crisp photo! I just noticed that the rawhide stitching on the Canoe is painted on! Another preconception bites the dust. I mean, I knew that the deerskin (or whatever) panels were painted on, but I thought maybe the stitching was actual 3-dimensional something-or-other... cooked spaghetti maybe, applied to the Canoe.

    6) These Canoers, the boys especially, really are having a great time! I wonder if they're racing against another Canoe, or maybe hurrying to get out of the way of the Mark Twain?

    Really nice, clear, and expressive photos the MB supplied us with today. Thanks, MB. And thank you, Major.

  5. Major, I don't think the Columbia is docked at Fowler's Harbor in the fourth picture--which would enclose the ship's hull on three sides. I think the ship is on the open ocean...or river...or really lake, I guess.

  6. Stu295738:18 AM

    My favorite from today is.....picture #5!!!!
    (Release the doves and set off the fireworks)
    Our trusty Bow-Guide is obviously scanning the waters for AEDs, or Soviet subs. He must be extra careful, due to the discovery of the Taz-spy! The stress level is off the charts, baby!

  7. Canoe photos put me into my happy place :) I think the people in the front of the canoe in pic 1 are employees practicing for canoe races...just getting that vibe...and they look familiar, and this was "my time". Blonde I WANT YOUR BODY guy also pretty much reeks of Disneyland Employee 1980's and wearing an outfit that communicates "practice" mode...but maybe that's how these guests were dressed...who knows, I only speculate. Certainly, just like tap dancing, it's hard to not smile when on the canoes, and rides don't have to be self propelling laser beam 3-D 4-D Million Dollar animatronics to be enjoyable. It certainly is an undeniably good time regardless if you are a pro canoe'r or not. That tail on the raccoon....are we sure it was a raccoon? Looks more rat-like.....just saying....BACK TO WARDROBE! Just as a note: you can stand up in the canoe without much wobbling...they are pretty well balanced, and it's like standing on any boat...although I don't know what reason you would have to stand other than say "STROKE STROKE STROKE" and watch your minions as they paddle furiously. Thanks MB and Major for the finale to the Canoe-A-Thon!

  8. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Hi everyone, Major here; due to the extremely high winds in my area, my power has been shut off. Possibly until Friday afternoon! I just thought I would let you know why I haven’t been responding to comments, though I am grateful to the people who have been leaving them. I don’t know when I will be able to charge my phone, so for now I am trying to conserve battery life! Hopefully these winds will die soon and Things will get back to normal.

  9. Thanks, Major. Watching all the video clips on TV, I was wondering how close you were to all this destruction. Sounds like you're getting the winds (category 4 or 5 gusts!), but not the fire. Take care.

  10. Yesterday they had us all leave really early … it still took 4 ours to get home in the traffic … from Glendale to Aliso Viejo … (56 miles) several co workers have been evacuated or on alert … I’ve lived in Southern California since 1969 ( I was born in Germany in ‘68) and I’ve never heard winds like this … the slower winds sounds like a TV 1960’s Ghost Town SFX …. The mega high winds sound like a jet plane about to fly into the building …

  11. Stu295731:48 PM

    Be careful all you CA Gorillas! We're thinking and praying for you!

  12. Major-
    Yeesh. Stay safe-!
    I have friends in the Palisades who, of course, have evacuated - he has been told his house is still standing, but... I could cry looking at the images there.

  13. Anonymous7:47 PM

    A late entry tonight after spending the day at the barn. Canoes warm my heart...and makes my rear end sore from the thought of sitting on a narrow plank for hours on end. But also I digress in hoping all family and friends are safe from the fires in SoCal. I agree with Steve, that picture of the canoe with the Columbia is taken likely between the dock and TSI. These pics were taken in the 80s I assume which would make it some 5 or more years after my departure so I don't recognize the CMs. Yet, the activity looks about the same as it did in my day. Note the kids wondering just what a paddle is and how to use it. Lastly, that canoe in pics 1 and 2 has the most unusual paint job I've ever seen. It's not manly enough. God know what my guys would have called it. KS

  14. Dean Finder8:02 PM

    Nice pictures as always. Hoping all the members of the GDB community in southern California are spared from the fires.

  15. Major, grateful to you and MB for these pics, and to the canoe Gorillas for filling in the details.

    Major, holding you and your family as well as all our SoCal Gorilla family in prayer in these awful times.

  16. In the fifth picture, our canoe leader definitely has spotted an AED, as Stu mentioned. He's in the "pointing" position, just like our family's Brittany Spaniel used to do when he spotted a bird. See HERE for an example.

    Thank you, MP and MB.

    On a more serious note, it's so sad to see the fires and destruction in California. My thoughts and prayers for all of you who are affected by the high winds and fires.
