Sunday, December 29, 2024


There's nothing wrong with today's scans, in fact they're kind of pretty - just a bit dull I suppose. These are  dated "August 1961", and our photographer was mighty taken with Sleeping Beauty Castle juxtaposed with the snow-capped Matterhorn. I always have to look closely for red shirts in case there were climbers on the mountain, but I don't see any. I like the way the composition is framed by foliage, so that our eyes don't fly off into outer space. There is the usual compliment of guests on their way to someplace else, and the other guests hanging out on the bridge, taking in the sights, and perhaps looking at some swans.

Is this one "POSTCARD WORTHY"? I admit that I am just assuming that swans are there, but they might have flown the coop. I think I can juuust see "the dent", but I don't see "the stain". However, the corner tower to our left has two entirely different stains, which is good news for everybody.


  1. You bet, the guests are looking at the swans! You have to keep an eye on those "terror birds" every second! The moment you let your guard down... somebody goes missing.

    Nope, no Swiss climbers, but there IS a Bobsled! (To the right of the waterfall.)

    I agree with Major, the second photo might have a smidgen of an inkling of The Dent, perhaps, maybe, perchance. Unless I'm mistaken (never happens) we DO see The Stain. It's the dark streak in the corner, near the bottom, next to the Archway.

    The photos lean a bit to the blue end of the spectrum. They need a little more "ROY" and a little less "BIV". But nice photos just the same. Thanks, Major.

  2. I’m grateful for the foliage boundaries here, I hate it when my vision flies off into space.

    Nice pale pastel castle here, no candy-apple pink gold-plated fever dreams. Thank goodness.

    I’m surprised that neither photo shows any guests drowning in the moat after falling through the widely spaced chains on the drawbridge. How did anyone survive the wild years of the 50s-60s-70s before liability attorneys saved humanity?

    I will conjecture that the famous Stain (down low on the left side of the gate) is from condensate waste, either an HVAC furnace or AC, or perhaps a water heater, anyway something that runs nearly constantly. The stains higher up on the left tower are undoubtedly roof scuppers for overflow in case the main drains get plugged with pixie dust or fireworks debris. These do a credible job of imitating garderobes, where real ones would be most undesirable. The flat roof areas are almost certainly internally drained to the moat, but overflows are required by code. Intermittent use accounts for the lighter stains. I’m sure King Stefan made sure all his roofs were code-compliant and well-maintained, but getting pixie dust stains out of stone masonry is almost as hard as getting elderberry stains out of plate armor.

    Sharp eye on that bobsled too, JB! According to the International Uniform Blog Code, Seven hours of good luck will accrue to all viewers of this post.

    Thanks Major!


  3. @ JB-
    ”They need a little more "ROY" and a little less "BIV".”
    Ahhh… the poor G-!

  4. JB, the popularity of today’s photos is setting the Internet on fire! Which is scarier, swans, or geese? Asking for a friend. Wow, good eye on that bobsled, even when I looked for it, it took me a minute. And I guess that IS the famous (and beloved) stain. I warmed these scans up quite a bit, but it’s just not enough for JB!

    JG, foliage boundaries always make me think of Viewmaster slides, foreground tree branches always helped with the 3D effect. There are actually many bodies floating on the other side of the bridge, 10 to 12 people a day I’ve heard. It seems like somebody would be aware of that unsightly (but beloved) stain and hit it with some diluted bleach or something. Assuming that that would even work I guess. Roof scuppers, I love those fried and battered, and served with a wedge of lemon. Delicious! I’m sure that if I was designing a fairy tale castle in SoCal, the last thing I would consider is where rainwater would drain. Good thing I am not designing such a thing. And yes, that bobsled is barely visible!

    Nanook, not many slides need to be more G!

  5. My first visit to Disneyland was in August of 1961, so I dutifully look to see if I'm in that photo on the castle drawbridge. (No dice.)

  6. Roof Scuppers is definitely a band name.

    The stain is from condensate from a bubbling cauldron, no doubt. Witches are rarely concerned with codes.

    These are nice for OK-zles! Thanks, Major P


  7. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Hi, Bryce! I see that you commented yesterday and today. Are you new to GDB? (Welcome!) Though maybe you've already commented before but I forgot....old age, ya' know. :oP

    ROY, BIV, G....I had to Google what you guys were talking about. Now I know. Did you know that it's reversed in double-rainbows?

    "Which is scarier, swans, or geese?"
    Major, the answer is AED's. Much smaller and sneakier.

    Speaking of sneaky, that bobsled sure is.

    Thanks, Major.

  8. Sue, Yes! I did know that the colors are reversed in a double rainbow. (It keeps Mother Nature busy re-arranging all those colors all the time.)

  9. The colors are reversed in a double rainbow? Wild, man. I wonder what eulb and wolley look like?

  10. Roy Biv? From Accounting? We LOVE him! He brings great stuff to pot lucks all the time! That being said: I miss this Castle, and hopefully, long after I'm gone, someone with sense will return it to it's pristine look: with or without the stain. I think the stain is like fudgie, for me: I just can't see it...but I suppose condensate waste is not something I should be focusing on...or other types of "stains". What perfect photos of a cultural icon. Thanks for the So-sozles Major! I mean OKzles (tm).
