Here's a pair from June 1962, taken on a gray, overcast day. I promise I won't mention the June Gloom today! It's impossible to determine what time of day these were taken, there are no distinct shadows, and this was before everyone wore a large clock on a chain around their necks (you know, like Flavor Flav). The little buckaroo in the stroller is wearing a cool cowboy hat, and he is trying to take in all of the sights, if his mom wasn't blocking them. The castle can't help looking a little bit gloomy, no matter how hard it tries. The ice cream cart is not doing much business today.
Not far from the first image comes this next one, now looking Southward. Two female sailors are on shore leave, I recognize the striped pants as the Naval uniform of Bolivia. There's a construction wall to the right (behind the bench-sitters), I wonder why? To the extreme left, a Tour Guide entertains her flock with fun trivia.
ReplyDeleteHey... you snuck these two additional images in here. (I think I'll grab some ice cream).
Thanks, Major.
Wow, another twofer! It's two! Two! Two posts in one! (day).
ReplyDeleteHmm, not only does the Castle look "a little bit gloomy", it actually looks kinda grimy, gritty, and dirty. (Those are the Dwarfs that Disney doesn't talk about.) The couple on the right looks like they might've just gotten themselves some ice cream, so the cart is doing some business at least. The guy's ice cream looks like it has a light blue umbrella on it. (I'm guessing it's a garden lamp in the planter.)
Major, once again you amaze us with your arcane knowledge; this time it's the fine points of Bolivian naval uniforms. Hmm, there's lots of trashcans here... but I don't wanna count 'em... there's at least five. I bet that TG is regaling her flock about how Uncle Walt likes to flick chili beans out the window.
Thanks for showing us the hubbub in the Hub, Major.
How’d I miss these gems? Those petal pushers are worth the price of admission and one to save.
Nanook, argh, when I moved blog posts around to add JGs posts, I obviously forgot to move this one. Several Junior Gorillas tried to warn me, but I was already in Slumberland. This year will have at least 368 posts!
ReplyDeleteJB, the Castle looks like it’s been in a big city, covered with soot and dirt for 100 years. Depressing! Those people bought ice cream because they felt so sorry for the seller. “The poor dear! Let’s buy something, Harvey! He’s breaking my heart!”. I like the idea of little umbrellas on ice cream, it makes as much sense as little umbrellas in cocktails. I spent six years in the Bolivian Navy, so I know of what I speak. The TG almost certainly talked about the chili beans, but she did that back at the Firehouse where Walt’s Apartment is.
MS, you almost missed them because I screwed up and have two posts today!
I wonder if ice cream sales are depressed on cloudy days because it seems cooler than a sunny day with the same temperature.
ReplyDeleteIn the first pic, Mom is smacking her head as if she just realized she could've had a V8, or that she get the wrong kid when she picked up her stroller. I wonder if she ever swapped lil' buckaroo back for her son.
I enlarged that castle on my computer screen - and I can just barely see The Dent.
ReplyDelete"This year will have at least 368 posts!"
Major, why stop at 368? Maybe do a daily morning and afternoon post?? :oD
Speaking of what TG's say when on Main Street....some like to ask if you know where Walt was from. I think they hope and expect you to say, "Marceline." I always say "Chicago." Speaking of Walt's birth place, Andrew recently visited Walt's home (where he was born) in Chicago and did a FANTASTIC post on it. Don't miss it! Bayern Kurve Blog
Never noticed that wall behind the benches on the right side of the second photo. I wonder how long that was there. It doesn’t look quite like a construction wall.
ReplyDeleteThe colorful pants on the shorter sailor identify her as an executive officer in the Bolivian Navy’s submarine force. Capitanes del submarinos wore the same style pants but patterned their headgear after Cap’n Crunch.