Friday, July 12, 2024

Ralph and the Mules, June 12th, 1962

Today is PART TWO featuring photos of a cool dude named Ralph who explored the beauties of Nature's Wonderland on the back of a trusty mule. By now Ralph and Buttercup (his mule) were one, they knew each other's thoughts. Buttercup knew where Ralph wanted to go before Ralph did. It was beautiful.

Ralph knows that a one-finger point is the worst thing a person could do, so he alerts us to a feature of interest in his own inimitable manner. He could also whistle through his teeth! Sadly we don't know what he was pointing at. 

The brave companions are crossing a natural arch bridge, a true wonder of nature's artistry. The lady in blue is apparently wearing some sort of cast on her forearm, so I will forgive her rude one-finger point. I believe everyone is looking in the general direction of the Rainbow Desert (while Bear Country was to the left). 

Well, everyone is on the gradual descent back into civilization (pun intended?), with the rooftops of Rainbow Ridge down below. It's been quite an adventure, and one that you could only have at Disneyland!


  1. Major-
    Just looking at these images makes me feel more relaxed. Thanks.

  2. [JB raises his hand], "I have a question... Is 'Ralph' this gentleman's real name? (Written on a slide, perhaps?) Or is this an example of Major P.'s colorful storytelling?"

    Hmm, the clothing and hairstyles in these photos looks more like 1972 than 1962. Maybe these are special mules that have time travel capability?

    Hmm again, Ralph looks like he is superimposed into these photos; like he's standing in front of a rear screen (or front screen) projection. Or maybe a blue screen, back in the days when SFX screens were blue, not green.

    In the last pic, the Blue Lady looks a little woozy; like she's about to fall off her mule. Or maybe she's just being cool and relaxed. We often see the muleriders up on this ridge from down below, but now we're seeing it from the mule's eye view. I don't think we've seen the Rainbow Ridge structures from up here before?

    I agree with Nanook, these photos exude a sense of relaxation. Thanks for the slow-paced clippity-clop mule ride, Major. I think I have a carrot here somewhere, for Buttercup.

  3. In that first pic, Ralph is saying, "Hey Florence, check out that hidden Mickey within the cacti!" Or maybe he was just pointing out Hans, Fritz, and/or Otto at the top of the Matterhorn.

  4. In the last image showing the “backside” of RAINBOW RIDGE …. To the very far left you can see parts of the pink board & bat siding of Pat Casey’s Saloon ….. and the second mule from the far right , with the bandanna wearing rider is passing the rear of the COMSTOCK BLOCK building ( today the ASSAY OFFICE at Thunder Ridge/ Rainbow Ridge 2) which means to the front mule’s right the mule train is beginning to pass right in front of the town church - a white washed structure with a Adobe first floor and board & bat upper peak and bell tower. The Rainbow Ridge church was based on a real structure that once stood in Sonora California during the Gold Rush. A few rear parts of APPLESEED’S GROCERY STORE - location #1 ( today the PANHANDLE HOTEL & EPITAH NEWSPAPER OFFICE) can also be seen. While there had been some plans to possible save other RAINBOW RIDGE structures for re-use at Disneyland and Walt Disney World , the majority of the town buildings were destroyed after being saved backstage for several years - here castmembers and employees “liberated” the miniature town props and signs … a handful were refurbished and stood for decades as buildings to the newer “THUNDER RIDGE” . Several years ago the entire town was rebuilt from mostly synthetic and plastic materials and now none of the original Rainbow Ridge / Thunder Ridge structures exist at all.

  5. Additional original RAINBOW RIDGE note: APPLESEED’s GROCERY location # 2 is sometimes MOTHER MURPHY’S BOARDING HOUSE ( today the THUNDER RIDGE ROOMING HOUSE / BOARDING HOUSE) why these two building locations fluctuated between the two business names is unknown….

  6. Great photos! Rare to see such excellent first-person shots of the Pack Mule train. I'm guessing Ralph is pointing at the geysers or mud pots to the left; i think the only spot where you have hill on your right as you make a slight bend to the left is just after you make the turn away from the river and start toward the Natural Arch Bridge. Plus the cacti on the left side says "desert" to me.

    Thanks for bringing Ralph's joyous adventures to us all!

  7. @ JB-
    "Hmm, the clothing and hairstyles in these photos looks more like 1972 than 1962". I was too busy reading the actual file names for each image rather than the the post's title. The file names indicate June, 1973. (Perhaps there's a typo afoot...)

  8. Ralph is dropping a shaka (Hawaiian Hang Loose) gesture at the desert bobcat, trying to soothe the savage beast with his suave urbanity. Truly a giant among men, as can be seen in these photos where he towers over the adjacent town.

    Mike, thank you for the back story of the little buildings. I’m sure I never rode the mules because if I had, I would have jumped off and vanished into the underbrush to try to live there.

    Major, these pictures are a fine start to the day, thank you!


  9. Dean Finder11:05 AM

    JB, all mules have time travel capabilities. It's just that most cannot get up to 88 miles per hour.

  10. I concur with NANOOK : definitely the 70’s and not 1962. The guests clothing are giveaways…. But also in 1962 ALL of the Rainbow Ridge FRONT STREET building would be visible but here they are mostly concealed with mature tree growth. It has to be the twilight of this Frontierland attraction. I have strong memories of Rainbow Ridge and the Mine Train … but not a single one of the Pack Mules ….only from books and pictures like these . Thank you Major!

  11. Anonymous11:33 AM

    These are the photos my collection has been missing. Thank you so much.

  12. Hi, Tom! Glad to see you're still hanging around!

    The "backside" of mules....and "backsides"!

    Major, one of these days, I think you should post a small portion of an image - and see if people can identify what it is and where it is. Of course, with Mike, all we need to do is show a paint chip. He'll then be able to identify the location and year.

    KS, I read your comment on yesterday's post. How cool to think that may be your car!!

    Thanks, Major.

  13. Tokyo!, I hope you're proud of yourself, you just made me spend 2 minutes and 34 seconds looking for the hidden mickey in those cactuseseses.

    Nanook, yeah, I assumed it was a typo, too. BUT... we all know that Major Pepperidge does NOT make mistakes!!!!

    Dean Finder, "all mules have time travel capabilities. It's just that most cannot get up to 88 miles per hour." Plus, their flux capacitors are the original version, which, as we all know, is quite buggy.

    Sue, unlike the "backside of water", the backsides of mules just isn't as exciting... or pleasant.
    I LOVE your suggestion to post a small piece of a photo! (Shoulda been done ages ago!)

  14. That was a feature of the very early DISNEY NEWS magazine … I think it was called “How Well Do You Know Disneyland?” They would feature I think 6 close up images or details taken in Disneyland … some were pretty easy … others like a close up of jungle cruise elephant skin was maybe not for some . Readers would send in their answers and the winner was announced …. I don’t remember the prize ….. I think it was two tickets to Disneyland …

  15. Lou and Sue4:18 PM

    I do remember that game in the magazine, Mike. I wasn’t very good at it, from what I recall. I’ll have to pull out my old Disney News magazines and glance at them….

    Maybe what we can do to make the game a dot harder for you, Mike, is we’ll name a location and year—and then you can tell us exactly what was there. Maybe that’s too easy, too. :o)
