Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Mountain Views, 1970s

Folks loved to take pictures of the Matterhorn, there's nothing we can do about it. Other than enjoy them and think happy thoughts. Those snow-capped peaks are so familiar to us now, that the incongruity is gone, we just accept it, even with palm trees in the foreground. The Plaza Inn is to our right, famous for its chunky liverwurst soup in a bread bowl. You'll want seconds, but you'll have to pay for them! 

The top of the Matterhorn looks a bit smooshed, as if a giant accidentally bonked it while passing by. "Oops! Nobody will notice". Yes, the giant was wearing lederhosen. The sailor to our right appears to be from a foreign land - BUT WHICH ONE? By my count, there are at least seven other countries in the world.


  1. Lou and Sue12:07 AM

    Melissa’s going to love these images — sailors in both!

    And a mountain climber, too!

    Thanks, Major.

  2. Major-
    "The sailor to our right appears to be from a foreign land - BUT WHICH ONE?"

    Would you believe the Royal Navy-?

    Thanks, Major.

  3. What a fine sea of flowers. Plaza Inn in full vigor. Waterfalls really running... Good show!

    Thanks MP!

  4. Classic Matterhorn: The painted snow is pretty solid on the upper half of the mountain, looking like crunchy whipped cream.

    Modern Matterhorn: Mostly mountain-colored all the way up, with horizontal ledges of snow as if the spring thaw recently started.

    Ironically, the interior grew frostier over the years. Cold enough to attract a big-footed creature from Tibet.

  5. The snow-capped Matterhorn with palm trees has always been one of my favorite visuals of Disneyland. Gone forever.

    Thanks, Major.

  6. A nice people-watching pic: Striped pants alert, the guy tempting fate by sitting on top of the fence. He's probably going to lose his balance and fall onto the grass behind him. The guy next to him is merely leaning against the fence, and somehow he got his foot through to the other side. And then there's the "sun's out, guns out" guy in the tank-top.

    The guy next to the foreign sailor is also a sailor, presumably from the same country, although his uniform appears to be different. I bet the giant that smooshed the Matterhorn was a stowaway on the sailors' ship; probably a yeti. Which is how the Disneyland Matterhorn became infested with yetis.

    Sue, I saw that thing on the Matterhorn as well but I
    wasn't sure it was a mountain climber. It doesn't look like Otto or Fritz or Hans.

    Thanks for the Mountain views, Major.

  7. In the first pic, we get a little sliver of a turquoise PeopleMover.

    JB, that's not Otto, Fritz or Hans. It's Cary Granite.

  8. However....on second glance, it might be Stony Curtis.

  9. Lou and Sue4:19 AM

    . . . Rock Hudson.

  10. Sue,

    "Would you like a piece of Rock, Mr. Candy?"

  11. Lots of long, straight hair and short shorts and skirts. The "Leggy Look" was definitely "in" when these were taken.

    Thanks for pointing out the sailors in the first photo, Sue. I would have missed them otherwise. There's also a Disneyland security host in a white hat and light blue shirt standing in the middle of their formation.

    The two sailors in the second photo are from Brazil. Not 100% sure why the fellow on the left only has rank on his left sleeve.

    Another set of photos I'd happily walk into. Thanks again, Major!

  12. Everyone’s favorite Swiss Mountain, from the familiar initial viewpoints, always satisfying and delicious.

    The color scheme of the swirled flowers is leaking over onto the Plaza Inn beds.

    I would just go get in line for the bobsleds and not worry how the wait might be, because I would be waiting “there” in “that” moment.

    Thanks Major, needed these today.


  13. Like the dent, and Fudgie, I can't see the third man on the mountain. There is however, a LOT to see in these photos. If I only had a few hours to go over every detail. Yes: many sailors and a Disneyland Security guy to boot...also: if you look closely: there is a "pig hat" in the distance in Alpine Gardens: you can just make out the top of it. Mrs. Disney is also there on the right with her blue suit with white collar. It's not her, but it could be...Lots of marigolds: very impressive and nice next to the yellow of the Plaza Inn. Not sure why it went to Pink but I can only guess. I don't mind pink, but I like yellow best: in fact it's one of my favorite colors..so very cheery. I'm not a huge fan of tank tops in public places such as Disneyland. I get it: you are all hot...and among other things: it just seems like an odd tan line would form instantly in the Anaheim sun. The pepper tree is lovely, and in pic #2 is (possibly and probably) the infamous "Kidney Boy" tree. I like seeing a full waterfall: so impressive. This part of the park and this "scene" is relatively unchanged. Did the slurry-coat color change from blue? The Matterhorn looks very snowy. I know it's been through many iterations of snow...and I think I like more than less...the 1959 grey seems like it needed a bit more. It would be nice and expensive to have a "real" snowstorm around the Matterhorn for a holiday thing...always good to bundle up to wait in the queue on a December or January night...with a light snowstorm...why not? Thanks Major.

  14. "Sue, I saw that thing on the Matterhorn as well but I
    wasn't sure it was a mountain climber. It doesn't look like Otto or Fritz or Hans."

    JB, yeah, I can't quite make out his name tag, either.

    TM! *whistle*

  15. Tokyo! and Sue, the climber might even be Ann-Margrock!

  16. Lou and Sue, it’s funny, I almost always look for climbers in Matterhorn photos, but I didn’t this time!

    Nanook, I can’t believe that Royal Gelatin had their own Navy!

    walterworld, the bright sunshine really helps to make the colors pop, too.

    DBenson, ha ha, “crunchy whipped cream”, it does sort of look like a giant dessert. I feel like today’s Matterhorn could use a little more snow, but I understand that it is subjective. The fact that there is now a Yeti is a good thing!

    K. Martinez, there is something very appealing about the contrast of the Matterhorn and the sunshiny California palms!

    JB, striped pants guy looks like he might still have one foot on the ground, so he has not gone completely crazy. I not only like to have my “guns out”, but I like to get my belly tan while at the park, so I pull up my tank top. We often see sailors or other military visitors in pairs, I guess nobody wants to ride the Teacups all by themselves. Maybe the person on the Matterhorn is a misbehaving Yippee?

    TokyoMagic!, I can almost hear the voice (with cheerful Hanna Barbera music in the background) in my head!

    TokyoMagic!, besides Cary, Stony, and Ann, did they do any other celebrity “guest stars”?

    Lou and Sue, jeez, now I wonder, did “Rock Hudson” appear on the Flintstones? It seems like a natural fit!

    TokyoMagic!, seems like a normal question to me.

    Chuck, ah, I was wondering if that guy near the sailors in the first pic was a Military man, or if he was Security - I wasn’t sure if they still had guards in uniforms by the 1970s. The sailors are from Brazil? Crazy! Why was the Brazilian Navy in California? WHY??

    JG, my guess is that most people would be hard-pressed to name another Swiss mountain! But I can: Gunther. It’s a good name. I know what you mean about getting in line and not minding!

    Bu, you have to look closely, but the climber is to the left on the Matterhorn in the first image. He looks like a bug. Ha ha, a “pig hat”, only a Disneyland nerd would know what you are talking about. Is Mrs. Disney wearing her pink glasses, the ones we saw in Walt’s apartment? I touched them, they were still warm! Pink is fine, but there is something about bright sunny yellow when it comes to flowers, especially when they are massed together. Tank tops, I haven’t worn one since I was a kid, and decided that I did not care for them. My friend Mr. X was happy to see the waterfalls, he said that he remembered when they were so full and powerful, unlike today. I wonder if the snow was just added to year after year, which would explain why it kept looking snowier? Or maybe it was all part of a plan. Sadly, real snow is slippery, even though it can look beautiful (when it’s clean), so I’m sure the lawyers don’t want anything to do with it.

    Lou and Sue, they should wear different colored hats like Huey, Dewey, and Louie!

    JB, hubba hubba, there just aren’t stars like Ann Margrock any more.

  17. TM! *whistle*

    Adele Sliff would be upset with you for whistling!

    TokyoMagic!, besides Cary, Stony, and Ann, did they do any other celebrity “guest stars”?

    Major, they also did Ed Sullystone, who was a television host. And then there was Rock Quarry, who was a big star in Hollyrock, but was tired of stardom and being recognized by everyone. Hoagy Carmichael also "appeared" on the show, but I don't think they changed his name. They should have called him Hoagie Sandwhich.

  18. That Adele Sliff comment was supposed to be addressed to Sue!

  19. And make that Hoagie Sandwich

    I spells good!
