Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day! And I have some stuff for you. GOOD stuff. Pictures of mothers, for instance. DID I BLOW YOUR MIND?

Let's start with two photos shared by our friend Sue B., from October, 1967. She was at the Disneyland Hotel with her folks! Below is Sue's mother, Donna, with the coolest shades ever. She was ready to start her own New Wave/Ska band, a la The Specials! Immediately behind her is standard playground equipment, kids could climb like lizards and hang like monkeys. In the distance is what I assume is one of the old golf courses that were part of the Disneyland Hotel, or maybe the driving range.

From the same visit we see li'l Sue dipping her feet into a swimming pool (maybe she didn't bring a bathing suit on this trip?), while Donna sits nearby. Why, I can practically smell the chlorine, and feel that cool-ish water!

Sue also included two other photos that are also from October, 1967. This time, it's from Universal Studios; a popular photo op was THE STOCKS. Torture and punishment are always good for a laugh. I guess Sue did something pretty serious, because they've tarred her feet. She literally has two right feet! Now we know.

Looks like Donna was involved in the mischief too, and we can see where Sue inherited her foot issue. Luckily after about two minutes they realized that they could easily escape these stocks and enjoy the rest of their day at Universal Studios.

I found this photo of my mom with little old me, only a few months old, and well fed. We're at my grandparent's house in Encino, maybe this is when they first met me (since I was born in the midwest).

GBD friend Ken S sent along this photo with him enjoying meal al fresco with his parents. He has a bittersweet story to accompany this pic: This is the last shot of my folks together.  How lucky I was to have even thought of making a selfie with me included.  This is from late October 2019 just a few months before their unexpected passings, several weeks apart, in early 2020.  I made it a point to travel from Oregon 3-4 times a year to check on them and we were enjoying a pleasant afternoon at the assisted living home in Irvine, California.  I still consider Orange County my home but it's become a more distant place to me now. THANK YOU for sharing this picture, Ken!

Happy Mother's Day to all who qualify!


  1. Did you just break the 4th Wall twice? Great to see ya in person Major.

    Thanks as always

  2. Major-

    Well, Donna definitely wins the 'cool' award. Gee, those 'two right feet' would go perfectly with Gerry Fleck's pair of 'two left feet'-!

    Ah, Major... and Mom.

    Ken- a nice image with your folks.

    A Happy Mother's Day to all. Thanks, Major.

  3. Great family pics, everyone!

    Major, was that when you were just Private P.?

    Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers out there. And thanks for sharing your personal photos, Lou, Sue, Ken S., and Major P.

  4. Oh, and Major....make that two left feet! :-)

    I have a couple pics of me with that very same Universal Studios photo op!

  5. 1) Sue's mom is looking very "mod" here in her eye-catching blouse. And of course, as mentioned, the sun glasses. Lizards and monkeys... no better way to describe little kids.

    2) Bathing suit, Schmathing suit. Jump in, Sue! (I'm sure your mom won't care.) I think the lady on the right is giving birth. (Or is she a young girl?)

    3 & 4) "Torture and punishment are always good for a laugh". Torquemada's stand-up routine always had them in stitches. As Major alluded to, the extra large holes for arms and head sort of ruin the illusion of being constrained... oh well, it's FUN!

    5) Clearly, Major was a Gerber Baby! He appeared on countless jars of baby food. That's a sporty little outfit you're wearing; makes you look like an air race pylon. Your pretty mom looks very young here, maybe 19 or 20? My mom was (I think) 18 when she gave birth to my older brother. How he got in there, I'll never know.

    6) Thank you, Ken S. for your selfie with your parents. It's a delightful photo. I lost my own mom about seven months ago. GDB helped me get though the trauma and grief at the time.

    I think Tokyo! is correct... two left feet.

    Thanks, Major, Sue, and KS.

  6. wow! Sue’s mom looks like she just came out of ARDVARK’S retro clothing on Melrose Avenue in 1985!! How cute is Sue!!?? Major is pretty cute too. Thank you all for sharing your visual memories of your mothers. It’s warming to see them … but sobering to know at some point we won’t have them with us.

    On a side note : my family had those same aluminum weave patio chairs ( I think we probably all did) ours dated from around the time my parents were married (1963) …. They were a white and green color scheme the early 70’s the straps were wearing away … one day I went with my dad to TWO GUYS department store ( a sort of TARGET chain of the period) to but new weave straps … I wanted the two tone blue & turquoise …. But there wasn’t enough packages so he picked you yellow because they had enough for our four chairs and one chaise lounge . I remember my dad bought some extra rolls in case future repairs had to be made. My mom loved the new yellow color!

  7. Such wonderful pictures, thank you for sharing these, Sue, Major, Ken!

    Mike, we had the same chair restoration story, about the same time, also to yellow straps. Must have been the color of the moment.

    Enjoy your time with your family if you can, life is too short.

    Thanks Major.


  8. Looks like Sue got her Mom's feet! Happy Mother's Day to all Moms everywhere. You deserve more than a day.

    Thanks, Major


  9. All of these pictures are absolutely gorgeous. Thank you to all of the Gorillas for sharing these beautiful family memories.

    Today's VFA goes to Mother Pepperidge and her butterfly blouse. My Grandma had a set of curtains made from a similar fabric in her cottage at the lake.

  10. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Now we know that Bigfoot is alive! Look at those feet!! Sue, you will have a home here in the Northwest. We have been looking for proof for years that Bigfoot actually exists! Such nice pictures from Sue and Major today. JB, so sorry to hear the news and my sincere condolences. We are always here to help you through the loss. Happy Mom's day to all the Moms out there! And to those of us with great memories of ours as well. Thank you Sue and Major for posting today. KS

  11. walterworld, did I break the 4th wall twice? I thought I just did it once.

    Nanook, yes, Donna’s sunglasses would be cool and fashionable today. I have no idea who Gerry Fleck is.

    TokyoMagic!, I was a corporal by then! I moved up the ranks quickly due to my authoritative gurgling.

    TokyoMagic!, yep, I guess it is left feet. Oh well!

    JB, my mom was about 27 in that photo. I think that it’s just because we are years past that point, so somebody 27 years old seems like a very young person! We definitely had Gerber products, I remember my mom saved tons of the little glass jars. Handy for nails, buttons, and other small things. I’m sorry to hear that you lost your mom 7 months ago, and am glad if GDB helped you even a little bit.

    Mike Cozart, those checked glasses frames definitely look more “1980s” than “1960s” to me. My grandparents and their neighbors (who let us swim in their pool) all had that same sort of patio furniture, it must have been very popular at the time. I wonder if it still exists??

    JG, I do remember when the vinyl (?) cord started to break, partly because as kids we were pretty rough on that furniture, much to the annoyance of my Grandpa. He sent it out to be fixed, and it was green instead of the original blue, but… close enough.

    zach, the two left feet seem more like MY family’s feet!

    Melissa, I showed some old pictures of my mom to my niece, and she loved the clothes that grandma wore back in those days!

    KS, when I was a kid, I was so fascinated by the idea of Bigfoot! I read books about “him”, and hoped that they would find undeniable proof. So far, no such luck!

  12. Happy Mothers’ Day to all mothers, grandmothers, foster mothers, and neighborhood moms who voluntarily took on the mantle of nurturing children. We love you and appreciate you more than you know!

    Thanks, everyone, for sharing their family photos. It’s an honor that you are sharing your treasured family memories with the rest of us.

    We also had a set of aluminum weave patio chairs as well, although ours dated from 1971 - two adult chairs and a kids chair in the two-tone turquoise and silver that Mike describes. I remember sitting out on the back patio in Solano County with my parents and feeing very grown up at two and. Half. I miss those chairs…although I miss my mom more. I know many of us feel the same way. My heart goes out to you, JB.

    Thanks again, Major!

  13. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Grooveey Mom. Careful kids, it’s a jungle-gym out there.

    Nice blouse Mrs. Pepperidge.


  14. Happy Mother's Day! As has been said, some nice fashions for today. I like the black rotary phone on the aqua shelf by the life preserver by the pool. "Guess where I'm calling from?!?" Thanks for hosting everyone's memories (mom-ories?), Major. 🎀

  15. Dean Finder12:11 PM

    Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

    Mike, we also had those aluminum chairs and a local Two Guys. But I don't remember ever replacing the woven straps on them.

    Isn't it odd that with everyone carrying around high-resolution cameras all the time, pictures of Bigfoot never improve from those grainy images from decades ago?

  16. JB, spending time here with silly Jr. Gorillas - going to Disneyland and on other field trips together - is a definite cure to bring some smiles and laughter into those sad and difficult days. (Am so sorry about your mom.) It's nice to know that so many terrific people are just a keystroke away, here, thanks to our Major for continuing this fun blog.

    Those weaved patio chairs were also scratchy, from what I recall. Maybe they got scratchy when they started fraying??

    Zach, LOL! That's a first. I've never been told that about my feet.

    Ken, your selfie is priceless! Your parents look so sweet and happy, spending time with you. Memories to cherish.

    Major, your mom is cute - and always smiling. Little did she know, in this picture, that she was raising a soon-to-be world-famous blogger.

    Anyone out there who hasn't met our Major, yet: He still looks like this, except he's a lot taller and now has a full head of hair. And he's still cute! And sometimes gurgles.

    Thanks for the nice comments. Happy Mother's Day!

  17. Major-

    Gerry Fleck was Eugene Levy's character in Best In Show (2000). That character had "two left feet"-!

  18. .....when I was a kid, I was so fascinated by the idea of Bigfoot! I read books about “him”, and hoped that they would find undeniable proof. So far, no such luck!

    Major, Bigfoot is alive and well, and living in a cave at Knott's Berry Farm!
