Sunday, June 07, 2020

Scenes From The Jungle Cruise Dock, July 1969

Here are some Jungle Cruise snoozers for your Sunday.

I have always liked this little hut, built on "stilts" so as to actually be over the river. The thatched roof is festooned with colorful flowers, and if you look closely, there appears to be all kinds of items just visible in the shadows, including a bamboo perch for a bird (can't quite tell if it's a parrot). And then there's the outrigger canoe (to the right) with its patchwork sail, and another canoe laden with fruit. A pretty nice setup!

A boat returns to the dock, and the Skipper is looking right at us. He's probably making some smart-alecky remark about me! Why, I oughta... 


  1. Major-
    Another 'thumbs up' for that little hut.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. That cute little hut sort-of reminds me of those huts you see in travel ads that you can rent in Bora Bora, and also at the Polynesian in Walt Disney World - starting at over $2,100 a night (in WDW), plus hotel taxes -- egads!!). Am surprised Disneyland hasn't tried renting out this hut . . .

    Any plant experts out there? In the 2nd shot, what kind of plant is that - on the right, in the back, with at least 3 joined trucks coming up from the middle? Just curious.

    Happy Sunday, All!

  3. In the second pic, I find it interesting that the skipper is sitting down. That doesn't seem to be something you see today.

    With a cool bedsheet sail and canoe "laden with fruit," I wouldn't mind staying in that hut myself. Thanks, Major.

  4. I miss the original “Namptha Launch” Jungle Cruise boats. I know the replacements in the 90’s tried to keep a similar look , but with the open canopies , worn look and the bulkier boat, it lost some of it’s traditional feel.

    For several years after the original 1955 Jungle Cruise boats were replaced with the current ones , they sat backstage for a short time then were scrapped. One hull was saved with the intent of using it as a repair and maintenance skiff. HOWEVER .... prior to the 1990’s boat replacement , one of the original ‘55 boats had been pulled because of a lawsuit and was kept fenced off behind a chain link fence ( to use in the law suit investigation) this lone 1955 boat was spared the fate of the others ..... mainly because I think it was forgotten about. Apparently Disney eventually removed the boat and had it safely store away in the early 2000’s.

  5. Has anybody checked that shack for bugs? Because I'm pretty sure that shack has bugs. I hate bugs. Ok, I'm done.

  6. Nanook, that hut is “de-luxe”.

    Lou and Sue, $2,100 a night at WDW? That is insane! Those better be the most luxurious huts ever. And even if they ARE, how can it be worth that much money?? I agree, they should make the hut in the photo a “Dream Suite”. Just hope the person staying there doesn’t sleepwalk.

    Andrew, so funny, I actually did think, “Aren’t the Skippers normally standing?”. Great minds think alike. Notice that he took his hat off too, a crime punishable by death.

    Mike Cozart, I miss the old boats too; I can see why, in theory, the more worn and grungy boats might fit the theme better, but after decades, the original striped-awning boats had their own kind of history. And Walt must have had a reason to make his Jungle Cruise boats so neat and tidy rather than weathered! I wonder what lawsuit could have been a result of one of the old 1955 boats? Sounds like another case of somebody suing Disney because they had deep pockets. I’m glad to hear it was stored away, and not chopped up or crushed!

  7. If you squint into the deepest shadows of that hut you can almost make out what may be a glimmer of Muana.


  8. When I am not living in the little house on the hill in Rainbow Ridge, I am vacationing in that hut. When everyone leaves, I take the boat out and tease the hippos and elephants. Okay, so I made all that up. But hey, a guy can dream can't he? Thanks Major.

  9. Omnispace11:51 AM

    With that boat load of fruit it looks like that hut owner is ready to barter! Could be that he makes a mean daiquiri. Trade a shrunken head for a piƱa colada?

    One thing I remember the most about the Jungle Cruise was loading up the boats: getting a choice spot on the edge or having to sit on the center bench. There was also the removable cushion for the last couple passengers who would sit where everyone boarded. For some reason that seemed like a VIP seat.

    I agree about the iconic look for the original boats. Though they tried hard to make the new boats look authentically rustic I couldn't but help think they looked something out of Mad Max. :|

  10. stu29573, oh you know there are all kinds of nasty bugs that crawl into your ears and other places. Don’t worry, you can rent a mosquito net for only $200 a night.

    zach, “Glimmer of Muana” is the name of my shoegaze band!

    Jonathan, I totally understand, sometimes you want to be by the water, but sometimes the dry heat of the desert is just the thing. That’s why we all need at least three houses!

    Omnispace, a daiquiri on a hot day, what could be better? I remember my mom and dad would make those when I was a kid, the sound of the ice crusher, the pale green color of the drinks. I always wanted a sip, but didn’t like the rum of course. They should have made us a nice alcohol-free lime slushie just to make us happy! And they never gave me a pony either! It’s interesting to learn that the seat that YOU have on any ride is actually the worst one. I rode the tram at Universal Studios recently, and they put us right up near the guide, in front. Seemed good at first, but we couldn’t see most of the show effects that were designed to be seen best from the middle of the tram. Live and learn.

  11. The original Jungle Cruise boats were said to be of a 1912 design. John Hench said Adventureland never had a specific time frame and that it became what the Disneyland guests was envisioning it imagined on their visit. But at the same time John Hench said their design cues were taken from “ just before World War I “. With the revamping of the land in the 90’s to welcome Indiana Jones the time frame was pushed up to right before World War I I.

    The only lands that ever really had a specific time stamp have been Main Street USA ,1890-1910. New Orleans Square , 1850-1860, and Tomorrowland, “1987” at least the first time around.
    Frontierland seemed to be a bigger blanket covering time periods from the 1780’s to the 1880’s. Bear Country has dates on structures and within its lore that it was 1872 - to the early 1920’s.

  12. I'm with JC Shannon, pour a tall cold one, and hang out till dark. Then go tease the monkeys.

    Although the desert climate is more agreeable to me, a weekend in the tropics would be just fine.

    Thanks Mike Cozart for the time period update, much appreciated.

