Monday, May 25, 2020

Monstro & Matterhorn, July 1969

It's Memorial Day, and while I know we are supposed to think about all of the men and women who have given so much, I can't help thinking mostly of my Dad. He's been gone for five years, but I am still so proud of him.

As much as I love Storybook Land and Monstro the Coughing Whale, I admit that it is pretty hard for me to get very excited about another photo of Monstro. But this pic is fun because of the bustling crowd (in their 1969 fashions). It almost looks like everyone is facing in the same general direction, maybe there was a costumed character (a short one like Mickey) nearby. Or not!

This next photo was damaged by a light leak, so I cropped it for your viewing enjoyment. It still worked out to be a pretty nice composition, with the Matterhorn looming above little tented souvenir stand and the swirling colors of the flowerbeds. I always love that metallic, sculpted wall, and there is no such thing as a bad photo of the Peoplemover.


  1. Major, most importantly, may I start out by saying thank you for your father and all the men and women who have faithfully served our country! We live in the best country, today, because of them!

    I would love to see that lady in the first picture (in the middle) with the colorful striped knitted sweater - standing by the flowers in the second picture. She coordinates nicely with those flowers.

    I would LOVE to be in that second picture now!

    Melissa - "Sailor-spotting!!!" in first pic.


  2. Ah, Monstro, once again slurping up guests like just so much krill. Yum! I think they needed to teach him to change his expression in pictures. He's like that goofy kid in every class picture with a huge, psycho grin that worries you just a bit. Add the guest-krill eating too and whoa boy, we got issues.

  3. Above the sailors (you can make out the "dixie cup" hat of a second one through the crowd a step or two in front of the other), you can see iasw-themed buildings on either side of the Small World Plaza in the background. Or is that iasw itself, behind the sign, with trees on the roof?

    As the Major reminded us, don't lose sight of what today's holiday is all about. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

  4. Hello Major! Long time no visit! You have every right to be proud of your dad AND his service.

    Once again, I wish I could jump into these photos. At the time of the first photo, am I correct that the lighthouse was still being used as a ticket booth? Who knows, I could have been buying a ticket when this photo was shot, LOL.

  5. Monstro just belched up a boatload of tourists, and everyone is gathering around to watch. Okay, it's just a theory. I agree Major, it is all but impossible to take a bad shot of the Peoplemover. A big thank you to all those who serve or have served our nation. Heroes all. Thanks to Major for today's awesome scans.

  6. I can't pass up any photo from the 60s or 70s without looking for myself or my family. I've never found anyone I know but I actually found my grandfathers car in a DLH photo. The odds aren't in my favor but never tell me the odds.

  7. @ Chuck-
    You're seeing the souvenir building on the right (east) side of Small World Plaza.

    Hey Connie-!! Long time no hear. Nice to know you're still a part of GDB.

    Thanks, Major.

  8. Lou and Sue, thanks! That lady’s colorful sweater is pretty “out there”, but I also like the bold floral prints on some of the dresses, it seems to have been a very popular style right around 1969.

    stu29573, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be krill. Could it possibly be as glamorous as I imagine?! I don’t know how they’d do it, but it would be cool if Monstro could change his expression now and then, even if it was subtle. Chomp.

    Chuck, I’ve never heard that style of hat referred to as a “dixie cup” before. As a family that had at least one Dixie Cup dispenser in our home (filled with sanitary Dixie Riddle Cups), the thought made me laugh. I think we are seeing one of the IASW souvenir stands, and not the ride building, but I could be wrong.

    Connie Moreno, nice to hear from you! It’s been a while for sure, but you are always welcome. I don’t think that the lighthouse was being used as a ticket book by 1969, you probably had to go elsewhere for your ticket needs.

    Jonathan, you know, all those handbags and sunglasses and shoes are hard for Monstro to digest, so it’s no wonder he’s a bit gassy. This is why I have proposed that guests have to get naked to ride the canal boats. Sometimes it takes this kind of maverick idea to really shake things up.

    MRaymond, if I actually found a vintage photo of Disneyland with little-kid me in it, I would probably pass out. That’s why I’ve stopped looking at the blog on my phone while driving 75 mph on the freeway. You really did find your grandfather’s car?! How could you tell it wasn’t just some other Rolls Royce?

    Nanook, confirmed!

  9. Dad was in the Air Force during WW2. He took his final flight 20 years ago. Still miss him too Major. Got to see his B-24 at a WW2 air show in Marana (next door to Tucson). Got to climb around in it and realized how scary it must have been, flying around in the that thing, freezing your butt off and getting shot at. Yeah, proud of him too Major.

    Occasionally I'll see someone in the old pics that looks familiar. I've come to the conclusion that wishful thinking usually never hurts.
    Thanks Major. Monstro pics are always welcome.

  10. Yes, my grandfathers car. It was a rare model and I've never seen another one that color, that's what caught my attention. I'm weird but I remember the cars plates, the had my initials in them.
    For our resident car guys it was an emerald green, 66 Olds Starfire, sedan.

  11. Major, these are fine pictures for Memorial Day. Thank you.

    I don't blame you for thinking of your father today. I was doing the same thing.

    I found a stash of letters in a box that I finally had courage enough to open after 20 years. I spent part of the day reading letters from my Dad and his brothers to one another from their various WWII boot camps, circa 1942.

    Four boys went to war, three came home. We give thanks for all who served, and like the General said, we shouldn't mourn theirs deaths as much as to give thanks that men like them lived.

