Sunday, February 02, 2020

Snapshots, August 1968

Normally my "Snoozer Sunday" pix are pretty unimpressive, but today's examples aren't too bad. The only downside is that these are scans of humble photo prints instead of slides.

There's the famous Disneyland sign, with its big blocky letters; there's no mistaking this place for any other. Go get your Grand Slam breakfast at Denny's before your long day at the park. And when you're done, go see Jack Carter perform his comedy gold at the hotel (I honestly did not know that the Disneyland Hotel ever booked comedians).

And here's a familiar (but welcome) look at Skull Rock, Casey Jr., and the outdoor dining area behind the Pirate Ship.

And I had to include it... a photo of Sleeping Beauty Castle, from later in the day; August days are long, maybe this was six o'clock? 

I hope you have enjoyed today's snapshots!


  1. Major, I like the color in all of these photos!

    Believe it or not....just one hour ago, I was watching Jack Carter and his wife, Roxanne, on an episode of Tattletales on the BUZZR channel!

  2. Major-

    Yes - who knew, none other than Jack Carter appeared at the DL Hotel-? I see that in June, 1969, Jack Carter was a part of the On Stage U.S.A. show, which was performed at the Tomorrowland Stage. (Perhaps Jack was a fav of the Disney Big Wigs).

    Shout-out to everyone's favorite Skull Rock

    Thanks, Major.

  3. Skull Rock and the pirate ship at night. So cool. Remind me again why they tore it down? What a bone head decision. The happiest sight for kids, when the Disneyland sign came in to view. You knew you were there. You can never have too many photos of Sleeping Beauty Castle...Sure hope they don't tear that down. Thanks Major.

  4. It's probably obvious to most people, but at first glance I thought the picture of Skull Rock was taken from the ship when it was actually from the Skyway. Nice pictures... I don't think I'll ever tire of these subjects!

  5. That Skull Rock photo is awesome. It's a great overview reference of that favorite lost spot and pairs well with this photo and a nice chianti.

    Jonathan, I hope they plus it like they're doing to the castle in Hong Kong. That would multiply the Disney magic by a googleplex or more.

  6. White border framed photos remind me of the vacation trips of yesteryear. Back then in a less crowded world. What an era it was. All three photos today show such iconic structures of Disneyland.

    The last photo is reminding me of the end titles for "Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color" television show in the early 1960's when the end credits rolled over a still of Sleeping Beauty Castle at night. As a kid that was pure magic to me.

    Thanks, Major.

  7. Hungry minds think alike Major. I clicked on the first photo (as this is my favorite sign) before I read your text and the first though that came to mind (or stomach) was "Grand Slam". If there I might even forgo the Monorail Café for a Grand Slam.

  8. TokyoMagic!, the colors are kind of faded, but that’s what’s expected for old photo prints. Tattletales, I vaguely remember that show. Bert Convy?

    Nanook, I remember seeing Jack Carter on old talk shows; Mike Douglas or whatever. He had a joke about how David Niven was so classy that he probably got out of the shower “to tinkle”. On Stage U.S.A., never heard of it. The following year I know they did a show called “Show Me America.

    Jonathan, the Yesterland website sums up the removal of Skull Rock and the Pirate Ship: Skull Rock and the Pirate Ship were both victims of the New Fantasyland project in 1982. When the New Fantasyland opened in May 1983, guests found that the old tournament façades had been replaced by charming architecture; the old dark rides had been improved; Pinocchio’s Daring Journey had been added; and rides such as King Arthur Carrousel had been moved around to eliminate Fantasyland’s previously cramped layout.

    Andrew, yes, that photo of Skull Rock is way too high to be from the Pirate Ship! Although we do see plenty of photos of SR taken from the ship.

    Chuck, is it just me, or is that castle in Hong Kong going to be the ugliest, most tasteless, crappiest castle in Disney history? Their original castle might have been modest, but at least it wasn’t hideous. Nobody cares though, as long as it’s BIG.

    K. Martinez, yeah, I think about the many hours I used to spend going through boxes of snapshots, either at my grandmother’s house or even at my mom’s house. Curled up black and white images, funny prints only two inches by one inch (or whatever), badly faded color images, photos of people I didn’t recognize; I loved it all. I loved that night image of the castle too!

    Alonzo, which is better, Denny’s “Grand Slam”, or IHOP’s “Rooty-Tooty Fresh and Fruity”? Man, now I want pancakes - or waffles - or French toast.

  9. Major-
    "... is that castle in Hong Kong going to be the ugliest, most tasteless, crappiest castle in Disney history?" How did you know-? That was the takeaway from the initial design meeting. Evidently - mission accomplished.

  10. That new Hong Kong castle actually makes Disneyland’s updated castle look good. [I can’t believe I just said that.] “Rainbow Castle”

    Thanks, Major!


  11. Major, trust me - it's not just you. Just read the comments above...

  12. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Re: the new Hong Kong castle -- It's nice to know that hallucinogens are still round.

  13. That first pic is true Americana, at its best.

  14. Nanook, I honestly don’t understand how a company that was built on the talent of skilled artists could produce something so unbelievably awful. It’s shameful.

    Lou and Sue, you speak the truth!!

    Chuck, now that I don’t really check in with the Disney websites, I wasn’t sure what the general opinion about that castle would be.

    Anonymous, that’s the only explanation that makes sense.

    Lou and Sue, there is just something about that sign, juxtaposed with the Denny’s sign. Love it.

  15. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Good photos.

    HK Castle, not so much.

