Monday, November 25, 2019

Meetin' Mickey, May 1978

Going to Disneyland as a child is pretty great, but imagine getting the chance to meet Mickey Mouse too! This group of kids were headed toward the Hills Bros. Coffee Garden for their morning pick-me-up when Mickey made his surprise appearance. Some tots are so thrilled just to be able to touch an ear or grab his coat tail. Just like when I met Hasselhoff!

I've seen Mickey at the park almost every time I've gone - he loves to meet his fans. I've probably mentioned this before, but I was at the Disneyland Hotel for its 50th Anniversary event, and Mickey walked in the room. The guests (all adults) were so happy, it was sort of sweet to see the genuine delight on their faces.

The boy in the lower right is wearing a bucket hat with Shamu on it, in clear violation of at least 4 international laws.

I'll bet that little girl is having a hard time meeting Mickey's gaze. You can't blame her - that unblinking stare is a little unsettling. But Mickey is doing his best to put her at ease.


  1. Major-
    I'm sorry, but that Shamu hat is the bee's knees, and any child who has the nerve to wear it in front of Mickey gets my vote any day. He's the rebel in us all.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. This is my favorite version of the Mickey Mouse costume! And I like Mickey's "unblinking stare." I find the current "winking and blinking" Mickey head, just a little bit creepy!

  3. I'm sure that as soon as the camera was pulled away, Mickey took off that kid's hat and replaced it with a Disneyland one - all so quickly as to make no one notice until they were back home.

  4. I agree with TOKYOMAGIC- this is the best Mickey character costume . The current one has this “burn victim with a skin graft” look to him. I believe this version in today’s image made its debut in 1978 for Mickey’s 50th.

  5. I like the characters freely roaming around the park. I just don't get the "meet and greets." A fastpass to meet someone dressed up as a character? Sorry, just don't get it.

  6. Mickey roaming freely, the way it was meant to be, and not trapped in a room. Remember how exciting it was to bump into him, while running around the park? Not a chance of that happening anymore.

  7. Stu, I see we’re on the same wavelength.


  8. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Nothing better than free-range mice. The added mobility gives them a better flavor.

    Major, I see you are another fan proud to have grabbed David Hasselhoff's ear. I don't understand why he is so upset when that happens.


  9. Nanook, I predict that all “A-listers” will be wearing floppy bucket hats next summer - there’s nothing classier or more elegant. Unfortunately only a lucky few will get one with Shamu on the front.

    TokyoMagic!, I don’t mind the winking and blinking version so much, but it’s the constant licking of the lips that unsettles me.

    Andrew, you’re close… the kid was hustled away to someplace backstage, never to be seen again! Some say they got a piece of Shamu bucket hat in their Pluto burger, but that is probably just hearsay.

    Mike Cozart, ha ha; I was thinking the new Mickey looked like he’d had an extreme facelift, but I like your description better. Somehow I thought this version of Mickey had been around for longer, but never really did look into it, to be honest.

    stu29573, yes, and during certain events, like Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween, I’ve heard that people would wait in line for over 3 hours to get Maleficent’s autograph. That blows my mind. Folks, it’s just a very nice, hard-working performer in a costume!

    Lou and Sue, I agree with you entirely, although with the crowds the way they have been, it might have just been impossible to have Mickey appear someplace. People would swarm him like killer bees!

    Lou and Sue, quick, what color is Stu thinking of?

  10. Magenta?? Am I right, Stu?

  11. The Mickster is all over the PR work. His unblinking gaze does put some little kids off, but the gloves make him totally approachable. Thanks Major.

  12. JG, I sat right behind David Hasselhoff at a theater event, considering that I kept touching his hair and ears, he was remarkably patient and friendly.

    Lou and Sue, ha ha, at first I was thinking, “Why is Sue saying ‘Magenta’?”

    stu29573, no fair, everyone knows you drive a magenta Ferrari.

    Lonathan, it’s funny, early on the park used Tinkerbell instead of Mickey - he appeared on very little 1950’s merchandise, considering his stature. But then the floodgates opened!

  13. Dean Finder7:14 PM

    To answer the question "why do people wait on lines for a character picture?" for the most part it's the rise of social media. Parents have always wanted picture of their kids with the characters (something nice to look at when your surly teenager is yelling at you) but now there are also people trying to get the right pics on instagram. For many people that's more important than anything else on a trip.
