Sunday, November 10, 2019

Busy Day, September 1960

Yikes, I discovered a few scheduling errors when reviewing my list of drafts, and found that I didn't have anything for three days in a row, including today! I've moved a few things around, and also made a few "quick and dirty" posts so that there aren't any weird gaps.

Here's a typical photo taken in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle - you should have every detail memorized by now. QUICK: How many pointy towers are on the castle? I have no idea, and I have no intention of counting them now.

This 1960 view has nice color and energy; you may remember the leggy gal sitting behind the wheel of the Horseless Carriage! The driver let her sit there for just a moment, even though it breaks all international laws.

I love this shot of the busy Plaza/Hub area. So many people! And yet... not uncomfortably crowded. Blondie enjoys a drink of cool water, with no C&H sugar bag in her way for once (where do those things come from, anyway?). You can just see the House of the Future, hidden behind an orange tree loaded with fruit.


  1. Major-

    Those 'international laws' can be a bit of a tricky thing; but you can see why exceptions had been made. I can't quite figure out if Billy Barty was in The Park on this day, as he seems to be standing-? just to the right of the sweep in the second image. (Perhaps he's one of the Singer Midgets...)

    Thanks, Major.

  2. The Keystone Cops Saxophone Quartet is playing in the shade of that tree in the second pic. And is the "shield" on that lamppost advertising Nature's Wonderland?

  3. Leggy Gals are, of course, immune to most international laws (blonde ones doubly so). The Keystone cops are obviously frustrated that they can do nothing about this obvious rule breaker ...and the fact that saxes make crummy crime fighting tools. Oh well. That's the way of the Land....

  4. Everyone has a picture of themselves in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle (well, not me, I guess), but barely anyone has a picture of themselves driving a Main Street vehicle in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle!

  5. The sweeper looks like he is teeing one up instead of using a broom. I miss the Monsanto House, it was super cool and very Jetson. Stu, it had to be Leggy Gal Day at the park. I am waiting for Old Guys Who Want the MTTNW Back Day. Thanks Major.

  6. I wonder if that's a Pendleton the guy is wearing in the first pic. Maybe straight from the Pendleton Store in Frontierland? Probably not. Nice set today. Thanks, Major.

  7. Nanook, ever since the end of WWI, it has been verboten to sit in the seat of certain olde-tyme cars without all ze papers!

    TokyoMagic!, oh yeah, I forgot to mention the guys playing the saxomophones. It’s hard to decipher that shield, but I do think it is for Nature’s Wonderland.

    stu29573, you make a good point! The city fathers were mystified; “We were certain that the soothing power of music would eliminate all crime in our fair city”. But they didn’t know that saxophones drive people berserk.

    Andrew, I will have to Photoshop you into a photo of Sleeping Beauty Castle!!

    Jonathan, I can’t help imagining that sweeper mumbling to himself like Bill Murray did in “Caddyshack”. “Cinderella story. Outta nowhere. A former greenskeeper, now about to become the Masters champion”.

    K. Martinez, it could be a Pendleton! They were pretty popular at the time, and about to get a boost from the Beach Boys. But I agree, it’s unlikely that he changed shirts at the Pendleton store in Frontierland.

  8. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Being from that era...that is a Pendleton. I called them steel wool shirts. KS
