Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sleepytime Snoozers, September 1966

I have a pair of pretty lame images for you today. It's Sunday, and you know how it goes.

First we have this view of an Indian Village (not sure if this is the "unfriendly Indian Village") on Tom Sawyer Island, with some tee-pees, and the body of a dead Indian who has been prepared in the manner common to the Lakota tribe. 

Here's a terrible photo of an elk, sort of.


  1. Chuck3:31 AM

    That's actually a terrible photo of at least two elk - one in the center of the image and another hidden in the foliage in the lower right. There may be a third behind the one in the middle.

    I miss the ill-tempered indigenous encampment.

  2. I honestly had no idea what that first picture was before clicking on the thumbnail and reading your explanation.

    Maybe it's time to take off my pajamas on this lazy Sunday morning...

  3. I thinks it's hilarious that you can tell they are elk - just by seeing their butts! ;)


  4. Elk butt identification is a dying art. I am liking the village photo as well. it is kinda tucked away in the woods, completing the illusion. Frontierland is always a crowd pleaser. So many photos to love. Thanks Major.

  5. Maybe it's the Fiendly Indian Village. Known for their elk butt identification skills.

  6. I just stopped by to say 'elk butt'. Happy Sunday everyone.

  7. Chuck, man, even when I enlarged the photo, that other elk was hard to see. I guess the cloaking device was powered on. There might be 10 or 20 of the critters!

    Penna. Andrew, I think enjoying your lazy Sunday morning is a lot more important than figuring out today’s terrible photos.

    Lou and Sue, they look to skinny to be meese, but I suppose they could just be deer, admittedly!

    Jonathan, I went to Harvard for 8 years, majoring in the identification of elk butts. Some say it was a waste of time and money, but who’s laughing now?!

    Melissa, “Fiendly”? I’m amazed that Disney never used that punny word for the Haunted Mansion.

    dzacher, those two little words brighten everyone’s day. Who knew?

  8. I hate it when I type the word "to" when I mean "too". So there.

  9. Major-
    Moving my eyes to and fro, I too was able to discern two elk. I was then inspired to walk to Tacoma, arriving there two days later, on Tuesday; but was too tired to walk back home.

    Here's to you, Major.

  10. They might be lame pictures - but the humor ain't!


  11. Nanook, you can move your eyes???

    Lou and Sue, I can’t argue, the pictures are lame, but as usual the comments save them.

  12. Major-
    Yes - I learned that little 'trick' from Pinocchio-!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Nanook - In response to your first comment: Touché!


    (I wanted to type that yesterday, but it took me until the wee hours this morning to figure out how to type the "e" with the accent over it. The Major helped me. Thank you, Major!)
