Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Rejects - - Unrejected!

It's time to rescue some former rejects - slides that didn't make the cut years ago, for an assortment of reasons - in this case they had turned magenta (the most common reason of all). But I was able to bring them back to some version of "normal". 

I guess it's a little anticlimactic to start out with a photo of Sleeping Beauty Castle, but at least it's a pretty view. The castle looks very gray here, but I'm sure any subtle colors were lost during my restoration (notice the slight pink on places like the tallest turret). Some of you may recognize the mother from GDB's "first family", posing on the bridge! Holiday Hill is in the distance, as is the Skyway tower.

This slightly-askew photo features the Disneyland Band, during a late-afternoon concert around Town Square's flagpole. Or maybe it was time for the flag retreat? It feels like our train stopped in Willoughby.


  1. Major-

    "GDB's 'first family' ". (If they only knew the great honor-!) As for that second image - it's a true Disney shot: derriere's front-and-center. It would also appear that resting couple is studying a gate handout map of The Park.

    Thanks, Major, for pulling back the color from the brink.

  2. At first I thought that guy in #2 was wearing reeeeally crooked suspenders, but it must be the crossed straps of two bags.

  3. The second pic looks like the band is gathering over a crime site!!! That's all I've got for today.

  4. I wonder where the "First Family's" little boy was hiding out? Maybe he ran off to Adventureland to buy himself a T-shirt?

  5. Ah, Willoughby. My favorite Twilight Zone! Today's post was worth it just for the mention!

  6. Major, a few years back, you did a funny post of pictures where no one was looking our way . . . these pictures would fit in that post, perfectly. Somehow, I feel alone and left out, today. ;)

    Thanks for taking the time to work with these slides and post them!


  7. Do like that second image. Had to comment 'cause that's a great shirt that guy is sporting.
    And I hope there's a Willoughby for everyone out there. My favorite too.
    Thanks Major and thanks for the laugh Andrew.

  8. That first image is beautiful. The effect of looking up at the castle is wonderful. It's forced perspective at work. I love it!

    In the second image, one can see a horse's ass and a lot of rear ends. Looks like EVERYONE got into the act here. Thanks, Major.

  9. Anonymous9:14 AM

    The Castle looks good from any angle, at any time.

    Thanks for revisiting these, Major.


  10. Major, I see a new theme you've started . . . elk butts, a couple weeks ago . . . and now this.

  11. What's wrong with magenta? It's where magnets come from. That's Science!

    Great work, today, Major!

  12. Yes, every butt in that picture belongs to a member of the Elks lodge!
