Sunday, March 24, 2019

Along the River, September 1966

I've got Steamboat Fever! Symptoms include an insatiable desire to hear banjo music, the tendency to wear a white linen suit with a string tie, and vomiting. Thankfully there is a cure - 20 mint juleps. But back in 1966, people with Steamboat Fever (spread via mosquito bites) just had to ride it out. Get it? Ride it out? Because the Mark Twain is a ride! I will accept checks, PayPal, and crypto-currency.

Just when I think I've had enough photos of the Mark Twain to last me a lifetime, I find this pretty view looking westward - not the same old view. Those two gentlemen have noticed the potential for a memorable photo, in spite of the lack of a Kodak Picture Spot marker. 

This view is a bit more standard, but I like how it is right between the still-unopened Haunted Mansion and the closed-at-the-moment Columbia sailing ship.


  1. Funny...for some reason, as I was reading that one sentence, I thought you were going to say, "Those two gentlemen have noticed the potential for a memorable photo, in spite of the lack of a CAMERA."

  2. Major-

    "...I find this pretty view looking westward..." Huh-? Do we not mean east-??!! Either way, it's still a swell-looking view. Carry on.

    Thanks, Major.

  3. No Kodak Picture Spot??? Those troublemakers must have been Fuji employees plotting...always plotting..

  4. I hope they were using GAF film to capture that cerulean blue sky.

  5. “Clem, you whippersnapper, pull your gosh-darned pants up before you trip and break your kazoo all over Frontiersville.”

    “Ezra, you old so-and-so, you know goldanged well I ain't been able to hitch my dungarees over my bellybutton in a coon's age. Well, Hec Ramsey, in my day I could get my Toughskins up to here! No, here! Blast it, they just don't make belts like they useta.”

    “Jumpin’ Jee-hoshaphat, Clem! Just put your camera strap around your neck like mine and you won't get a case of the droopy-drawers!”

    “Aw, quit your gum-flappin, Ezra. You wanna swim home to Kansas?”

  6. I also have a condition, known to the medical types as River Separation Anxiety or RSA. There is no cure, only treatment. First, you must admit you have a problem. Hi, my name is Johnny and I can't stop riding the Mark Twain. It starts out with gateway craft like the Canoes and Rafts and before you know it, you are on the bow shouting "I'm king of the world!" Except for the two yahoos on the shore, the first photo is postcard worthy for sure. Thanks Major. I hear a daily glass of river water helps.

  7. TokyoMagic! ha ha, now that would be interesting. “Let’s just pretend we have cameras, George!”. It makes them feel like movie directors.

    Nanook, when Major Pepperidge says “westward”, he means WESTWARD! Unless he means “eastward”. I swear, I have some weird form of dyslexia where I say “left” when I mean “right”, and so on. It’s very odd.

    stu29573, I agree, it is surprising that there is no Picture Spot sign there. Perhaps there was one very nearby?

    Chuck, hoo-boy, any GAF slides that I have are so terrible. That company should be ashamed of itself.

    Melissa, Clem and Ezra talk just the way I do! And they wear Toughskins, which is just good sense. Sure, they seem to argue a lot, but they fought together in the trenches of WWI, so there is a deep respect in spite of the bickering.

    Jonathan, mosquitos have been spreading RSA for decades. Some of the men who built the Panama Canal had an irresistible urge to ride in a riverboat, and they didn’t even know what a riverboat WAS. River water (with plenty of grit) is a great way to start each day.

  8. The Kodak Picture Spot is located exactly where the photographer of said picture is standing ....

  9. @ Melissa-

    A 'Hec Ramsey' reference. Richard Boone thanks you.

  10. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Just a wonderful thread.


  11. photo-bomb by the Matterhorn....luv it!! :D
