Thursday, June 28, 2018

Disneyland Souvenir Guidebook, 1965 - Part 4

 It's a bittersweet post today folks; we all get to enjoy more of JG's scans of his 1965 Disneyland souvenir guidebook - that's the sweet. But this is the final installment - that's the bitter. Perhaps we will all learn a little something about life.

At this point we are still enjoying a few pages touting coming attractions, which is always fun, especially when they use such amazing conceptual artwork as is seen on this next page. Both of those paintings (presumably by Herb Ryman) show a version of Tomorrowland that is considerably more elaborate than the one that we actually got - this is typical of concept art, though. Look at the soaring, pink, early version of what would eventually be Space Mountain (a "... rocket ride in outer space")!

It is fascinating to think that the first Space Mountain would not be built (in Florida) until 1975, while Disneyland wouldn't get theirs until 1977.

By 1965, "It's a Small World" was a hit at the New York World's Fair, and plans were well underway to bring the attraction to Anaheim. I find that small artwork of the façade to be very cool; it's not terribly different from what was finally built, except for the colors - and the famous smiling tick-tock clock is absent at this point.

All of these scenes are so familiar to us now that the attraction has been with us for 54 years!

The text refers to the Tower of the Four Winds - this might be a holdover from the Fair, or perhaps at this juncture they intended to bring it west.

Disneyland After Dark? Yes, please. Fireworks, a bazillion lights, music on the Rivers of America, rock and roll in Tomorrowland, Skull Rock looking both beautiful and eerie... oh man.

Christmas parades, the Elliot Brothers at the Plaza Gardens, Duke Ellington performing at the Golden Horseshoe, wowee! I'm wondering what is going on in the photo of the Mark Twain... were fireworks set off directly from the Rivers of America? Look at that lineup of legendary musical talent that guests could see at no additional cost. Woody Herman, Louis Armstrong, Harry James, Stan Kenton, and so on.

At some point, you are going to get hungry, and Disneyland has got you covered. They've got everything from snack bars to "buffeterias" to table service - not to mention plenty of ice cream and popcorn carts.

Everybody knows about the rides at Disneyland, but there is so much more. "Special shows and exhibits" included things such as the "House of the Future" and the "Hall of Chemistry" (both sponsored by Monsanto), the "INA Carefree Corner", "Wurlitzer Music Hall", the "Upjohn Pharmacy", and so on.

I am a fan of all varieties of Disneyland maps, from the small gate handouts to the large souvenir wall maps. This example is pretty sweet, with its colorful spot illustrations that are so wonderful. They remind me of a Whitman activity book with stickers that you could tear out and place in their appropriate locations. 

If you really want to do things the right way, then you will stay for at least two days. Maybe three! Which means you'll need a hotel. Why not stay at the fabulous Disneyland Hotel? You can take the Monorail right from Tomorrowland. And if you are a cool customer, you will take some time to relax - no need to run yourself to exhaustion. Go for a swim or lay out in the warm sunshine. Eat a relaxing meal at the Gourmet Restaurants. Or play a round of golf, if that's your thing!

Finally, let's enjoy a few final pictures from the back cover, showing plenty of happy guests of all ages. I recognize some photos that were used in the 1963 National Geographic article, and even the 1965 Dunross bubblegum cards that I shared on this blog. There's even fun with a nun!

Well, that's it folks. I hope you enjoyed this fabulous 1965 guidebook, from the days when Disneyland was (arguably) at its peak. MANY THANKS to JG for all of his scanning, and for sharing it with us!


EXTRA! EXTRA! There have been some questions about "Calico Kate's Pantry" and the "C&H Sugar Corner". I decided to dig out my 1965 INA guidebook, and am including some maps and info for you. As you can see, Calico Kate's was located in between the Golden Horseshoe Revue and The Oaks Tavern.

Here's the description. Jellies and Jams! I need some  time to figure out how long Calico Kate's was there.

Next is a map of Main Street, and the C&H Sugar Corner was located inside the Market House.


  1. MAJOR: on the Tomorrowland concept future attractions - all the artwork is by JOHN HENCH with the exception of the lower nite view of Space Mountain with fireworks : that is. HERBERT RYMAN.

  2. Major-

    "The Park actually spends more than $1,000,000 each year for big name talent that runs the entertainment scale from teen fad to tried and true favorites of Mom and Dad". Sign me up for 'teen fad' - my favorite style of music.

    Thanks JG and The Major.

  3. Many thanks to both you and JG for sharing this Guidebook. Loved every minute of it!

  4. Chuck4:13 AM

    Rather than fireworks, I think the Twain is sailing in front of what eventually became the Pyromaniac Eagle's Still on TSI, which would be the flames off the starboard bow. The rest of the glow appears to be from lights aboard the vessel and whatever lights were used to spotlight the boat for the photo. The puffs of "smoke" are steam from the boiler.

    That night-time photo taken from the Sierra Tower of the original Disneyland Motel buildings with the fireworks in the background was used in souvenir guides forever, and for good reason - it's simply gorgeous. That scene cannot be replicated today.

    Nanook, the older I get, I think I'm more of a "tried and true" kind of guy. Not that I was ever really in tune with the teen music of my own generation, but I really gravitate towards the kinds of music my parents always had playing when I was growing up (in some cases, it literally is the music my parents had playing, as I have their album collection).

    Thanks again, JG and Maj P!

  5. Pegleg Pete5:03 AM

    Thanks again JG for scanning and Major for posting this fabulous guidebook. I'm always gobsmacked at just how much amazing muscial talent that one could see at Disneyland back in the Sixties.

  6. I find it interesting that the Haunted Mansion didn't get a nod. Maybe they still weren't sure about it and were tired of promoting an empty building?

  7. Major and JG, this is the LIVING end; the next best thing to being there. I loved that scene in It's a Small World with the African boys and hyena laughing uproariously, but it must have been felt objectionable by the mid '70s. The hyena was moved away and the boys are now just singing the title song (in English, which is worse).

    I would have loved to be in the seat behind the nun on the Matterhorn Bobsleds; she might have crossed herself going up the lift, and watch out for her flapping habit as the sleds zip around curves.

  8. I don't know where to start, these scans are so spectacular. The golden age of Disneyland for sure. So much going on, great graphics and text as well. I love Disneyland Maps with drawings and paintings. True works of art. Thanks to JG and Major P.

  9. dennis8:48 AM

    It's a shame the Tower of the Four Winds didn't make it to Anaheim.
    Dennis Levittown NY

  10. Wow, almost too much to take in!

    I can't wrap my head around Walt Disney and Werner von Braun hanging out in the same room.

  11. JC Shannon, definitely the golden age. While Disneyland was the best theme park in the 1970's I do believe the 1960's was Disneyland's golden age. That's just my opinion of course.

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful pictorial souvenir, JG. It's the best one they ever did in my opinion.

  12. Thanks Major, for posting this for the crew to enjoy. I'm glad this brochure survived the years.

    I'm really enjoying your commentary on the text and images, which are so familiar to me, it's hard to see the details until you mention them. It's almost like getting a new book in return.

    Tower of The Four Winds for example, when I read this way back when, I had no idea what that was. Now after knowing the story, how sad that did not come back from New York. I wonder if the giant clock idea took precedence? There certainly isn't anything like that clock anywhere in modern life, and it was a brilliant pre-show distraction, in the era before pre-show became an attraction in itself. I read somewhere that it was inspired by a medieval or renaissance clock in Eastern Europe, but cannot confirm.

    I agree with Chuck completely, the flare in front of the MT is the Settler's cabin, The view of the fireworks from the hotel will soon be almost completely blocked by towers of newer, fancier rooms in the next development phase, which will occupy the land under those low buildings in the foreground of the old photo.

    The Tomorrowland pictures always were my favorites, I didn't discover until many years later that architectural renderings are all sizzle and no bacon.

    Thanks everyone for the comments, I hope this effort brought you some enjoyment. I have the full book bound as a PDF, suitable for viewing on a tablet or computer. If you are interested in a copy, please email Major and I will see that you get a link to it.

    Best regards to all.


  13. @ Chuck-

    My musical interest does [and did] run the gamut from "teen fad" to "tried and true favorites", so in that sense I'm easy to please. (Although I might quibble with 'some' of the musical choices Disney choose to fill the bill of "teen fad"). Just sayin'...

  14. Thank you JG for sharing your souvenir book! Thank you Major for posting.

    Mike Cozart - I remember when that larger John Hench image of the two story Tomorrowland concept was in the The Disney Gallery (when it was in Walt's apartment above Pirates of the Caribbean). I remember the plaque explaining the piece pointed out the two "hippies" in the artwork (near the heavy set tourist in the Hawaiian shirt). Remember that?

    Stafano - Totally agree with you about It's a Small World and the missing hyena. That was a great Marc Davis gag, and I miss it. That scene needs to be re-staged back to the original.

    Finally, I saw something in the "Food & Drink" scan that I have never noticed nor can I find photographic evidence of. I even checked, Wener Weiss' Yesterland. I have never seen (or I have and I'm just old and forgetful), the "Calico Kate's Pantry Shop", nor the "C & H Sugar Corner." Has anyone else ever seen these two food locations? Also, on the same page... love, love, love the illustrations. Especially that Tahitian Terrace.

    Always your pal,
    Amazon Belle

  15. Patrick Devlin11:47 AM

    It all has looked so tasty I zipped over to ebay and bought me a fair looking copy. Now the wait for delivery!

  16. Mike Cozart, it’s funny, as I was typing the sentence about Herb Ryman, I thought, “Some of them could be from John Hench too…”. But did I change it? NO! Thanks for the correction.

    Nanook, those teen dollars are gonna be BIG! I wonder if there were local kids in the 60’s that went to the park every month (or more), even though it was long before annual passes were a thing?

    Scott Lane, I’m glad you liked it!

    Chuck, my new death metal band will be called “Pyromaniac Eagle”! With so much to look at, I somehow glitched right over that beautiful photo taken from the Disneyland Hotel with the fireworks. What a view! As for music, I like MANY different genres (thanks in large part to my parents playing tons of music when I was growing up), but at a certain point in my young adulthood I decided that I liked music that was generally not super popular with the mainstream crowds. Punk and alternative, for instance. Who here loves The Residents? Or The Cramps? I do!

    Pegleg Pete, this guidebook gives a great look at how vibrant the park was during this era. What an amazing place and time.

    stu29573, the guidebook did mention the Haunted Mansion, you can see it in the 3rd installment back on June 12th.

    Stefano, I seem to remember that some people found the boy with the hyenas to be offensive on some level. I don’t understand it, but maybe it’s a cultural thing - I always thought it was cute and funny. I have no idea how stable a nun’s habit is - wouldn’t the thing fly off on a roller coaster? What an amusing thought.

    Jonathan, you have summed it up perfectly.

    dennis, I agree with you!

    Melissa, if you needed to learn about moon rockets, Werner was the man to see, I suppose…

    K. Martinez, if nothing else, Walt was still calling the shots in the first half of the 1960’s, and he got what he wanted no matter what. He loved his park!

    JG, obviously everybody loved seeing your scans of this guide, so thanks to you for taking the time to put it all together. There is probably information about the genesis of the Small World clock, but my guess is that once the Tower of the Four Winds was nixed, Rolly Crump had to come up with something to draw the eye while people waited in long summer lines. As a kid I always looked forward to every quarter-hour!

    Nanook, once in a while I will pick up a vintage information flier, and I will be impressed at the selection of bands of all kinds, from Les Brown to Sunshine Balloon to The Association to Buck Owens. For a family park, whoever was in charge of signing the music acts did a pretty respectable job.

    Matthew, ha ha, somehow the guy in the Hawaiian shirt does not evoke a hippie to me! But I love the detail just the same. Many of the changes to “It’s a Small World” have been wrong-headed in my opinion, but most guests don’t care, so I suppose I have to live with them. Wow, good eye on “Calico Kate’s”. Now that you mention it, I have never heard of that one! I do have some photos of the C&H Sugar Corner (not yet scanned), which was inside the Market House. I think Daveland has a photo or two as well, and you can see the C&H logo in the second Viewmaster scan at this post:

  17. @ Matthew-

    There was definitely a "C&H" 'something' on Main Street. It was probably a part of the Candy Palace - which itself was sandwiched between the Penny Arcade and Coke Corner - but I see The Major has images of it from inside the Market House. [I could swear it was on the opposite side of Main Street] - but, perhaps, some C&H items were also sold in the Candy Palace - and that's what I'm remembering...

    As for "Calico Kate's Pantry Shop", that seemed to be in existence for one year in Frontierland, around 1965, but I have no memory of it. There is this bit of info: "...Calico Kate's Pantry Shop had locations in Glen Haven, Colorado, Scottsdale, Arizona, and Frontierland in Disneyland." But just where in Forntierland was it-? (Inside the Davy Crockett Frontier Museum, per chance-?)

  18. @Stefano. It could Have been Sister Bertrille on that Bobsled. I am sure that aeorodynamics from the wind would have provided enough lift to treat all to a flight to remember. OMgosh, I really do have too much time on my hands!

  19. I'm late to the party and JC Shannon already beat me to it with a Sally Field joke. I will say this....I think what we are seeing behind the Mark Twain in that nighttime photo is the stage and set piece for the "Dixieland at Disneyland" events. I think we can even see some people on a stage beyond the Mark Twain. That set and stage can be seen in this YouTube video, along with what looks like a fire burning in the trees on the island. The stage and the fire are visible beginning at the 1:30 mark:

  20. P.S. And thanks Major and JG for these! It's been a wonderful series of posts. I LOVE the Tomorrowland/Space Mountain artwork!

  21. Hi Major! Thanks for the photo. OK... now that makes a little sense of the location. Right behind those windows was the "Birthday Cake Room." Although the birthday cake was for Swift & Co. Meats, to celebrate Swift's Centennial. But after all, what is a birthday cake made of... Sugar!!! - Glorious sugar! Is there a connection here?? I don't know... but I like saying the word Sugar! See this Birthday Cake room here over at our friend Kevin Kidney's blog

    @ Nanook - That makes the most sense to me of where it would be located. There used to be a little candy store at the entrance to the Davy Crockett Frontier Museum/Arcade/Mercantile. Thank you!

    Always your pal,

  22. PS - Major... it isn't the guy in the Hawaiian shirt who is the hippie... its the long haired gentleman and his girlfriend nearby that were labeled hippies... due to his drawn "long hair."

    Always your pal,

  23. OH WOW!!! Extra GDB!!! Thank you Major for the addition information. Well looky there Nanook... we were both way off. I wonder now if that is what used to be the little Kodak film store location during the 1970's? Too cool. THANK YOU, THANK YOU Major (Dave)!!

    Always... blah, blah, blah ;-)

  24. Abra Cadabra again Major! I am once again in awe of your magic, or manic powers!

  25. Ahhh....

    More goodies - that shoot-down my 'memories'. Thanks, Major.

  26. Major, Thanks for posting the INA guide pages. That is very cool. I have this exact INA Disneyland Guide booklet and never noticed Calico Kate's Pantry or C&H corner before in the listings. I'm going to have to take a closer look at my ephemera collection to see what other Disneyland mysteries await.

  27. My costuming research says that nuns used a bunch of pins in their habits; those babies weren't flyin' off at the drop of a hat, as it were.

    I would love to believe that the Cramps played Disneyland.

  28. Patrick Devlin, congratulations! Usually the covers of these have a few creases, but the insides tend to be quite nice.

    Nanook, see my added scans! Interesting that Calico Kate’s was a small chain of stores. After a brief search, it appears that the shop was only there for a year or two.

    Jonathan, ah, a callback to one of those silly 60’s shows that I loved so much (“The Flying Nun”, “My Favorite Martian”, “The Munsters”, etc).

    TokyoMagic!, I agree, that must be a photo from “Dixieland at Disneyland”. Thanks for the link to the video… I’ve seen that footage before (which “Wonderful World of Color” was it from?), it looks like that was a super fun show.

    TokyoMagic!, you’re welcome!

    Matthew, I thought that the “Birthday Cake Room” sounded vaguely familiar - it’s because I saw that post on Kevin and Jody’s blog years ago. Love odd trivia like that!

    Matthew, aha, I see what you mean. I remember how much my grandpa was disgusted by long hair on a man, John Hench might have been the same way!

    Matthew III, I’ll need to dig out the rest of my INA brochures (wherever they are) to see what became of that spot. But as I told Nanook, it looks like Calico Kate’s was only there for a very short time, maybe only a year or two.

    Jonathan, it is just possible that I had too much free time today!

    Nanook, you usually remember stuff way more vividly than I do, it’s OK to be a little off once in a while…

    K. Martinez, I with you, until Matthew pointed it out, I actually wondered if Calico Kate’s might have been a proposed eatery or shop that never wound up going in to Frontierland. I love learning new little details!

    Melissa, I suppose pins make sense. More sense than staples or hot glue, anyway. Oh man, the Cramps at Disneyland would have been some kind of dream come true.
