Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Carnation Ice Cream Flier

It's time for a fun (and very scarce) Disneyand flier! This one was brought to you by the Carnation company, and was presumably given out at the ice cream parlor on Main Street. It has a "1959" date printed on the inside, for those of you keeping track.

The flier was created in a shape resembling a pennant, and then folded into a sort of irregular rectangle. I love the way the zig-zag folds reveal the name of each "land" - although, curiously, Main Street was not included.

By golly, I will visit the charming Carnation Ice Cream Parlor! 

I'm not sure if this is the back or the front, but does it really matter? Quantum mechanics says it can be both things at once. I think. Carnation has provided some awesome ice cream recipes for you to try at home. The Frontierland Soda sounds pretty tasty, but I am intrigued by the Adventureland Shake. 

Like many other early Disneyland items, this one features Dumbo rather than Mickey Mouse.

Here's the front. Or maybe it's the back. The Fantasyland Parfait is surely delicious, but way too much work. If I was going to make a bunch of them, assembly-line style, maybe I would get all of the ingredients for that one! Not sure where to get "green crushed pineapple", however. The Tomorrowland Sundae is for me, with an "atom" made from maraschino cherries and toothpicks. Their example reminds me of the "Atomium" from the 1958 Brussels World's Fair.

I need ice cream. NOW.


  1. Major-

    The Fantasyland Parfait may look like "way too much work", but they had me at Into a Pilsner glass.... Who can argue with that-??

    What a truly wonderful and rare piece of a paper collectible - even if Dumbo has somehow escaped the confines of Fantasyland, and is 'winging his way' over to a rival "land".

    Thanks, Major.

  2. Also, Major-

    I think GDB is getting a bit too 'synergistic' with an obvious link to the "Atomium" from the 1958 Brussels World's Fair, featured a mere three days earlier-! And as far as "needing ice cream NOW" - I just made a batch of Chocolate-Chocolate Chip ice cream, along with some French Vanilla-Chocolate Chip ice cream. I have plenty.

  3. I think the Tomorrowland Sundae was probably an ideas that looked better on paper --the cherry ATONIUM looks heavy and clunky like some Communist era structure....


  4. Ha, ha, Mike! I remember that comment. Perhaps they could have made a "Unisphere" garnish for the Tomorrowland Sundae, using the rings of an onion!

  5. Chuck4:11 AM

    Major, this is awesome!

    Nanook, they had me at "boysenberry jam." It's hard to find here in the Midwest, and we haven't been able to find the frozen variety in the area for at least five years. There's no known market since nobody's ever heard of them around here, and having frozen berries shipped here is prohibitively expensive. That's Knott cool.

    Dumbo is on a reconnaissance mission, gathering intelligence on Tomorrowland's atomic facilities. The Cold War between the neighboring lands was in full swing at the time, and tensions were high; one false move by either party and Disneyland could have been turned into a radioactive dessert.

    TM! - ice cream and onions - together at last! Why didn't I think of that!

    Scott Lane & the Major - just use food coloring. Or green spray paint.

  6. This menu is a treat, well timed for Summer's start in two days. The designer must have known that the colors yellow and red together stimulate the salivary glands ---those were chosen as the main colors of McDonald's. I remember the Carnation menu of later years, and something called the Matterhorn Sundae; never tried it, but it looked like glorious excess.

  7. Nanook, it is true, things taste better in a pilsner glass, we have known that since the days of the phoaroahs. This is one of those pieces that you just don’t see very often, I was thrilled to find it.

    Nanook II, the “synergy” was a total coincidence; I actually composed today’s post weeks ago - sometimes drafts for saturday posts remain blank until the last minute because I am not sure what to put there. So it just worked out. As for making ice cream, my mom’s little peach tree is loaded, so I am thinking about making peach ice cream.

    Mike Cozart, man, you hate those Commies! ;-) And Russians would have used beets instead of cherries.

    TokyoMagic!, yes, or how about a nice hamburger (or other meat)-flavored ice cream, with onion rings! Genius. Hot dog ice cream with mustard. The possibilities are endless.

    Scott Lane, my thought exactly! It must have been a common thing at one time.

    Chuck, ha, I thought the same thing. “Blueberries? No way, boysenberry jam for me!”. You can surely use some other kind of berry preserves, even though no berry is a match for the magnificent boysenberry. I thought the option of “yellow or orange topping” was a little odd, but I suppose one could figure it out. Dumbo was a popular character for insignia during WWII, as you probably already know. I have no green food coloring or spray paint, but I do have a bottle of green nail polish (don’t ask!), can I use that?

    Stefano, the “Mammoth Matterhorn Mountain sundae was… “one of the world’s largest sundaes. 5 scoops of ice cream, sliced pineapple, 5 different sundae toppings, sliced bananas, chopped almonds, whipped cream and cherry”. BLORP! I would have to share that with at least one other person, if not two.

  8. Chuck7:45 AM

    I shared the last Matterhorn Sundae I ordered with three other people. Granted, two of them were small kids, but still...

  9. I love the silhouette artwork along the bottom. At first I thought the big clock in Tomorrowland was another sundae.

    I've seen green pineapple among the candied fruit you put in homemade fruitcake; I wonder if that's what they mean.

    The only boysenberry jam I've seen on the shelf in New York is Knott's brand.

  10. I have several ads from the 50s and 60s on my kithchen walls, but this is way cooler than anything I have. I love the colors and the unusual shape, not to mention the very sweet goodies you could make. Disneyland and Carnation, a match made in heaven. Thanks Major for sharing it.

  11. Anonymous9:02 AM

    The graphic concept of this menu is wonderful.

    When I saw the first scan, I was wondering how the pennant points managed to survive the years. Then the unfolded scans show the genius of the design. I love things like this.

    Does Carnation still sponsor the ice cream parlor on Main Street? I can't recall, due to my profound aversion to the "shopping mall" that Main Street has become, I usually just scurry through on my way to the Matterhorn like I did when I was eleven.


  12. Patrick Devlin10:22 AM

    I like the blurb about "fresh from the hand freezer" next to the Atomic Sundae. We had a wooden bucket and some mechanical parts forever in the bottom cabinets of our kitchen and nobody could figure out what they were. My Dad said it was an ice cream maker. We finally bugged him into buying some ice, and salt and cream to make ice cream, on the condition that one of us would be doing the cranking. Hmmm, magic! Ice cream from nothing!But now I know why people buy electric makers...

  13. @ Chuck-
    ...one false move by either party and Disneyland could have been turned into a radioactive dessert. Genius - sheer genius.

    I hate to provide a disparaging word, but boysenberry jam (or preserves) is not a favorite of mine. If I had to indicate a favorite in the blackberry 'family', it would most-assuredly be the marionberry variety of blackberry, with better flavor, and smoother mouth feel than the boysenberry.

    @ JG-
    It's still (or should I say has returned to - in name only) the Carnation Cafe, but they ain't serving Carnation Ice Cream. Nestlé bought Carnation back in 1985, but allows Disney to use the Carnation name. And as Nestlé owns Dryer's, Edy's, Häagen-Dazs and Nestlé ice cream brands, it's anybody's guess as to just exactly which ice cream is being served.

  14. Looks like a "Stitch" easter egg planted in the Frontierland chocolate soda. How prescient of Disney to look that many decades into the future of their animated productions!

    Now I want a chocolate soda.

  15. Chuck, I guess I’m a “less is more” person, I’d rather just have a classic hot fudge sundae. So good.

    Melissa, perhaps the rare green pineapples of Borneo are now endangered. Damn you, Carnation!

    Jonathan, old ads are awesome. A friend of mine is partial to old 7-up ads, for some reason. Just ad a scoop of lime sherbet! Actually that sounds darn good at the moment.

    JG, I am unsure as to whether this item was given out at Disneyland, or if it was available at Carnation restaurants (of which there were several, at least). They must not have given out a ton of them, considering the rarity. I was going to respond to your question about Carnation, but I see that Nanook has already done so.

    Patrick Devlin, I agree; we had a hand-crank ice cream maker, what a chore! I don’t need to do that again. Plus all of that rock salt and ice, and the actual ice cream container was so small. Lots of work for little reward.

    Nanook, I love boysenberries, be it fresh fruit, preserves, syrup… you name it! But hey, it’s subjective.

    Tom, it really does look like Stitch!

  16. Anonymous12:58 PM

    @Nanook & Major, thanks for the info. Now that you mention it, I don't see Carnation anything around anymore. I do remember there were Carnation products in the grocery when I was a kid and some of the dairies in our area sold to them. All those old brands are gone now, I guess.

    There was a time when it seemed like Beatrice owned everything, but I guess Nestle bought them too. Those enterprising Swiss. No wonder the Pope keeps them on.


  17. @JG - I have Carnation brand evaporated in my cupboard as we speak.

    @Nanook - The Plaza Ice Cream Parlor in the Magic Kingdom is sponsored by Edy's and serves their ice cream, so it wouldn't surprise me if they supplied Disneyland as well. But you never know.

    We had a hand-crank ice cream freezer, but Grandpa figured out how to turn it with an electric drill. So I guess that was cheating.

  18. Chuck2:35 PM

    Melissa, that may be the only Carnation product line that hasn't evaporated.

  19. Chuck, that was udderly the funniest thing I have herd all day!

  20. Anonymous3:51 PM

    @Melissa, Chuck & JC, it's good news and painful humor at the same time.

    We use evaporated milk only at holidays for pumpkin pie, now I have to check our cupboard.


  21. Carnation was bought out by Nestle sometime in the 1990s I think... they slowly retired the brand in most areas. I think you can still find Carnation brand evaporated milk on the shelves, but you have to hunt for it.

  22. Im getting a Frontierland soda!!

    This menu is gorgeous, Major P. I love all the colors and fonts...so cool!

  23. Anonymous10:13 AM

    @Tom, Melissa, et. al.

    I looked in the pantry last night. We have one can of condensed milk carryover from thanksgiving. It is Carnation brand, with an added Nestle' logo above it. I'm pretty sure I bought it, on instructions from my wife the cook, which shows the length of my memory, and also that it couldn't be hard to find here in CA, since I'm sure I bought the first thing on the shelf meeting her description.

    Weird to me to see how these things change over time. I think JC has the right idea decorating with the old labels.


  24. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Does anyone remember “ butter fudge swirl” ice cream at WDW in the ‘70’s? I still crave it!!!
