Friday, February 02, 2018

More Slides 9-1-1, July 1961

Sometimes old slides turn red - that's when I get the call. Pepperidge is the name, and restoration's my game.

Case # A38-5014-C22: a slide taken by a nice American family. But they used Ektachrome film instead of Kodachrome. Seen it a thousand times. This slide is redder than a commie's borscht.

Thanks to today's space age computers, I was able to restore the image to something approximating its original appearance. That balloon seller looks like he's about 15. Lucky for him he gets to wear that classy and not-embarrassing costume. There's no such thing as a bow-tie that is "too big". 

Next is this closeup view of the castle. You think it's too pink today?? Great jumping catfish! This photo  is enough to bring a tear to one's eye. 

Say, that's more like it. As the last golden rays of sunlight touch the towers, we can look forward to a warm and beautiful night, full of soft music and twinkle lights in the trees.


  1. Major-

    Can you apply your magic powers to hair color-?

    Thanks, Major.

  2. That balloon seller almost looks like an older Kevin "Moochie" Corcoran. And the one thing that kept that costume classy and non-embarrassing was the pair of little ballet slippers that went with it.

  3. Fantastic work on the Crimson Tide Slides Major!

    The (early) 60's were a time of transition as the 50's saw men in full suits sporting fedoras, now not so much. It's looks like we're headed for a whole lot of trouble as the two flat top dappers (left of balloon boy) are about to clash with sloppy jeans Mcgee and his ex-con dad who may or may not have a crow bar in that right hand.

    Looks like a scene out of "The Warriors" is about unfold right before our very eyes. Fasion rumble friday for sure.
    Thanks for posting major.

  4. My thoughts exactly Mr. Hawk. Troubles abrewin'. Major excellent work in getting the red out. How much Visine do you feed your scanner to get such great results?

  5. Patrick Devlin7:53 AM

    Nice work as ever, Major "The Man" Pepperidge! Nice shots and nice restoration.

  6. Wow. Another display of phenomenal cosmic photo restoration power! I especially love the first photo because it's an angle you don't see too often. I wonder if it was taken by Balloon Boy's mom or something?

  7. Depinkification.

    I don't know if that gentleman at the far left is scowling at us or if he just ate a bad hot dog. Or maybe he's worried about the imminent rumble.

    I don't think I've seen that balloon design before. Purty!

  8. Nanook, why yes I can! I have Sharpies in every color of the rainbow. They work great on hair.

    TokyoMagic!, I guess he should be grateful that the slippers didn’t have curly toes…

    Scott Lane, thanks!

    Alonzo P Hawk, well, those flat-toppers don’t have the “high and tight” look I was expecting. They’re pretty clean cut, at least by today’s standards (a low bar, I admit). Yes, the guys with the jeans clearly just dug their way to freedom from the nearest penitentiary. I still have never seen “The Warriors”, though I have read and seen a lot of memes from it!

    Gnometrek, maybe somebody is about to be confronted about bumping somebody in the Autopia. There will be blood!

    Patrick Devlin, I owe it all to my parents, coach John Wooden, and the man upstairs (Mr. Terwillager, he taught me Photoshop).

    Tom, I was happy to get a nice shot of this particular balloon vendor costume - mostly because it is kind of awful, in the most wonderful way.

    Melissa, your voice sounds just like Paul Frees! That can make you some big money. Yes, that man is definitely give us the stink-eye, but who knows why…

  9. Anonymous12:21 PM

    "This is the City, Los Angeles California.

    Sometimes people get the urge to pet a small, furry animal.

    That's when I go to work.

    My name's Friday, Joe Friday, I carry a badger."

    Brilliant work, Major. We can all spend the weekend being glad we aren't balloon sellers.


  10. I can't wait to celebrate Not A Balloon Vendor Day next year!
