Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Dance Circle and Muddy River, October 1970

In two previous posts I have shared scans from this same batch of GAF slides - you know, those slides that are so degraded and terrible. How I love them! Well, today I am posting the last two that show the muddy riverbed in Frontierland.

I'll start with this view taken from the bleachers of the new and improved Dance Circle -  not only was there "stadium style" seating, but they even provided shade with those cloth awnings overhead. Definitely more comfortable, but in a way it seems as if they lost a bit of that feeling that you were right in the middle of the action. The new setup was more akin to watching a performance on stage.

Of course the fun part is the riverbed. Who knew that mud and dirt would be so interesting? For some reason, this photo (taken in the shade of the awnings) came out beautifully exposed, with good color. I wish they'd all turned out like this!

Instead they look like this, even after fiddling around in Photoshop. You can really appreciate how much real estate the Frontierland waterway takes up - the proportions seem perfect when it is filled with water, feeling like a big river, but still allowing good views of the land on either side. Those Imagineers knew what they were doing!

That's the last of the pix of the empty river, I hope you enjoyed them.

I'm still out of town, but should be home tomorrow!


  1. Major-

    Although fairly-nice looking, that GAF-provided color "palette" still seems a bit restricted to my 'schooled' eyes. And you're right - the addition of the awning and bleachers makes the area appear more at-home in a Universal park.

    And you ain't kidding about the brilliant proportions of the RoA. True genius-!

    Thanks, Major.

  2. "Those Imagineers knew what they were doing." "Knew" being the operative word there.

  3. Empty river,
    You empty river...

    Well, there's not much to sing about in an empty river. I'll just be over here humming.

  4. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Definitely appreciating the empty river. Thanks Major. Hope you have a good holiday.


  5. Cry me a dirt river. Very Nice. Thanks, Major!

  6. Wow - you can really see the canoe tracks in this set.

  7. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I still find it rather disillusioning whenever I see such pictures of the river empty like that. And apparently the waters aren't even that deep. You'd never know with the murky waters. Good old illusions provided by Disney Imagineering magic! :D
