Wednesday, July 05, 2017


Today I am featuring some nice souvenir items from the Golden Horseshoe Saloon - or their empty envelopes, at any rate.

Disney Legend Wally Boag performed at the Golden Horseshoe for some 25+ years and over 10,000 shows; besides singing, dancing, and telling corny jokes, he also made balloon animals for kids in the audience. "Boag-alloons"! Excited kids could take home a kit so that they could practice their own skills in the art of making air-filled rubber animals. 

This first envelope was something of a surprise to me when I found it - I'd never seen one before. Also, nobody else bid on it! I love the interesting color combination and very "early 60's" design of this envelope, which would have presumably held a few dozen varieties of balloons. A young Wally grins at us, holding his carpet bag.

Now that I have shared this scan of the instructions, you can go forth into the world and make your own fortune. When you become a millionaire, just remember who helped you.

Back in 2008, I published this dark photo taken inside the Golden Horseshoe in 1963. Beneath the Pepsi signs and the not-quite-nude portrait....

... you can see some of these very same envelopes behind the bar!

This next "Boag-alloons" container is a card stock box (seen here in its flattened state) rather than an envelope, and is more familiar to me, though still not exactly common. I bought mine from Matterhorn1959. Wally looks plum loco! 

Here's the reverse; written on Wally's hat is, "Actually it was 7 years ago they operated on my father...". Does anybody know the rest of this gag? I'm sure it is groan-inducing!

I hope you have enjoyed today's Boag-alloon containers.


  1. In his routine, Wally asked the pianist if he knew the song “When They Operated on Father, They Opened Mother’s Male.”

  2. I have that last Boag-alloons" container as it came with my book "Wally Boag: Clown Prince of Disneyland". Nice Wally Boag collection today and the 1963 photo adds nicely to today's post. Thanks, Major.

  3. Chuck7:30 AM

    I think I've just found my next job.

  4. Graffer, that must be the joke! And yes, it is a groaner.

    K. Martinez, didn't Wally sign those Boag-alloon boxes too? I remember when the book was being sold, and wish I'd bought one. Long ago, "The E-Ticket" magazine offered the same boxes for sale, direct from Wally, and once again, I cheaped out. WHY?!

    Chuck, I'm sure your wife will understand when you inform her that you have quit your other job.

  5. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Boag was an awesome performer. The tooth-spitting routine alone was worth the price of admission.

    These are fun souvenir items, I've never seen either before.

    I wonder if they ever thought of doing a version of the "Boagalusa Strut"...


  6. Major, yes Wally did sign the Boag-alloon boxes that came with the book. As for cheaping out, I've passed on my share of stuff that I later regretted not picking up. It happens.

  7. I wonder what the "many other funny animals" were? I want a Boag-Alloon hippopotamus! And make it life-size, please!
