Sunday, April 30, 2017

Snapshots, 1967

Here are a few decent snapshots. They are polite to their mothers, they are always neat and tidy, and they say their prayers at night. Who among us can say the same?

Having a flower market just off of Main Street might seem like a good idea on paper. And sure, it was pretty, with so many colorful (if artificial) blooms. Rumor has it that C.V. Wood recommended that Walt sell raw meat on this side street. "It will remind people of the old Chicago stockyards!". But Walt wouldn't listen.

Hello, Carnation truck!

1967. Hm. Nothing significant happened that year, I can't figure out what the deal is with those crowds. Maybe Jack Lalanne or Al Lewis (or some other superstar) was over there signing autographs. It's the only thing that makes sense.


  1. Why it's the new "Whalers on the Moon" attraction those people are lining up for!

    "We're whalers on the Moon
    we carry a harpoon
    But there ain't no whales
    so we tell tall tales
    and sing a whaling tune"

    Looks nice without the POTC bridge. Thanks, Major.

  2. Oh, Major-

    You're so silly - you answered your own rhetorical question-! All those folks we see lining-up in the second image are patiently waiting for the Old Chicago Stockyard attraction. And just as with Snow White's Scary Adventures, the guests' are the four-footed friends about to be "given the Old Shillelagh", (as they say in Ireland). And then laughter ensues...

    Thanks, Major.

  3. I think Johnny Depp was dressed in some kind of costume and appearing on that balcony above the crowd. He only does that once every 50 years.

  4. P.S. Ken, Whalers On The Moon....hee, hee!

  5. Chuck6:21 AM

    I love pictures of the early days of WOTM!

  6. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Guests would pay good money for a line to Pirates of ONLY that size today! Working Crowd Control back then we thought the line could never get bigger than that! Who knew?? KS

  7. Ah the scents of freshly dead catfish and meat slices all being toted around the park. It would give a certain authentic turn-of-the century feel to the aromatic theming. But I'll still pass. I'll miss you guys...

  8. K. Martinez, 6.4 points for a Futurama reference!

    Nanook, I love the way they captured the smells of the Chicago stockyards. It’s like the real thing. (When I was a kid I was taken to the Hormel plant in Austin, Minnesota. We saw them “processing” animals. So much fun!)

    TokyoMagic!, I still think it was Al Lewis. Who would your rather see, Jack Sparrow, or Grandpa Munster?

    Chuck, most photos were taken with special Hasselblad cameras developed for NASA.

    KS, it’s true, try walking through that area after both fireworks and Fantasmic.

    Patrick Devlin, don’t forget the churros stuffed with liverwurst that they sold in Town Square. A burst of liver flavor with every bite!

  9. Anonymous1:02 PM

    The comments are far better than the pictures, and the pictures are amazing.

