Monday, January 30, 2017

Two More from DrGoat

Here are a few more photos from our pal DrGoat (aka Peter)! 

We'll start with this nice shot of Peter with his sister in Frontierland, with the Mark Twain chugging away in the background. Peter says: The first one with my sister was in 61...almost positive. I noticed Chris has an instamatic hanging around her neck. She says she hasn't a clue where, or if the pics from that camera even still exist. I'll try to keep prodding her to check around but I don't hold any hope. I'm the one that got the Disney virus. Too bad. It was a beautiful July day, about a week away from my birthday.

Next we have a lively photo showing the Mad Tea Party, with Peter, his sister, and a friend, clearly from a few years after the first pic: The tea cup image was in 66 or 67. Same sister, older and much more disinterested. She would have rather gone to a museum of any kind. The other fellow is my cousin from my Dads side. He was 4 years older than me but he was more into Disneyland than Chris. I'm sure it's in July too 'cause we always went in the summer around my birthday.

Stay tuned for more from DrGoat's personal collection!


  1. Peter-

    That's an interesting feat being 'disinterested' while riding the Teacups. Perhaps a 'teacup museum' is more to your sisters liking. Great shot, tho.

    Thanks for sharing more from your collection.

  2. Is that a Keelboat AND a TSI raft parked in Fowler's Harbor?

    I guess the first pic was taken during that one year when the Mark Twain had only one smoke stack. (I know it was really just hiding.)

    Thanks again for sharing, Peter!

  3. Good stuff, as always. Thanks Doc!

  4. Chuck6:27 AM

    It's hard to tell, but I think Chris is sporting a Kodak Brownie Starmatic camera around her neck in the first photo. If that's accurate, Peter, Chris should be looking for 127 film negatives or square prints from that roll.

    TM!, this is actually an exceptionally rare photo taken during WED's Single-Stack Feasibility Study, which demonstrated the practicality of a single-stack design for future Disney steamboats. While successful and ultimately used operationally at WDW, the short length of the study (June-July of 1961) missed some long-term implications of the single-stack design, notably the impact on the hull of any double-stack steamer used in the same waterway and the encouragement of bored executives to "cleverly" rename any craft with a single stack.

    Thanks again for sharing, Peter!

  5. Thanks all and my pleasure. Actually, looking at that first pic with my sister, it could not have been '61. That's more a 15 year old me, about '65.
    Nanook. You are probably right. A museum would have been more to her liking. I barely made it through college (it was the '60s, early seventies after all), and she ended up with a PHD in microbiology. Goes to show ya. I think I had more fun though.

  6. Thanks for the time and effort, Peter. Always appreciated.

    As I've mentioned sufficient times here that first shot of the Rivers of America is my favorite flavor of Disneyland picture. And you're right, TM!, the harbor over there is just bustling with boat traffic. Do the rafts still have the small mast on them? You can just make out (I think) the two masts present at their berthing.

    I love the decorations on the Teacups from earlier days. I know at some point they switched to a more "conventional" design but I favor the wilder, crazier wackiness that was the initial decorations, seen here. It is a MAD Tea Party after all, not tea with Grandma.

    A very pleasant Monday morning to all...

  7. Anonymous10:22 AM

    So much fun, I really like the teacup shot.

    Sad to see how vegetated the river bank was compared to today, now it's all stone and iron fences.

    Thanks Major and Dr. Goat.

