Monday, May 30, 2016

it's a small world, July 1972

Here's a lovely, crisp photo of the façade for "it's a small world" (no caps, K. Martinez!), with the distinctive sign for the sponsor, Bank of America. While the sign tickles my nostalgia neurons, it is kind of "in your face". Check out the strollers - these days there is a veritable parking lot of SUV-sized baby buggies!

There are those koo-koo-kooky topiaries that I loved so much when I was a kid. Clearly Edward Scissorhands worked for Disney's landscaping crew.


  1. Major-

    Love the angle on the second shot. It gives the impression the 'menagerie' goes on forever.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. I am noticing something for the very first time in that first shot. There are three finials sticking up above the top of the attraction sign. On the top of each finial is a gold flower or pinwheel. I'm assuming that each one is connected to one of the poles that holds up the sign. I'm guessing that in the other vintage photos I have seen, they have always blended into the facade, but for some reason, they stand out in this photo. The one that is the most obvious is the one in the center....the flower/pinwheel on top of it is blocking part of the face on the clock tower.

  3. I'm having a similar reaction, Major. It may be a small world, but its not a small sign. I wonder if it was intended to be able to be read from as far away as the pirate ship at the other end of the small world mall?

    Totally off subject, but if you get a chance, please spare a moment today to remember those who paid the ultimate price in the service of their nation. I realize this blog resides on the Internet, a truly world-wide web of computer users from around the globe, and Memorial Day is a distinctly American holiday, but the sentiments which it commemorates are truly universal and are recognized under different names on different dates in different countries. May we honor those we have lost while we fervently pray and hope that the need for similar sacrifices will someday be a thing of the past.

    "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends."

  4. Lovely composition on the first shot. And just look at that sea of strollers! I'm now going to go out and buy a shruberry to start my own topiary...

  5. Chuck, Not off subject al all. I am forever grateful to those who have served our country and to those especially who've paid with their lives. My thoughts are also with the families who have lost sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, husbands and wives or other loved ones while serving our country whether in conflict or not. And thank you Chuck for reminding us of the meaning of today and for serving our country.

    Compared to the entire façade the sign is actually not that big when viewed from afar. Check out this shot from the Skyway.

    Thanks, Major.

  6. Nanook, I assume the photo was taken from a boat! The menagerie DOES go on forever. And ever. And ever…

    TokyoMagic! I admit that I have never really noticed all of those pinwheels before, either. I guess they stand out against that nice blue sky. I wonder if all of them rotated?

    Chuck, absolutely, let's all spend at least a few minutes thinking about those who have given their lives for this country. I composed this post weeks ago (in advance of my trip), so I didn't really think about what day this would be at the time. But as the son of a Navy Commander (who thankfully came home from Vietnam in one piece) I am grateful to the men and women who fought for us.

    Patrick Devlin, it's funny how stroller parking for some of these attractions has become a real issue today. Especially something like IASW.

    K. Martinez, well, the sign does look smaller from far away…! In part because it is seen against the entire massive façade, but you have a point… it works for its location.

  7. "It"s a BIG sign after all"

  8. Anonymous12:05 PM

    What Chuck said.


    PS IASW 50 anniversary this weekend.

  9. JG - how did I manage to miss THAT? Time to pull out the 50th anniversary CDs and listen to the soundtrack. Or maybe the Disneyland Records "iasw" album. If I only my Super 8 projector were here instead of at my parents'...

  10. steve2wdw, there's so much that we share, that it's time we're aware!

    JG, I have seen people mentioning the birthday of IASW on Facebook, hard to believe it's been 50 years.

    Chuck, you need to spend more time on Facebook, and texting and tweeting and snapchatting and smurfing and twerking.

  11. I love the giraffe....sort of looks like he has curly "hair"! :D

    My dad served in the US Army from 1951-1953. My ex-husband served in the USAF Reserves and was in Desert Shield. Enough thanks does not exist for all of the people who have served and been lost for our freedom.

  12. Chuck, AWESOME! No greater definition of love than this!

  13. Anonymous12:04 PM

    @Major & Chuck. Saw it on @Twitter. Lots of Disney on Twitter.

