Sunday, March 13, 2016

Rejects - Returned From the Dead

Here is a pair of images that used to be in the "reject" pile - a large heap of moldy slides in the corner of my conservatory (next to the harpsichord and beneath the Cézanne). Since I spent all last night drinking absinthe, I had little time to put a post together and quickly pulled two slides off of the pile. 

First up is this shot of Ken-L-Land, the charming pet hotel sponsored by delicious Ken-L-Ration dog food! Perched on the edge of the park, conveniently located near the entrance, this hotel kept many dogs and kitties (and possibly a lizard or two) out of hot cars in the vast parking lot. The view of the Monorail track was just a bonus. 

Please don't exceed 15 miles per hour, Mario Andretti.

What does the world look like from the back of a caterpillar?  Well, now you know, thanks to this photo taken from one of the "Alice in Wonderland" ride vehicles.  So it's a little blurry, who cares. Ya got your snack bar ("Fan 2"?), the Skyway and the chalet, the Pirate Ship (NOT flying the Jolly Roger!), Skull Rock, and the Storybook Land lighthouse.


  1. Major-

    I prefer to think of the images which appear a little 'blurry' as "action images" - they're just bursting with energy-!

    Thanks, Major.

  2. The door to the Alice In Wonderland ride vehicle storage is ajar.

  3. Gadzooks! The frumious bandersnatch has escaped!

  4. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I'm thinking that the photo is a little too "outboard" to have been taken from an Alice ride vehicle. My guess is the monorail.

  5. What was it that made these slides get tossed into the reject pile? These are wonderful images. A full view of the Ken-L-Land Pet Motel is framed by a monorail beam and Fantasyland is showing off it's mix of medieval faire and tropical lagoon environments. Also, there's the Storybook Land lighthouse, side of Skull Rock, Dumbo, Skyway with it's two towers, the Pirate Ship unfurled and dead center one of the two "Fan" eateries filled with hungry guests. Even the Casey Jr. Circus Train depot's roof is visible. The eatery pictured here I used to go to quite a bit back in the 1970's and early 80's. Very nice photo set today. Thanks, Major.

    I'm with Anonymous that it was taken from the Monorail.

  6. Nanook, that is a very charitable way of looking at these!

    TokyoMagic!, SO…. is that a door to a break room? I have no idea.

    Chuck, actually two of them escaped.

    Anonymous, you might be right, and that might explain the blur!

    K. Martinez, back in the old days, I did not scan every slide, which is pretty much what I do now (unless it is a total loss). I would reject photos for being too dark, not entirely clear, etc. Oh, how far I’ve fallen! Of course I am very glad that you appreciate today’s offerings, I never want to post junk, but it is still disappointing when the photos are blurry.

  7. Major-

    Isn't that area behind the "door ajar" the Alice equivalent of "never never land" in Storybook Land-? That should be where the Alice ride vehicles are 'serviced', and the door seen here is where the vehicles re-enter the track.

    Also, I wish I could remember for more than five minutes, but am fairly certain the "Fan" Restaurant seen here is 'Fan 2'.

  8. Major, for me it isn't just about pretty or well photographed pictures, but about photo documentation of Disneyland. Especially those early and golden age years. Even though the Fantasyland image isn't technically perfect, it's a treasure to me. Sometime new angles yield new discoveries. And this is a wonderful shot showing the "Fan 2" eatery all busy with park guests. You know the old saying. "One man's junk is another man's treasure". Thanks!

  9. Major, I'm glad you un-rejected these. You have never posted "junk"! Nanook is right about what's behind the door. The door that is ajar is actually a door within a larger door. The top of the mushroom is blocking it, but there is a spur track on the ground that was used for bringing the vehicles out of the storage/maintenance room and onto the main track. Out of view and to the left was another large door. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that second door had another piece of spur track in front of it for getting the vehicles back into the storage area.

  10. Nanook, I suppose that it is the equivalent of “never never land” (wrong story!). As for the “Fams”, I figure that if I get it wrong somebody will probably correct me; I can deal with that!

    K. Martinez, I need to have a better attitude, like you do! Seems I gripe a lot more than I used to.

    TokyoMagic!, oh, I’m pretty sure I’ve posted some junk here! How do you know so much about what’s going on behind that door? It sounds like you’ve been there. If I was home, I would look for another photo that might show the spur track you were referring to; I think you are right about it.

  11. @ Major-

    Oh, my stories are in order. The Storybook Land guides refer to the backstage area as " 'Never, never land' as we never go there".

  12. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Feeling sorry for "Fan 1", as there never seem to be photos of it anywhere. Located behind the field of view for the best pictures in that part of Fantasyland, it appears only in aerial photographs, and only then, when not cropped out of the central image.

    I don't even recall it, would never know it existed except for the maps.


  13. Major, these are both very cool shots.
