Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Even More Disneyland Hotel Aerials, September 1979

It's time for more aerial views, circa 1979, and primarly featuring the Disneyland Hotel and its environs. In fact, I thought we were completely done with Disneyland itself, but we can still see about 1/3 of the park in this first view. There are still several large vacant lots near the park; I assume that the one just to the west of Disneyland belonged to Disney? And what is that big, geometric housing complex? It almost looks like part of a computer's circuit board. Meanwhile, there's the hotel, with its big turquoise pool, part of the Marina. The yellow Monorail can be seen stopped at the hotel's station.

That Hotel complex is suprisingly large... look at all of those structures! Of course the whole thing has undergone many changes in the intervening years.

I tried to grab a view similar to the previous angle using Google Earth so that you could compare and contrast. Just like in grade school! Please use footnotes and include your references.

This is a pretty impressive shot, but it the photographer continued to get even closer! You'll have to wait until the next post to see, however. 


  1. Major-

    I don't think I ever tire of seeing these views. There's just so much to look at. Although there are many aerial views of the Park, most of them never seem to get almost 'kissing close' as these do.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. This has to be quick as I'm off to save the bay (the Major can explain) but that condominium/ townhouse complex in the first photo was collectively called Kaleidoscope and was the first place many Disneyland employees plunked down dough to buy a place of their own. I roomed with another sweeper who bought a unit there in '79 for about a year. Now, back to watching the bay! ;)

  3. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Yes, the large vacant lot to the West of the park was/is owned by Disney. It was originally purchased for the hotel's nine-hole pitch and putt golf course, and the really cool miniature golf course.Then, until California Adventure, it was leased back to the former owner, who grew strawberries. Knott's had nothing on Walt in that respect.

  4. I had to double check with Google Earth to see just how long "Dancing Waters" remained tucked over there in the southwest corner. Wish I'd had a chance to see it more than once...

    That hotel changed so many times over the years... I miss the waterfall and that whole thing by the currently-named Frontier tower but I gotta say I really like the new pool and the bar next to it.

  5. So much to explore in these aerials. I loved the old tower names; Marina, Sierra and Bonita. And now Fantasy, Frontier and Adventure Towers? Meh! Where' the Tomorrowalnd Tower? In the future?

  6. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Always love aerial views. I'm holding out for the New Orleans tower... there's certainly enough references in DTD.

    Thanks Major.


  7. Anonymous12:01 PM

    The change between the years is really stunning, isn't it? The 70s working there to me still seem like 'only yesterday'. And big changes are in progress today. KS

  8. Nanook, prepare to get ever closer! You’ll worry about bumping your feet, like in “Soarin’ Over California”.

    Huck, thanks for the info Kaleidoscope… imagine being able to even afford a condo back then. Those were the days. Was it a nice place to live? It’s within walking distance of the park at least.

    Anonymous, I always wondered where the heck the golf course was, but you described it as a “pitch and putt”, so that makes more sense. Still, pretty small. I wish I had photos of that miniature golf course… there are some online, but none in my collection.

    Tom, when you compare the old photo to the current day Google photo, you can see that large areas have been completely redone… no vestiges of the old original buildings left. Kind of a shame. I haven’t really looked at how the hotel looks these days, though I know it has that Monorail-themed waterslide.

    K. Martinez, I guess I didn’t know that the names of the towers had changed. Too bad… I liked the old ones (like you). The Tomorrowland Tower will be very steampunk, all shades of brown and bronze.

    JG, oh, I like that idea!

    KS, even though I’m personally not that jazzed about a Star Wars Land, it is still interesting to see the photos on Facebook, sneak peeks at the earth moving, etc.

  9. Dean Finder5:52 PM

    Could someone actually rent a boat at the Marina? It seems like a very small area to sail around.

  10. Yes, you could rent boats at the marina.

    Favorite maneuver for me and my brother was going over to the old red buoy in the middle of the marina which was there for years. You can just make it out in the last picture if you zoom in.

    The Disneyland Hotel was an awesome place back then.

    Thanks Major!

  11. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Major...having spent my CM days on the 'Westside', I, along with many of my former CMs are not very keen on the placement of SW Land. We were enthusiastic with the attraction proposals coming out of Glendale which would have expanded the 'Adventure and Frontier' of the area back in the late 70s and early 80s which never came about. SW land would have been a great start to a 3rd gate or an update to a Tomorrowland that has lost its vision. KS
