Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Castle, 1956

Merry Christmas, everyone! 

Today's slides are more "rediscovered treasures"; for some reason I did not scan these 8 or 9 years ago, but they look mighty fine to me now! I think I was just burned out on photos of Sleeping Beauty Castle. Little did I know that this was just the beginning of scores (hundreds) of pictures of this landmark.

Anyway, the pictures are hand-dated "12-29-56", so in four days they will be exactly 59 years old. This beautiful image is definitely "postcard worthy", I think you'll agree. The color is amazing. Modest Christmas decorations adorn the castle, which looks so lovely in the clear winter sunlight.

Next we get a slightly closer view, also very pretty. If only all of my slides were of this quality!


  1. Major-

    Talk about 'postcard worthy'-! Geez - less really is more. (Make a note of that, Disneyland).

    Merry Xmas to all. And thanks once again Major, for another great year of GDB images. Each and every day is just a little bit brighter 'cause of this swell blog.

  2. Beautiful!

    Merry Christmas, Major! Merry Christmas to All!

  3. I like the simple decorations on the castle! It doesn't look like Christmas "exploded" all over it. Merry Christmas, everyone!!!

  4. Lovely! Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!!

  5. Sunday Night8:05 AM

    Thanks Major for all the work you do on this blog. A Merry Christmas to you and all the good people that comment here.

  6. Happy Holidays to you Major!

  7. Merry Christmas, Major. Your generous sharing of a shared passion seasoned with your unique brand of humor is a daily treat for me.

  8. D Ticket6:58 PM

    Those are beautiful, I especially like the flourishes in the clouds behind the castle.

    Merry Christmas Major!

  9. Wow, those really pop! They are truly lovely!
    Thank you Major, and Merry Christmas to you and to all my GDB friends as well!

  10. Nanook, now that I am looking at this post, I apparently forgot to include two other photos from the batch. Oh well, they'll work for another post! Thank you for all of your great comments.

    K. Martinez, Merry Christmas to you, and much thanks for your contributions.

    TokyoMagic!, this is definitely a case of "less is more"! Merry Xmas.

    Nancy, thanks for checking in! Happy Holidays.

    Sunday Night, it is a labor of love, so it doesn't feel like work (most of the time)! I appreciate everyone who helps make GDB a place that's fun to be.

    Snow White Archives, thank you! Merry Christmas to you, your brothers, and the rest of the Devlin family.

    D Ticket, a blue sky and a sunny day can really make the difference between a good picture and a great one. Merry Christmas!!

    Monkey Cage Kurt, I can't tell if these are nice because the photographer had a really nice camera, or if they just had an "eye" for good photos! I sound like a broken record, but Merry Christmas to you too.

  11. Merry Christmas to GDB readers and to you to Major, our smiling scanner serf of all these many years.

    It's interesting to see how little Christmas Decor was needed in the early years ... even in the early 60's when money was not so much of a problem, the holiday festooning was more modest.

    I also like looking at the "colder" palate of colors used on the Castle at the time.

    Does anybody know when the plane downspouts were changed out for the Squirrels? Do they go back to the 80s?

  12. Chuck5:46 AM

    Merry Christmas to the best bunch of people I've ever willingly associated with that I've never actually met!

    Major, thanks again not for one gift one day of the year but more than one every day. Opening the computer to see what you have in store for us today feels a bit like Christmas, bringing a little bit of surprise, wonder, and a smile into our lives on a daily basis, and on some days that's sorely needed. Your passion for your subject, your sense of humor, and your willingness to share both with us are a wonderful gift to the world, and I think all of our lives are a little richer for it. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for doing what you do.

  13. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Hello Major and GDB crowd.

    "What Chuck Said".



  14. Spin, Marty and Annette are in the park on this day for a meet and greet.
