Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Miscellaneous Souvenirs!

While digging through some random boxes, I dredged up a number of odd pieces of amusement park ephemera, and thought it would be fun to share some of it with you today.

Readers of this blog might already know about my love of Jungleland, USA; it is long-gone, but when I was a very small child, my grandparents took me and my brother to Thousand Oaks to see the lions, tigers, seals, giraffes, goats, and all manner of critters. Many years later, coincidentally, my family wound up living in Thousand Oaks, and for a while, the abandoned remains of Jungleland were visible from the nearby highway. I was delighted to find this fun business card!

"Frontier Village" was a charming little Western-themed amusement park in San Jose, California. I might dedicate a future post to it (by scanning one of their souvenir guidebooks). The park closed in 1980, sadly. I found this lithographed tin tray at a junk shop in San Jose when I was visiting my brother (who lived there for a while), and paid for it, cackling greedily the whole time, while pitying the poor schnooks who had somehow overlooked this treasure. 

The colorful image shows the "Lost Dutchman Mine Ride", which was (I am told) one of the most-loved attractions. Judging by the blacklight effects, it was a cross between Knott's Berry Farm's "Calico Mine Train" and Disneyland's "Rainbow Caverns". There are some photos of the attraction at this site.

In Florida, there is a little park called Walt Disney World. Not many people have heard of it, but it has its charms. In 1970, the Florida Citrus Commission sponsored the Enchanted Tiki Room, as well as the "Sunshine Tree Terrace" (where guests could get snacks, drinks, and treats); the Orange Bird was created (by Disney artists), and a costumed character could often be found at the Sunshine Tree. I'm not sure exactly when this button was given out, but I've had it for a long time. 

When the Florida Citrus Commission severed ties with the Disney folks in 1987, the Orange Bird went away. But, somehow, the character found some sort of weird fame in Japan. They love their appealing cartoon characters! Taking note of this fact, ol' Orangey returned to WDW in 2012.

I hope you have enjoyed today's souvenirs!


  1. Major-

    Come to the Florida Sunshine Tree...This is a link that shows a new poster.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. The Orange Bird even had his own song that was written by the Sherman Brothers, produced by Tutti Camarata, and sung by the ever-loving, orange juice-serving (and cream pie-wearing) Anita Bryant.

  3. I was trying to find a link to just "The Orange Bird Song" and happened to come across a full long-playing record of "The Story and Songs of The Orange Bird." It appears that listening to the entire album might be a little painful, but "The Orange Bird Song" does start just a minute into the album....right after the intro. Funny, I can almost hear Annette singing that song. Actually, I wish it WAS Annette that was singing the song.

    The Story and Songs of The Orange Bird

  4. And here's a link to the commercial jingle...

  5. Oddly, the only family photo I can recall of a costumed character during our first trip to WDW in 1979 is of the Orange Bird.

    TokyoMagic!, the album link is priceless. Along with Anita Bryant, the album features the voices of Ron Howard and the ubiquitous Robie Lester, who practically narrated my early childhood by way of countless Disneyland Records. Every time I hear a tinkling bell, I have an uncontrollable urge to turn a page. This was their final appearance on a Disneyland record.

  6. great photos, Major, and and some awesome stuff here from my fellow attendees on the Orange Bird!! :-)

    I love the Frontier Village tray....I can see it in my collection!

    I am also a saver of such things as business cards, brochures, empty wrappers, napkins, etc. Love how much such a small thing can bring joyful memories of the best times in our lives :-)

    Thanks for a great post today!

  7. Nanook, I have seen that poster! It’s pretty good… a lot better than some of the more recent posters that Disney has produced.

    TokyoMagic!, that song definitely has some 60’s charm to it; and Anita sings it well - it’s just too bad she was such a creep.

    Nanook, I actually remember that commercial from back in the day!

    Chuck, I wonder if your parents took the photo with the Orange Bird because it was unique to WDW? I haven’t listened to the whole Orange Bird album yet (hey, I have paces to go! Things to do!), but I will check it out later. Robie Lester, why isn’t she a Disney Legend??

    Nancy, the business card from Jungleland is my favorite of the bunch, but I am biased, since I went to Jungleland as a child. Glad you liked these!

  8. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I remember hearing about Frontierland, but Jungleland is a blank to me. I never visited either one. I bet it would have been fun.

    I love the vintage card, very cool.

    I tend to keep business cards and ticket stubs too. Often these bring back a flood of memories and images, more so than you might think for something so simple. And they're usually free or already paid for with admission etc., so no extra cost!


  9. Major, be prepared - the Orange Bird album is a bit of a trudge. And yes - I did listen to the whole thing. In my opinion, not one of the better-executed Disneyland records.

    I think our Orange Bird photo was taken because my sister and I were able to get close to the character and get a hug without any competition. I have a vague memory of drinking orange juice from a plastic orange right after coming out of Tropical Serenade on our first day in the Park, and I'm sure that's when the photo was shot.

  10. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Regarding the Florida Citrus Commission sponsorship of the Enchanted Tiki Room… was WDW open in 1970? Just curious.

  11. Magic Kingdom opened on October 1, 1971

  12. So Jungleland was some kind of Scarbrough Fair? ;)

    I remember first seeing the Orange Bird at a Florida citrus stand in 1982. I was so tickled to see him again when we arrived at Disney World.

  13. Dean Finder5:56 PM

    Since the Florida Orange Bird was owned by the growers' association, you could see him outside of the park. I lived with my grandparents down there for a summer in the mid 80s, and saw the character at nearly every grove store.
    Here's an example of a sticker that showed up a lot:

  14. I can remember Frontier Village very well. I went often as a kid and as a young adult the season it closed (I had to say goodbye). I remember quite a few of the rides and attractions. The Lost Dutchman's Mine was a favorite and pretty spooky for a young 'un. Also there was El Sito Mysterio, similar to Knott's Haunted Shack and a few hundred other 'mystery sites'. What I remember most of that was a portrait of a Bandito who's eyes and face would follow you wherever you went about the room. Same trick as in the Haunted Mansion, but done many years earlier. Lots of simple rides such as a small carousel and smaller ferris wheel. I should dig up my pics for you, Major.

    - SGV
