It's time for some more oddball (and lame?) images from that legendary lot of slides from August, 1961. With all of the buildup, they had better be damn good! (They're good, but not amazing, to be perfectly honest). Anyway, even though today's fall into the "meh" category, they are not complete wastes of time.
Can you guess where our photographer was standing when he/she took this picture? Hmmm, where would you have that expanse of lawn, with a train passing close by? I'll give you a hint: it's not the moon.
Somebody was getting artsy. "The juxtaposition of this old-fashioned lamp post next to the distant sails of the Columbia evokes man's subjugation of nature and his subsequent sense of alienation and paranoia". I give you permission to use that in your doctoral thesis, you will get an A++ and a smiley face.
If you look carefully, Slumpy McGee (the dead settler) can just be seen through the foliage. He left the iron on and then ran to the outhouse with an arrow in his hand. Then he tripped, and that was the end of Slumpy.
If Disneyland used my story, they could have kept the burning cabin and the settler - everything would be PC (it was just a freak accident!), and it would teach children to not run around with arrows while ironing.
"Seinfeld" was a "show about nothing", and this slide is a photo of nothing. Sure, there are trees and umbrellas and people; but it almost feels as if the photographer pushed the button by accident. I a bit discombobulated… would the Coke Corner be to our left, and the castle to our right?