Friday, July 04, 2014

Main Street and Castle, 1956

Happy 4th of July! Get out your mini American flags, eat some BBQ and potato salad, maybe go for a swim or to the park, and then wave a sparkler around after dark! And if you're lucky enough to live near a fireworks display, by all means, GO.

What's more American than Main Street USA at Disneyland? Not much! I love this first photo, with the red Horseless Carriage and the Fire Engine heading north towards the castle. And I never get tired of the amazing detail on the storefronts along Main Street.

The giant Yale key (from the "Yale and Towne" shop) needs to be mine. Just beneath it, you can see two gentlemen who might be veterans of World War I, or maybe even the Spanish American war (Remember the Maine!). Notice the guy in white - an ice cream vendor? - catching a ride on the back of the fire truck.

And I might as well include this beauteous shot of Sleeping Beauty Castle, from the early days. The sign with the map, to our left, helped Disneyland newbies to navigate around this new thing called Disneyland.


  1. Major-

    Some beautiful images for the 4th of July. And if you do end up with the key from Yale and Towne Shop, please explain the bitting to me. It would appear the cylinder it's meant to operate has eight-? pins. It would most-likely be the one and only.

    Thanks, Major - and have a nice holiday.

  2. Chuck5:40 AM

    Great way to start my Independence Day, Major! Thanks for today's pictures and enjoy the day!

  3. The castle image is a beauty, proving sometimes less is more.

    Happy 4th of July to all!

  4. Nanook, it is easy to explain. Doors that require a 5 foot-long key are different from regular doors. I speak from experience.

    Chuck, please don't hold firecrackers in your hand; also, beware of the potato salad!

    K. Martinez, it is a nice one… if only the castle was more pink!

  5. @ Major-

    Indeed you do-!

  6. Dean Finder12:00 PM

    That's a barber riding on the back of the firetruck. Walt insisted a barber ride along with the firemen, to ensure visitors saw only period-accurate mustaches.
